Celebrities, some can't get enough of them. They believe everything they say from politics to health care advice and thrive on hearing about the daily gossip from magazines in the grocery store. At the end of the day, though, they are people. People just like the rest of us. Except they're rich and famous.

Being rich and famous does not make a person smart or worthy of spewing random advice. So many celebrities like to speak of their political agenda. Seriously, I couldn't care less what the Kardashians or Angelina Jolie or any other Hollywood personality thinks of politics. They need to stick to their acting, singing, clothing designs and restaurants.

I also don't find it wise to heed their advice on rearing children or how to take care of myself.

Gwyneth Paltrow has her own blog and has issued some advice to women. Some very bad advice. She literally has no clue what she's talking about and sounds like a crazy person in some of her entries. Please, if anyone reads her blog, do not take health advice from a woman who named her kid Apple.

Gwyneth Paltrow is just one example of our society's unhealthy addiction to celebrity advice. Much of celebs advice can be downright harmful. In my opinion, they're simply fear mongers. They will promote products to make a dollar, having no idea if it works, or if what they are saying has any truth to it.

There is no harm in enjoying celebrities and even admiring them. Reading crazy stories about the lifestyles of the rich and famous is a fun guilty pleasure many have. Just don't put too much stock into what they have to say.

16 Gwyneth Is Cray

Gwyneth has her very own blog called Goop. If I could name it, it would be called Load Of Bull Crap. She spews advice on topics she knows nothing about. One of the many things she knows nothing about is how to care for her lady parts. She promoted vaginal steaming (yes it's a real thing) as a way to relax the vagina and create a healthy balance.

She even stated that it would regulate and balance reproductive hormones and regulate periods. This is not founded and steaming one's vagina could even lead to death.

Filling our lady parts with hot steaming air and pressure is not wise. Do not follow this advice. Do not try this at home or anywhere else. Should you find yourself curious about this procedure a simple Google search will sway your decision. Many who have tried it found themselves instantly regretting it.

15 Kardashian Torture Devices Also Known As Waist Trainers

The Kardashians are everywhere. Whether you love them or hate them or are just indifferent to them, they aren't going anywhere. They have clothing lines, stores, and makeup lines. A new trendy piece they are pushing is a waist trainer. These little devices are supposed to widdle away belly fat and leave a wonderful hour glass middle.

It sounds like a dream come true. No working out, just wear the trainer for a few hours a day. They all swear by them and Khloe attributes the waist trainer to helping her lose weight. But there's a catch. These trainers crush your organs. Ever wonder why corsets went out of fashion. It was found that they crushed and moved the wearer's organs. It would also cause a woman to faint.

14 Kitty Litter Facials

“If you want a good facial and stuff like that, it actually really works,” she said. She is Snooki and she is talking about having a facial with Kitty Litter. I have never in my life heard of this.

First of all kitty litter is made of a variety of different chemicals. Just inhaling some of these chemicals is bad for humans. So why would putting them and rubbing them all over our faces be smart?

Well, according to Snooki it exfoliates the face for the best facial ever. It gets rid of the dead skin and cells leaving behind smooth, refreshed youthful looking skin. Um, no thanks. I'll stick to coconut oil and baking soda. If I need advice on how tan is too tan, I will be sure to ask Snooki.

13 Makeup Obsessed Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is a country singer turned pop singer, known for writing songs about her numerous ex-boyfriends. She is the role model to young girls and women alike. So when she says something or gives advice, more than likely there will be a few out there that tries it.

She once was on a flight and had no makeup with her or on her face. Deciding she simply couldn't be seen like that, she used a Sharpie Marker to line her eyes. Now, call me crazy, but that doesn't seem like a wise thing to do or to endorse.

First of all, we all know our eyes and area around our eyes are sensitive. So using a sharpie, on or around the eyes is just plain stupid. And if someone is that vain and shallow, perhaps she should be better prepared when traveling.

12 Sunscreen Is Bad?

Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers. We hear about it all of the time and know there are preventative steps we can take to help prevent skin cancer. One of those is to wear sunscreen. Wearing sunscreen can help ward off harmful, cancer-causing UV rays.

Gisele Bundchen does not seem to think so. She prefers to not put chemicals on her skin, even if they will protect her from skin cancer. The sun will cause early aging, fine lines, and wrinkles. Sunscreen can help prevent this.

Should one be worried about chemicals in sunscreen, there are plenty of natural sunscreens out there. We live in a time where cancer is rampant. Most of us know someone who has had cancer or passed away from it. It's simply irresponsible for a woman in her position to tell others not to protect themselves from the sun.

11 Beyonce And The Master Cleanse

Bey is treated like a queen. Men and women alike LOVE her, for whatever reason. She's ok and some catchy songs I guess. She is hot though and attributes her rocking body to some pretty extreme cleanses and diets. One, in particular, is the master cleanse, which sounds more like anorexia than a cleanse. Not to mention there is no proof it detoxes the body.

Drinking a blend of cayenne pepper, water, and syrup for thirty days, with no food will make any person drop weight. At what cost, though? It is an extreme and unhealthy way to drop weight and detox. Shame on her for endorsing this. Especially when she knows many influenceable young girls are looking up to her. She is a role model to them. They want to be like her and look like her.

10 The Leech Detox

Remember back in the 1800's when they didn't know much about illnesses, how to treat them or medicine in general? The would use leeches to drain the blood from ill people. It was called bloodletting and it was believed that letting a person bleed out for a bit would restore order to the body.

This was false, time and time again it proved to be harmful and eventually, the practice was no longer used.

Except for some crazy, whacky people who like using old school treatments which claim to make them look younger. Like Demi Moore. She claims that leech therapy is as good as a face-lift. It is supposed to brighten and tighten the skin leaving behind a youthful glow. None of these claims are founded, but what has been proven is the danger involved with letting leeches suck your blood.

9 Victoria Beckham Enjoys Bird Poop On Her Face

Apparently, the secret to Victoria Beckham's youthful glowing skin is nothing more than bird poop. Who would have thought? Not just any bird poop will do, though. It has to be the poop of a Nightingale. Their excrement is collected from the Japanese island of Kyushu, and while visiting Japan she found out about this gross facial.

She and her hubby, David both tried the facial and have continued to use it. There is no proof this helps the skin look younger or improve at all. Also, Doctors warn about rubbing bird excrement on one's face. It is full of germs and nastiness. And while David and Victoria are one of the world's hottest celebrity couples, that doesn't mean they need to be dishing out advice on anything.

8 Only The Skinny Can Date

Patti Stanger, also know as The Millionaire Matchmaker loves giving advice to people on dating. And one pearl of wisdom she spouted off was to date only at your lowest weight possible.

Seriously? She may be a matchmaker to millionaires, but obviously she doesn't know everything. It's sad that we live in a culture so obsessed with looks. I know when dating generally people always to look their best. But finding a diet and training, so to speak, to prepare to dive in the dating world is ridiculous.

No matter what size someone is should not have anything to do with them dating. Big, little, short or tall there is someone for everyone. Looks go away eventually anyway. We will all grow old and wrinkly one day, with any luck. It's ok to want to look nice, but to tell people not to date if they aren't at a low enough weight is wrong.

7 Jenny McCarthy The Queen Of Anti-Vaccines

Jenny McCarthy has been spouting off about vaccines since her son was diagnosed with it in 2005. She has since led a battle against vaccines claiming they cause autism and disorders and illness. None of what she states has been proven. However many people have jumped on this bandwagon and are refusing to vaccinate their children.

She also claims that she has cured her son autism through various behavioral therapies and diets.

Perhaps she did "cure'' her son and maybe vaccines do cause autism. More than likely this is false, and until it is proven she should not go around telling folks not to vaccinate their children. Celebrities need to remember people do listen to them. Just because they have an opinion on something does not make it so. A fact is different than an opinion. They need to realize this.

6 Eating Clay

Shailene Woodley has told people to eat clay to remove harmful, heavy metals from their bodies. While eating clay isn't going to kill anyone, it will cause constipation. I am all for holistic and natural treatments. I am not into propaganda and scare tactics by celebs.

Most of the population does not have a problem with too many heavy metals in their bodies, nor will they ever. It's actually pretty rare for heavy metal poisoning to happen. And should it happen, eating clay will not fix the problem.  If you're worried about getting the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals just eat more fruits and vegetables.

There are plenty of healthy vitamins and supplements that we can buy at any herbal store as well. In this modern day and age, there are plenty of safe and natural ways to get the amount on nutrients and vitamins we need. Eating clay is not one of them.

5 Suzanne Somers And Hormone Therapy

Considering Suzanne Somers age, she looks good. She attributes her good looks and youthfulness to rubbing hormones into her skin and injecting them into her vagina. Her theory is this tricks the body into believing it is making these hormones and not getting older. She has written books about this and has gained quite the following.

She wants to share her fountain of youth secret with the world.

The thing is, not only is it wrong and unfounded information she sells, it can be harmful. Hormone therapy is something a person and their Doctor should discuss and decide if it is right for that person. Believing that our bodies are stupid enough to be tricked into thinking it is younger due to hormones is just silly.

Our bodies will age, and there is nothing we can do about that except to take good care of ourselves and not listening to crazy advice from celebs.

4 Gwyneth Paltrow And Jade Eggs

Honestly, I could write a whole article on bad advice given by Gwyneth Paltrow. When searching for bad advice from celebrities, she is literally the first to pop up in the results. Some of her advice is just crazy, some could cause harm. She is now promoting the benefits of shoving a jade egg in one's vagina.

And for only $66.00 you can buy one! What a steal.

She claims the jade egg is supposed to help promote vaginal muscle tone, hormonal balance and "feminine energy in general". Whatever the hell that means.

While I'm sure all of these are good things, I don't feel shoving a jade egg the size of a golf ball inside of me is the way to attain these benefits. Oh and by the way, this little egg can cause toxic shock syndrome and bacterial vaginosis. So yeah, don't shove a rock up your pikachu. Gwyneth, it's time to hush honey.

3 Mariah Carey's Purple Diet

Seriously people. When will we learn there is no quick fix diet. Eating healthy and working out is the way. It's the healthy way. Quick fixes can be bad for our metabolisms making it harder to lose weight. These fad diets may deliver results, but the weight will come right back and then some when the diet has stopped.

Mariah Carey has told her followers to lose weight just eat things that are purple. Three days a week she follows this rule.

However, Doctors warn that this is not healthy. They encourage us to eat a rainbow of variety every day. Eating only foods that are purple can result in vitamin and nutrition deficiencies. I would rather listen to someone who knows what they are talking about than a celebrity that is somewhat out of touch with reality. Also, I am a huge MC fan.

I just think she's a little nutty.

2 Tom Cruise Does Not Give Good Advice

Tom Cruise was once a well-respected actor. Until he proved to the world that he is in fact, bats**t crazy. Tom Cruise is a member of the Church of Scientology. Apparently, Tom Cruise is an expert on the subject of Postpartum Depression and mental disorders. He even went on live T.V. and criticized Brooke Shields for taking anti-depressants when she was suffering from postpartum depression.

Scientologist do not believe in the use of mind altering medicines. Tom Cruise said Brooke Shields should have turned to vitamins. Yes friends, vitamins. Little did we know the answer to chemical imbalances were sitting at the grocery store in the form of vitamins.

Tom Cruise has proven time and time again that he is nutty, and way to into Scientology. When he gives birth and becomes a Doctor maybe I will listen to him. Probably not, though.

1 Don't Leave Home When Expecting

Kim Kardashian gave some great advice to pregnant women everywhere — Don't leave the house. She was asked how to dress a baby bump in an interview with Elle Magazine in 2014. Her response was not to. Don't find a pregnancy style, just stay home for a good year and hide.

Yes, the whore of vanity and fame told pregnant ladies not to leave their houses and to hide. You know, because pregnancy is horrible and ugly and must be hidden!

No seriously, she is that vain and shallow! She would rather be hidden for a year (and tell her fans to do so as well) than to be seen while pregnant or have to find a pregnancy style. I'm serious. You can't make this stuff up. Kim, just hide forever and we'll all be happy.

Celebrities, they're fun to watch and read juicy gossip on. They're not people we should be listening to for advice of any kind. Just because they can even make themselves sound like they know what they are talking about, doesn't mean they do. Usually, they are being paid to sell stuff to their fans. And they will say things that are not true or give bad advice to make money.

They're just people at the end of the day. People just like me and just like you. Their lives are very different than ours, though. They are out of touch with the "common" people. They live in the celebrity bubble and don't really have an idea about anything but how to look good and be famous. I have a hard time taking health and beauty advice from people who are not professionals.

People who try to tell you what to do and that they are selling a product to go along with their advice. Give me a break. As if they don't already have enough money. If they want to give advice on how to become famous, or an actor or singer, that's fine. Giving advice on something they're knowledgeable about makes sense.

For some reason, they don't get that. Celebrities would rather give advice on stuff they have absolutely no clue about. We tend to not listen to our friends and family's advice, so why do we listen to celebrities? Remember, they are just people. Crazy, bizarre and out of touch with reality people, just like us! But different.