Pregnancy and giving birth can be hard. Despite the advancements of medical technology, many moms can still have a hard time making it through their pregnancy or their delivery. Even when doctors tell concerned moms that everything is going along just fine, life throws a mom for a loop, and sends them to the emergency room and an early exit.

It is critical that moms be aware of certain conditions during their pregnancy, many of which are totally normal, but could soon prove deadly. Things as typical as weight gain, itchiness, swelling, and pain could be a signal that something is actually wrong. Moms shouldn’t stress or freak out over this, as neither baby nor mom need extra doses of stress while pregnant. It is just important to communicate frequently with the obstetrician or midwife as needed, and to be in touch with how mom’s body is feeling during pregnancy.

Pregnancy can bring on a whole lot of unforeseen changes to mom’s body. The physical and emotional changes a mom experiences, can be a warning signal to mom and medical professionals about the health of mom and baby. Moms need to be aware of their bodies, health, and stay informed about their pregnancy.

12 Not All Babies Kick The Same

There is nothing quite like the feeling of baby making their first noticeable movements in the womb. When mom or others place a hand on the bump, and get a little kick in return from baby, it really hits home how amazing pregnancy and their little one can be. Moms should definitely take notice of how often baby moves around, especially as they move into the second and third trimester. It's important to remember that no pregnancy is the same. Some moves might feel the baby move daily, while others much less. So, moms, do you know when it's time to call the doctor?

If baby suddenly experiences a slowing down of movements it could be a sign that something is wrong. Stress, high blood pressure, exposure to contaminants, and other problems could lead to baby developing a defect or a possible miscarriage. Once baby starts letting mom and the rest of the world that they are alive and kicking in mom’s tummy, it is vital to keep tabs on how regularly baby is busting a move in the womb.

11 Swelling Is Normal Unless

Pregnancy brings on swelling, especially to a mom’s lower extremities like her legs and feet. If feeling tired most of the time as pregnancy progresses wasn’t enough, having to buy a larger pair of shoes, and feeling super puffy all the time can really put a dampen things, so swelling is normal during pregnancy. But, if mom is suffering swelling in her face, hands, and legs that refuses to subside after some downtime, this could be a sign of imminent danger.

Blood clots are a huge risk while pregnant, in addition to the development of varicose veins. If swelling refuses to go down, it could because of a blood clot. Typically wearing comfortable shoes with little to no heel, drinking water, and rest help alleviate edema. Medication may be necessary to thin out any possible clots. If one leg is more swollen than the other, coupled with chest pains, the heart may be in trouble.

10 When Blurry Is All You See

Many pregnant report feeling faint and getting blurry vision during pregnancy, so don't rush to the ER the moment you start experience these symptoms. Blurry vision, that doesn't seem to stop however, might be a sign of preeclampsia and pregnancy-related high blood pressure, and can put strain on mom and baby’s health. Mom’s who have a medical condition like diabetes, gestational diabetes, or are overweight are typically more at risk of developing preeclampsia or may experience blurry vision. A good diet, low-impact exercise, and medical intervention may help.

Thankfully, if mom keeps up with prenatal appointments, she can get checked out regularly to make sure her blood pressure and blood are at healthy levels. It is important that mom takes her time when getting up after sitting for awhile, and not move too quickly. Blurry vision should not be a chronic thing while pregnant. If mom is having dizzy spells and a hard time seeing, along with pain and swelling, it’s time to call the doctor.

9 Fevers Are Common... Until They Don't Break

When mom gets a fever while still carrying a bun in the oven, the threat of complications or possible fatality is real. During pregnancy, it is very important that mom keep her body temperature regulated, as overheating can cause baby to suffer defects or even perish in the womb. If a mom has a fever that refuses to break, she really needs to head to medical professionals pronto. Certain medications to combat a fever might risk injury to the fetus as well.

A woman’s immune system gets compromised when pregnant, in order to help support and establish the baby’s residence in the uterus. Keeping away from sick people, drinking plenty of fluids, eating a healthy diet, and not stressing out is critical for mom and baby’s health and wellness. Bacterial infections, viruses, and fevers can all be dangerous.

8 Hot Flashes Can Signal Something More

Guess what? Not only do women get to enjoy hot flashes during menopause when they become older ladies, but pregnant mamas get to enjoy feeling flushed and hot too. Thanks Mother Nature, you not-so-funny thing you. Hot flashes can sneak up and hit women around their second-trimester, leaving them feeling overheated, sweating, and even with blurry vision for a moment.

Thanks to hormones going on a roller coaster ride, while baby is doing their thing in the womb, hot flashes can fluster pregnant women on a weekly basis. Hot flashes are usually not something to cause mom to go into a panic, as they eventually do pass. But if mom is also suffering high blood pressure and sustained blurred vision, it might be time to talk to the obstetrician to rule out diabetes or preeclampsia.

7 The Headache That Won't Stop Pounding

As mom heads into the second and third trimester, her body will be working twice as hard to pump blood and keep she and baby healthy and strong. In fact, because a pregnant mama will have double the amount of blood in her body while pregnant, it can be taxing at times. Headaches can and will happen to many pregnant ladies.

Massages, aromatherapy, low-impact exercise, and meditation can help alleviate stress which exacerbate headaches. When a headache is more of a migraine and refuses to take a hike, mom should take some precautions and look into things. Women who suffer migraines during pregnancy are 15 times more likely to have a stroke, an embolism in the lungs, or heart attack in life. Blood clots are usually the culprit causing debilitating headaches, which could end mom’s life early if left undetected.

6 The Bump, Trip Or Fall

If mom is unfortunate enough to live in a major city and commute via public transportation, the risk of falling and not being able to get a seat can make things rough. A pregnant mama definitely wants to take care about not falling while pregnant, and to travel as carefully as possible. This means, buckling up properly around the bump while in the car, sitting while traveling on a bus or train, and taking things slowly.

Depending on how a mom suffers a fall, bleeding, early labor, or a miscarriage could take place. The baby bump and mom should be given a wide enough berth for comfort and safety. Pregnancy is not a time to rush and risk taking a nasty tumble. Serious falls where the bump takes one for the team should be checked out by the doctor.

5 Pay Attention As The Pounds Go Up

When it comes to weight gain, it can be difficult enough to not feel guilty about food choices, portion control, and whether things can be justified because a mom is ‘eating for two.’ It is vital for mom and baby’s health that a mother eat enough nutritious food, and to put on a healthy amount of weight. This is natural.

However, rapid weight gain might bring on more than just a cringe at the scale for mom. Excess weight may throw a mom into gestational diabetes, stress out the joints and back more causing pain, and potentially cause baby to be born with birth defects, prematurely, or suffering morbid obesity. Rapid weight gain can lead to mom suffering heart problems during or after her pregnancy, and cause baby to develop a myriad of health issues.

4 Feeling Winded Is Normal Unless There Are Other Symptoms

As baby’s delivery date nears, and baby puts more weight and stress on the bump, it is completely normal for mom to feel a bit winded while getting around. It is so important that mom pamper herself, and take the necessary time to get rest and put her feet up on occasion. Engaging in any strenuous activities are definitely off-limits, as too much physical exertion could cause early labor, contractions, stress, or pain.

However, moms need to look into shortness of breath that is also accompanied by chest pain and high blood pressure. This could be a sign of preeclampsia, or even heart problems caused by blood clots. Usually shortness of breath happens while pregnant, thanks to the increase of the hormone progesterone, and is completely normal. Frequent sustained periods of difficulty breathing should be checked out right away.

3 When Aunt Flo Pays A Visit

Bleeding is expected in light measures while a woman is pregnant. Bleeding can happen after a mom decides to get in on with her partner, stress on the cervix and growing womb create some shedding, or mom has a fall. Typically, any bleeding a mom experiences during her pregnancy won’t last long, and is usually in a very light amount.

Heavy bleeding that does not stop after a day should definitely signal a trip to the doctor. Heavy bleeding could be a sign that mom is suffering a miscarriage, that the baby might be in danger, or that the V and surrounding areas could have an injury or infection. Moms who experience any heavy bouts of bleeding should not risk their health or their unborn child, and seek medical attention immediately.

2 What Kind Of Soreness?

As the baby bump stretches out to give baby more room, aches and pains are a regular thing. It sucks, but thankfully pain relief can be found via a hot water bottle, or a prenatal massage. Feeling pain in the lower back, baby bump, legs, and headaches can happen. Moms should stress out, but remember to take time out to relax, breathe, and take things easy.

Soreness that is persistent and severe is a reason to freak out a bit. No pregnant mama should be feeling any severe pain in their lower back, abdomen, or migraines that just won’t go away no matter what. Any intense pain that won’t stop after rest, or some approved medication, should definitely get checked out. Blood clots in the legs, arms, or in the head causing pain could prove deadly if left untreated.

1 Stomach Pain In The Early Stages

Pregnancy can really bring on some strange munchies, especially when mom gets hit with a craving. Sometimes stomach pain is not experienced by a mom, solely because she enjoyed pigging out on too much ice cream, pickles, or was wolfing down some delicious pieces of cheese. Stomach pain that leaves mom doubled over and out of breath, could be a sign that something is gravely wrong.

If mom is experiencing any severe stomach pain early in her pregnancy, the pain might be caused by an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies must be resolved by a medical professional. During a normal pregnancy, gas, bloating, constipation, and the shifting of mom’s organs may bring on the aches and pains in full force. Stomach pain that also comes with bleeding, high fever, or vision problems may be a sign of preeclampsia.

Sources: Medicine Net, The Bump, Parents, Todays Parent, What To Expect