Relaxing, anxiety-lessening, creativity-boosting are some of the benefits for which marijuana has been praised for years. And since it has been legalized in some states of America, it’s something as casual as having a drink after a hard day.

After asking some parents why they smoke weed, the answers received range from the obvious to the interesting. Some said it’s a nice treat at the end of a long day, while others claim it makes playtime better or it helps with anxiety so they can be there for their kids.

It’s my private time

John, 36, from Colorado, says he smokes after the kids have gone to bed. It’s like his hobby, which helps him to maintain his sanity. For him, it isn’t a privilege that he gets every day. Thus, “It’s a completely different, more refined appreciation.”

It’s my reward

Xavier, 32, from Michigan, rewards himself for managing another day of parenting successfully. While his wife “goes to the freezer for ice cream,” he goes to “the back of the sock drawer” and celebrates for surviving another day.

It keeps me on schedule

Peter, 37, from Rhode Island, smokes during the day after his kids leave for school. Unlike others, it doesn’t make him lazy. “The clarity and peace” gets him “psyched to enjoy the quiet, and get shit done.”

It Makes My In-Laws Tolerable

For Brandon, 35, from Pennsylvania, weed helps him deal with his overbearing and “unreal” in-laws. He often sneaks out for a quick drag. So, does his wife, after her parents have left.

It’s Our Special Time Together

“Our kids don’t know we smoke. It’s like having an affair without any infidelity,” says Jason, 37, from Illinois.

It’s a Bonding Exercise

Jeffrey, 40, from Maryland, feels it's like sharing a beer with his father. He, too, has smoked with his son, who's in college. And neither of them flaunts it, but he hopes to enjoy it for the rest of their lives.

It Makes Me Patient

According to Will, 36, from California, “marijuana is a parenting miracle.” It bestows him with the energy required to participate in his kids' craziness, without losing his nerve.

It Helps My Anxiety

Mike, 34, from Oregon, has anxiety issues, and he has been smoking weed since college. He has also taken medicines, but nothing works better than marijuana.

It Encourages Discussion

Christopher, 39, from Florida, and his wife smoke, but they neither celebrate it nor hide it from their kids. They hope their kids will make educated and not forced decisions.

It’s a Great Way to Bond With Other Parents

Matt, 38, from California, thinks marijuana isn't a taboo anymore. Besides kids, it gives him a reason to bond with other parents.

It Takes Playtime to a New Level

“When I’m not high, I play with my kid as a parent. When I am, I play with him as a kid,” says Gabe, 35, from Minnesota

RELATED: What You Should Know About Using Marijuana While Breastfeeding

It Gave Me Back My “Normal Time” With My Kids

AJ, 46, from Florida, is undergoing chemotherapy for early-stage prostate cancer and marijuana helps him to fight the pain and spend some ‘normal’ time with kids.