Did becoming a parent change things...drastically?

Has your new way of thinking changed so much that you often wonder how you could think or do some of the things from your pre-parenting days?

If so then you are among a hefty group of individuals finding themselves in the same boat, particularly moms. It's decided than one of the greatest life-changing events is having a baby. Both moms and dads have quit smoking, drinking, gambling, living dangerously, spending frivolously, and loads of other not-so-smart activities.

If you didn't change or even give up a dirty habit when your kid was born then you probably won't. Enough about dirty habits, though. What about the normal, everyday activities and thoughts - did these change for you, as well?

Maybe you got a little more lenient with your wardrobe or perhaps you stopped judging others so much. It could be that a little more compassion and empathy entered  you life when your sweet baby arrived (and that sweet baby turned into a toddler).

What about things like boogers, smelling another human's butt. poop, boob milk, and all those wonderful things that can accompany a baby. Has your opinion changed on those, too?

Sometimes it's pretty intense how our way of thinking takes a complete turn-around when we become responsible for another life. There are probably days you just want to go back in time and ask your former self what in the world you were thinking. Also, you may want a little reminder of how it was before kids (when you slept and looked fashionable).

Here are 15 questions moms want to ask their former self. Would you ask any of these questions?

15 How Could You Wear THAT?

While regretting some outfits we once wore is not foreign to any person (especially women) in this country, the profound effect our past wardrobe has changes significantly after children. Baby girls and boys alike make most of us moms think a little differently.

There are a few different approaches you can take when it comes to your past clothing choices. In looking back of some of the more riske outfits, you may find yourself feeling utterly mortified.

You would never want your precious baby girl wearing that outfit for all the stinky boys to look at! Another approach would be that you just don't want your kids to find out what a huge (but trendy) dork you truly were. Then again, maybe it just makes you too sad to look at your old outfits knowing that your mom hips can't squeeze into them.

14 Why Did You Think Breastfeeding Was Gross?

Many women...MANY women have sexualized their breasts without even knowing it. It's the way of the word or rather our world here in America and we simply accept it. Breasts are sexy. Breasts are to turn men on. Breasts are play toys during sexual intercourse. Breasts are...blah, blah, blah.

This line of thinking opens up a lot of doubt and some negative feelings about breastfeeding altogether. Once you as a breastfeeding mom get over these hurdles and charge full-force ahead, you realize exactly how powerful your breast really are.

In looking back, sex was the focus of your breasts. Now, your breasts are comfort, nourishment, bonding, and warmth. They are the closeness that your baby wants and needs. The change from sexy to baby happens in the blink of an eye and so does the sexy-boob mindset. After the change, you'll be asking yourself how in the world you could ever think breastfeeding was anything but completely awesome.

13 Why Did You Listen To Others So Much?

We all do it. We listen when we should probably just walk away. Here's the thing - some advice is really, really good! You probably think to yourself that you can't walk away because I'll miss some great advice, so you stay and listen only to find out it was a false alarm.

Like a bad ending to a movie, you feel sort of mislead. Not cool!

Also, you're a pretty nice person, right? Just because you're pregnant are people watching you a little more. Maybe you think they're expecting you to be cranky, forgetful, or emotionally unstable. Admittedly, it's a bad feeling knowing others aren't thinking highly of you simply because you're growing a baby inside.

You sort of want to prove them wrong, so when others talk you shut your mouth, put on your best "I'm really into this" face, and you just listen. Your intentions aren't bad because proving people wrong is a huge part of life, but we're here to tell you that you don't have to waste your time like this. You have the right to walk away from old-fashioned bull.

12 What Was It To Pee Alone, Because I Can't Remember?

The memories fade very quickly. Before children you take all of these little things for granted. Even some doggie moms know how this goes. We all know dogs follow you into the bathroom, as well. Plus, if you shut the door, they'll paw at the door just like a 2-year old child.

You promise yourself that you'll maintain your virtue and grace by using the restroom alone. It's a noble thought. But as you sit there trying to poop nursing a child at the same time, you'll freely and happily give up this pursuit.

Little by little, the memories of peeing alone will fade away. One day you'll get the chance to use the restroom alone and you'll be lonely. Actual loneliness will fill your heart for about 3 minutes and then you'll realize that you've arrived at true motherhood. Awesome.

11 What Did Fashion Mean So Much To You?

No one can explain fashion better than a new mom. Fashion is...drum roll...incredibly unnecessary. Most of the time, clothes are unnecessary. And who cares if they match or even if they're clean!

Most of the time you need something to hold up the girls in front and then something to hold the big maxi pad in place on your lower half. If that's not sexy, I'm not sure what is...

Before kids your closet was organized and adorable. You even pinned about three dozen cute pregnancy and post-pregnancy outfits on your Pinterest wall. That was a joke, right! No, not a joke but back then those were your priorities. Things change. When you have a sweet baby to nurture, matching clothes get bumped to the bottom of the list.

Once you get through your awkward sweatpants and t-shirt phase, start bumping fashion up a few notches on your list. You'll need the ego boost. Plus, your boobs look awesome now so take advantage!

10 Why Did You Judge Other Parents So Harshly?

Before you had kids did you find that you were really good at parenting? You may have even spotted a parent while you were out and about who was "handling" their child all wrong. You mentally named off three things you'd do different with your own kids. Hmmm, very impressive weren't you?

So, now that YOUR kid is the one picking his nose and wiping it all over the grocery cart while he sings, Buck Cherry's "Crazy B****," are you understanding a little bit about how insane children drive their parents? You're probably wondering how you could ever judge other parents so harshly.

Honestly, most days are just trying to survive this whirlwind of parenting. The last thing you need is some snooty-nosed know-it-all shooting judgmental laser beams from their weaselly little eyeballs.

9 Why Didn't You Appreciate Your Own Parents?

You've seen all the pictures of when you were a kid. Your mom keeps a big photo album of them on her coffee table. Good times! As you scroll through the pages, they begin to look strangely familiar. Not familiar because you actually remember each moment, but familiar because now you're the parent in those same situations.

It happens to most adult children when they themselves become parents. You begin to realize how hard your parents worked to provide for you. The bedtime stories become so much more of a special memory because you know now how difficult bedtime can be.

All the little things that you took for granted as a child means so much more now and you wonder why you didn't appreciate them more. Children don't know any better, but kudos to you for recognizing how awesome your parents were now that you're an adult.

8 How Did It Feel To Sleep In?

You've seen the memes for all-nighters, right? Basically, they compare all-nighters before kids (which is typically a club scene) to all-nighters after kids (which is staying up all night with a sick kid). Admittedly, they do make me smile and even chuckle a little bit.

There is still a part of me that wonders how it felt to sleep in after a late night. I truly can't remember. If you're like me, you've not slept in since the day you brought home your first baby. More than anything else, you desire sound sleep. You want this even more than a night clubbing because let's be honest, you can't stay awake that long anyway.

Most parents would ask their former selves what it was like. Just give me a little reminder to tide me over for another 15 years, please!

7 How Could You Think Bedtime Was Easy?

Back in the day, before the littles arrived, you'd hear what a struggle it was to get kids to do two things. The first was getting a kid to take a bath (and subsequently getting him out of the bath). The second was getting a child to go to bed. If it were up to them, no child would ever need a bath and no child would need to sleep...ever...never Mom, I'm not tired!

In my own life, I remember Mom gather us kids into one bedroom to read bedtime stories. I wanted to be just like her with my own children because those bedtime stories are some of the greatest memories for my siblings and me. What I didn't remember was the struggle to wrangle us all in there then convince us to actually sleep after story time.

BUT, when I became a mom and experienced this, my own mother assured me that the struggle was real in her own motherhood, too. How could I think it was easy? Oh, maybe it's because my mother became a pro and made it look easy! One step at a time...

6 How Could You Assume The House Would Be Clean?

This is where Pinterest gets in big trouble. All of the beautifully decorated and CLEAN homes shine like diamonds from Pinterest. Peaceful little children happily play in the middle of the room with their neat little toy totes nearby.

Granted, there are some pretty great idea boards on how to quickly pick up and keep kid's stuff organized. They really do work. There are those days, though, when you wonder what sort of witchcraft has possessed your child and turned them into a force of devil-like destruction.

Seriously, why are the tampons in the fridge? And why is there butter on the dog?

I don't understand how these things can happen, but they do. You know they do, but your precious little pre-child self doesn't. So, most of us would ask that naive person how in the world could we think that our house would ever be clean again after having kids.

5 Why Did You Think Your Kid Would Be Different?

You're in the grocery store and the kid in the next aisle is screaming bloody murder because his mom won't let him stick the shopping list up his nose. It really is a tragedy to him, but the rest of the store only sees it as a tragedy to their ears. It's a tragedy to your ears, too. After a long day dealing with with what can only be categorized as human creatures (aka co-workers), the last thing you want to deal with is a noisy shopping experience.

You quietly mumble under your breath that your kid will never do that.

"Aww, poor you" says your present day you to your former self. Oh, and also "LOL...if you only knew..." Fast forward to the present day and now it's your kid scream bloody murder in the store because the rabbit on the Trix box won't look at him AND you wouldn't let him shove the shopping list up his nose. Double tragedy.

We all have good intentions, my friend, but when you won't even allow your innocent (and normal) child to shove a shopping list into his olfactory cavity then what do you truly expect? Kids are funny little beings and you probably wonder how you could have thought yours would be any different.

4 Why Did You Think Pregnancy Would Be Fun?

Umm, Pinterest you're going to get the shaft again. Mostly because you make pregnancy look awesome. You tease us with your perfect pregnancy fashion and pins on how to make a homemade this and a homemade that. We love you and we hate you.

Most of you moms probably discovered the truth about pregnancy shortly after discovering that you were pregnant. Maybe you were head-down into the toilet bowl or perhaps you were holding onto your breasts for dear life as you walked across a room because the pain of even a little bounce was just killer.

The glamour and romanic notions about pregnancy don't last too awful long. The end result is awesome, but the getting there can be a challenge. You've often wondered how your former self could have thought this was a fun idea. Fun - no. Totally worth it - absolutely.

3 How Could You Believe Mealtime Would Be Clean?

While slapping your former self upside the head, you'd remind yourself of the obvious. Literally, they make shields for protection from food for babies. Tiny little plastic or cloth shields that drape across a baby's chest - these are real things. They're called bibs!

The creation of these things aren't insane and they aren't because babies are such neat eaters. After watching your 16-month-old attempt to eat yogurt by himself, you will never wonder how the race of man has survived this long.

If it takes every ounce of will and thousands of tries, man will never starve. That yogurt will be undoubtedly be gobbled up. In addition, most of it will end up on the tray, the floor, up the nose, in the hair, and probably on a dog or two.

How could you think mealtime would be clean, former self - slap!

2 Why Did You Waste So Much Time Watching TV?

One of the biggest changes that parents undergo is that we no longer have time for the things we once did. We don't spend hours pampering ourselves. We're lucky to get one solid shower a week. We don't spend hours on the phone with our friends. No, our conversations are usually under 2 minutes and in code. It's just the way it is.

Time isn't a luxury anymore and we don't treat it as such. As a parent, we often fantasize about what we would do with more free time. In fact, we wonder what we used to do before having kids.

In looking back, most of us will admit that we spent a lot of our free hours in front of the television. Your present day self would most likely tell your former self to turn it off and go do something with your life. Go enjoy nature or find a hobby or learn to play an instrument because soon you won't have this time and you'll regret the you wasted it watching meaningless shows.

1 Why Oh Why Did You Think You Knew It All?

It's always funny watching someone who has been divorced 12 times give marriage advice. Or hearing a 1,200 pound person recommend a diet. You know where this is leading - it's a laugh for childless parents to give parenting advice. Feel free to laugh along with me.

The crazy thing is that we all do it. At least, we all think about doing it. It's only natural to imagine how you would want to raise your kids. Your former self probably had hundreds of well-intentioned and noble thoughts about childrearing. When your kids were on the way, you probably had goals for yourself and even strategies.

These are all good things! Having the thought that you know it all, you've read all the books, and can address every situation - these are normal. The only thing is that your kids will throw you for a loop. And for some reason, they don't include those pages in the parenting books. You just have to make that stuff up on your own.

You've got this!