The youngest Kardashian/Jenner generation is living the good life. Their famous parents want for nothing and share the many perks that come along with fame and fortune with their treasured tots. Belonging to one of the world’s most famous families is undoubtedly fun and most likely very exciting, but celebrity life also has its drawbacks. These adorable kiddos are living their lives in the spotlight, something that not many children have to deal with, and experience things that normal kids don’t ever have to worry about.

Paparazzi lurk in the bushes outside of their lavish homes and upscale schools hoping to catch a glimpse of them. Every time they throw a fit or have a public meltdown, the world hears about it. Many are quick to judge when a KarJenner baby is spotted snacking on something sugary. The list of the downsides to having famous moms and pops goes on and on.

Despite some obvious hardships that come along with being the baby of a big star, North, Saint, Chicago, Mason, Penelope, Reign, Dream, Stormi and True appear to be thriving. Some say they are spoiled, while others argue they actually live pretty normal lives. Read on for 10 times the Kardashian/Jenner babies were totally normal (and 10 they were spoiled).

Let's start with the 10 ways the kids are spoiled before we look at the 10 ways their lives are actually pretty normal...

Private Jets

The Kardashian/Jenner kids travel in style. They most likely will never know the misery of waiting in an endless TSA line at the airport or enduring a way-to-long layover between flights. When it’s time for these famous babes to travel, they board their private jets and settle in for a luxurious experience while up in the air. The majority of children will never know the ease and comfort that comes along with traveling by private jet. In fact, those who are lucky enough to fly at all will most likely rejoice if they get a window seat and a package of peanuts during their journeys through the skies.

Luxury Vehicles

As previously mentioned, when these beautiful babies have somewhere to go, part of the fun is in the glamorous ride they enjoy on the way to their final destination. According to, Kim and Kanye alone own around 20 luxury vehicles, these include a Cadillac Escalade, a Porsche Panamera, a Ferrari 458 Italia and a Rolls Royce Ghost. Most kids get from place to the place in the family sedan or minivan. They are lucky if the floor of the vehicle they ride in is free from Goldfish cracker crumbs and half-eaten chicken nuggets. In fact, for most tots, a crumb-free car is a luxury.

Elaborate Parties

In the age of Pinterest and searchable hashtags, children’s parties have never been grander. Think your neighbor threw an impressive bash for her child this year? Think again. Chances are the grandest party a regular kid has ever attended is nothing compared to a Kardashian/Jenner shindig. Case in point: every party the reality star parents we all love to envy have ever thrown for their little ones. Their parties feature top-of-the-line cakes, entertainment, decorations and party favors. In short, chances are every person who has ever attended a party for a KarJenner child has muttered “this kid is so freakin’ spoiled” under his or her breath.

Front Rows At Fashion Shows

Perhaps one of the most far-fetched things Kim and Kanye have ever done is tote their toddler along to a high fashion event. For obvious reasons, little Nori was not impressed with the latest designs that were paraded in front of her when her parents chose to bring her along to one upscale fashion show. Most people will never know what it feels like to sit shoulder to shoulder with Beyonce as a model rocking a shirt that costs more than the average person’s monthly rent and grocery bill combined struts by. North, on the other hand, had experienced this epic moment before she had even celebrated her second birthday.

Designer Duds

It’s sad but true that parents shouldn’t really expect their children to cherish cute outfits that have been painstakingly selected for them by well-meaning caregivers. The KarJenner kids are no exception. One of the clearest giveaways that they are rich as heck is the clothing they sport around town on a regular basis. When a child dons a designer handbag and shoes worth more than most kids’ entire wardrobes, it’s difficult not to assume said tot is just a little bit spoiled. It’s important to note, however, that some of the things the KarJenner kids have been photographed wearing look downright uncomfortable and completely un-kid friendly. This may be one reason for regular children to be thankful that their parents aren’t huge reality stars.

Preposterous Playrooms

Mother-of three Kourtney Kardashian recently shared pics of the place where her children play. And it’s magical. It has been said that kids these days have more toys and playthings than any previous generation, and the Kardashian kids probably have about 100 times more than that. We can’t blame the KarJenner parents for going all out when it comes to their kids. Who’s to say that all parents wouldn't do the same if they could afford it. Hey, the better the playroom the better the chance that the children will entertain themselves every once in a while and give mom and dad a little peace and quiet.

Movie Premieres

Ask a typical child “When was the last time you went to a movie premiere, little one?” and you will most likely be met with a blank stare void of any understanding. Why? Because most kids are lucky if their parents are willing to fork over the cash it takes to pay for movie tickets and popcorn at the local megaplex every once in awhile. The KarJenner kids, on the other hand, are as familiar with the red carpet as they are with Paw Patrol. They don’t just go to movies. They go to premieres of movies, which are two completely different things. Sorry, but if the words “I saw that movie at its premier” are in your vocabulary, you’re spoiled.

Royal Treatment

On a recent trip to the most magical place on earth, Nori and Penelope were most definitely given the royal treatment. They were given princess makeovers, and adorable pics of the cousin besties in all their Disney princess glory were everywhere soon after. Sure, normal kids can get princess makeovers at Disney parks too, but instead of looking at the experience as just another day, regular children will most likely forever hold the experience in their hearts as one of the best and most magical of their lives. North and Penelope, on the other hand, are dressing up and being treated like princesses on the daily.

Unconventional Playgrounds

Kourtney Kardashian took some major heat when she snapped pics of her children playing on top of her $122k Mercedes G-Wagon. She shared two of the images on social media and captioned the shots, “Rolling into the weekend like…” and her bro-in-law Kanye’s “Last Call” lyrics “Mayonnaise-colored Benz, I push Miracle Whips,” respectively. Her followers were not at all impressed, and some pointed out the pics were proof positive that the KarJenner kids are spoiled. Many were quick to call Kourt out for not only putting her kids in danger, but also for flaunting her wealth. One commenter wrote, “Maybe all these pics trying to show off are the reasons you all keep getting robbed. I would never take pics of my cars, jewelry etc...looks desperate and not classy.”

Uncomfortable Fur Coats

As adorable as it is to see a toddler strutting around in a coat that costs more than the college funds of most tiny tots, it’s also a bit unsettling. Not only does it look terribly uncomfortable to wear such a cumbersome item of clothing, the average person might assume that donning so many layers would result in an extremely elevated body temperature. Kimye’s darling first born daughter has been spotted on multiple occasions wearing a fur coat while out and about. Kids like to run, dance, play and move. All of these activities would most likely be inhibited by a giant fur coat. Not only does North's luxurious wardrobe lead some to believe that she's a bit spoiled, it causes many to feel quite badly for her. And here are the 10 ways their lives are as normal as any other kids'....

Rainy Day Fun

Some of the most magical of childhood experiences happen in the great outdoors. Rainy days are wet and a little cold, but also add a touch of whimsy to otherwise totally normal, mundane days. There is something joyful about the pitter-patter of raindrops on an overhead umbrella and the "splish splash" of tiny toes as they dip into chilly puddles. The KarJenner kids have been spotted out and about in inclement weather. Pics have even been snapped of these celeb tots carrying their own umbrellas! Sure, their shoes may be designer, but this doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy getting their feet wet from time to time.

Cozy Attire

Soft, snuggly pajamas are one of the best parts of childhood. After a warm bath and a yummy snack, it isn’t uncommon for little ones to be clothed in cozy, cuddly clothing before they are sent off to bed. The KarJenner children love cozy clothing just as much as regular kids do. In fact, when they are allowed to choose their own outfits, they often opt for comfort over style. In 2014, when North was still a tiny tot, Kim spoke to Peeps about her first born’s style. KK admitted, “I tried to put [her] in a faux-fur vest, but she hated it...She doesn’t mind headbands that don’t pull her hair.” Go figure.

Merry-Go-Round Rides

Rides on merry-go-rounds are simple pleasures the children everywhere adore. Sure, those horses are germ-infested, and usually need a fresh coat of lead paint, but there’s still something ultra-magical about taking a spin on a carousel. The KarJenner kids can afford to take rides in top-of-the-line trains, planes and automobiles, but they still have room in their hearts for cheap carnival rides just like regular kids. As they smile and giggle and go round and round, their faces blur just a bit and it’s almost possible to imagine that they are just normal kids enjoying some good, clean, nausea-inducing fun.

Sweet Treats

  Kids love sugar. It’s a fact. Kourt has been outspoken about the fact that it’s important to her for her kids to eat super healthy foods most of the time, but she allows them to indulge in the occasional treat. Stormi, Chicago and True aren’t really old enough to enjoy the plethora of sweet treats life offers, but the rest of the KarJenner children have been spotted enjoying yummy things to eat on many occasions. Their parents may have private chefs and access to the most expensive kale chips on the planet but they still eat suckers and ice cream cones and Sour Punch straws from time to time.

Christmas Pajamas

Holidays are magical for tots. Enjoying the festivities that go along with celebrating time-honored traditions with none of the stress and all of the fun is one of the absolute best things about being a kid. The Kardashian/Jenner children understandably celebrate every holiday in style. While they most likely nosh on decadent feasts and attend lavish parties, they also do a few things that regular kids do too. One of those things is don holiday PJs. Sometimes it’s the most simple of pleasures that are the most enjoyable, and the fact that these famous tots dress up in cozy digs on the night before Christmas makes them just a little more relatable.

Temper Tantrums

All children melt down from time to time. Parents who claim their kids have never, ever thrown a temper tantrum are lying, plain and simple. Therefore, while some may argue that pics of North West throwing royal fits prove she’s spoiled, others counter with the claim that these images prove that she’s totally and completely normal. If a shot of a famous reality star dealing with a screaming child doesn’t make them more relatable, then what does? Growing up is hard. Being little is challenging. The truth is, crying for no apparent reason is one of the most normal things a child can do.

Ballet Lessons

Ballet lessons are one of those quintessential childhood experiences that many cherish in their hearts forever and always. The graceful poses, the flowing music, the ability to pretend one is a prima ballerina, are just some of the many reasons that kids flock to ballet classes in droves. Penelope and North enjoy attending ballet classes just like regular kids. They have to stand in line and follow the rules just like everyone else. The fact that these two famous tots participate in an activity that is enjoyed by so many other kids around the globe makes them seem, well, kinda normal.

Cousin Cuddles

It is an undeniable fact that cousins often share a special, unbreakable bond. There is something so wonderful about a playmate that’s not a sibling, but is so much more than a friend. Cousins just get each other. Children all over the world cherish their cousin time, and the Kardashian/Jenner babes are no different. The bonds shared between these famous tykes are real and oh-so-relatable. When a pic of North and Penelope holding hands appears in one’s news feed, it’s almost possible to imagine that these cute cousins are normal humans just like the rest of us.

Family First 

Like most normal families, the KarJenners spend a lot of time together. Not only are the Kardashian/Jenner kids close to their cousins, they share a special bond with their aunties, uncles and grandmas too. It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child, and the KarJenners are living proof of this fact. They may live opulent lives, and some of the choices they make may be considered by some to be more than a little over-the-top, but they love their babies, and are instilling a love of family in their offspring. This is not only normal, but also totally and completely admirable.

Sweet Snuggles 

One of the most relatable and normal things about the KarJenner kids is their love of a good snuggle. What little one doesn’t adore nestling in close to Mom and allowing the worries and stress of the world around them to simply melt away? North, Saint, Chicago, Mason, Penelope, Reign, Dream, Stormi and True may have crazy expensive toys, opportunities to travel the world and enviable expensive wardrobes, but, when it comes right down to it, the most important things in the world to them are the relationships they share with their families. Is there anything more normal than that?
