The sweet little newborn wonder can make all women forget the permanent body changes for a while, but the wicked mirror keeps reminding the mommies of their out of shape bodies. Whoever it was – the one who decided the standards of a perfect body shape – didn’t he get old, didn’t he ponder over bigger problems the world is plagued with, didn’t he ever wonder about poverty and the number of kids dying of hunger in the world. Most certainly he did not and his descendants have set another record with the different ways they follow for body shaming.

That is why there is a huge pressure on the mother to get back into shape after pregnancy. All women aspire and dream of owning a perfect body. The pressure to look good and well toned, especially when it seems to be unachievable at times can bring down the confidence of a mother in the long run. They want to slim down, not for the sake of fitness and strength, but to meet societal standards.

Nevertheless, it does not mean that a new mother should not cut down the pregnancy fat. She should definitely make efforts to reduce excess weight, but it should be done to become stronger bodily and increase overall fitness and stamina. In other words, the endeavour should be to improve health and vigor.

We have a list of a few annoying and a couple of pleasant changes that transform a woman forever. Knowing the post pregnancy changes beforehand can help to brace for the changes mentally for a new mother. A noteworthy point before we begin is that these permanent changes may appear “big” in the beginning, but over time they fade so much so that they are not so visible.

14 Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are the most unwanted and ugly marks that every woman hates from pregnancy. They appear on the abdomen, buttocks and breasts and unfortunately stay forever. Although women can work out to get the belly back in shape in a few months, there is nothing they can do about stretch marks. Over the years, these marks do tend to fade into fine lines.

However, there are a few home remedies that can be tried to make them appear lighter. Post delivery, women can apply essential oils like castor, almond, coconut and vitamin E to reduce the marks.

But those who are carrying can certainly do one thing to lessen the number of stretch marks. Pregnant ladies should never scratch their bellies even if it itches terribly. If they follow this advice then they will get fewer marks on the lower abdomen and not on the entire belly. Prevention is always better than cure. Keeping the area well moisturized may also help.

13 Lose A Bra Cup Size

During pregnancy and breastfeeding the breasts are bigger and fuller, but over the years the breast size will come down a bit. Fortunately or unfortunately, they may not come back to the original size. Some women may experience bigger breasts and some may experience smaller breasts. In some they also appear longer and saggy. Many women complain of sagging breasts over a period after delivery. Breast sagging is called breast ptosis in medical terminology.

Research has found that breast sagging happens mostly in women who have a large breast size and it happens over a number of years, but breastfeeding is not a reason. Sagging happens in all large breasted women as they age. The sad news is that even a good fitting bra cannot prevent sagging. In fact, no exercises can reverse sagging as the breasts do not contain any muscles. Bras can only make breasts look better while wearing them.

12 Belly Bulge

Some women remember people asking “Are you pregnant?” months after delivery because their belly showed no signs of going back into shape. This is the most annoying and embarrassing comment to hear. The only thing to do is to get used to big sized clothes to hide the bulge. It takes 6 to 8 weeks normally for the uterus to shrink back to its original size and this period may be shorter or longer for some women.

The reason behind the bulge is diastasis recti. It means that the six pack abdominal muscles along the center of the stomach get separated. The tissues connecting these muscles become weak and thin during the third trimester and slide sideways. This makes the belly bulge in front. All pregnant women go through this, but this can only be corrected with the right type of exercises. Fitness expert Jill Hoefs says that abdominal crunches should be avoided as it may worsen this problem. Physicians advocate core compression exercises for best results.

11 Changes In The Brain

Who doesn’t want to be brainier? Pregnancy has its welcome side effects too. According to a study showed that the mothers who are enthusiastic and thrilled to see their baby after birth showed an increase in grey matter in their brains. The mothers in awe of their baby have a bigger midbrain as compared to those who were less enthusiastic on arrival of their baby. This boost in the grey matter develops what is called maternal instincts and motivates the mother and helps in proper development of the baby.

On the other hand, mothers who do not feel as much enthusiasm about the baby, may show opposite changes. The reason for change in size of the brain is unknown, but it is believed that it might be linked to an increase in prolactin, oxytocin and estrogen hormones. For an overjoyed mother the levels of dopamine increase and create a feel good impact on the mother. The mother gets stimulated at the sight, touch and feel of the baby, which triggers all the changes in the brain.

10 C-section Scar

Those who underwent a c-section have no option but to live with the c-section scar. For the first few months after a c-section, this scar is more visible than stretch marks. On a lighter note, it doesn’t appear at so many places like stretch marks, but only on the tummy. Most women get their c-section scar below the public hairline, which is also called a bikini incision. They can easily hide this scar when they get into a bikini. It is about a four to six inch long horizontal scar.

It is a rare event that a vertical incision is done in certain medical situations, but the good news is that after three to four years this scar fades and becomes barely noticeable. The c-section scar will appear red and swollen initially and also uneven, but as times passes it will eventually smooth out and become extremely faint. Those who have repeated c-section may continue to see the scar(s) and have to live with it.

9 Loss Of Bladder Control

Bladder or urinary incontinence can be temporary or permanent and depends on the woman. This is common in women who give birth naturally. Almost for a year, the new mother is unable to control her bladder and may have to make frequent bathroom trips. In such cases even sneezing, laughing and coughing can make the bladder leak. The pelvic muscles that control the urethra are weakened due to stretching and injury during vaginal delivery.

Loss of bladder control is also known as stress incontinence. Those women who are overweight, or delivered a large baby, had a prolonged labor, or underwent forceps delivery have a higher chance of stress incontinence. It can also happen in a few women who had a c-section, but it is not as common as in vaginal births. The good news is that this can be overcome with regular exercises, particularly Kegel exercises. Exercises can help most unwanted outcomes of pregnancy.

8 Bigger V

Vaginal changes happen commonly in women who give birth naturally. They feel that their vagina has become loose and dry. It may also remain sore and painful for many days after birth, especially if an episiotomy was done. During delivery, the skin between the vagina and anus, which is also called perineum, may tear apart or is cut by the doctor. After the delivery, the wound is sealed with a few stitches, which can remain painful for around 5 to 6 weeks.

The loosening of the vagina is something that is going to last and it cannot achieve its pre-pregnancy state. However, pelvic floor exercises or Kegel exercises can help tighten the muscles of the pelvis and vagina. These exercises tone and strengthen the muscles and also help in better bladder control. It will feel firmer while getting intimate with the partner. The dryness decreases when the mother stops breastfeeding. The high levels of estrogen during breastfeeding come back to normal when it is stopped and it reduces dryness in the vagina.

7 Weighty Issues

Most people have no idea how celebrities get back to shape after childbirth, but it is difficult for an average woman to get back their pre-pregnancy body. Even those women who maintained a desirable weight before pregnancy gain a few pounds permanently no matter how much they exercise and remain active. Women keep their old wardrobe intact for a few years in hope to fit into them. Years pass by and the whole wardrobe literally needs to be discarded.

But there are some women who really do lose weight and they give credit to breastfeeding. Breastfeeding, although does not help all women to reach pre-pregnancy weight, some do lose weight quickly. No doubt excessive weight can be lost, but achieving the same figure is almost impossible unless somebody is ready to go under the knife. Exercising helps to a large extent, but not to the extent to going back to the original figure.

6 Bigger Feet

The plump and fuller base of the feet flattens out after pregnancy. This is another thing to brace for after delivering. A half an inch of increase in the area of the feet is normal and happens to many women. The feet take the entire burden of the mother and baby during pregnancy and that is why the feet tend to flatten and need more space to fit in a shoe. Another fact is that the hormones during pregnancy loosen even the ligaments apart from muscles. This loosening of ligaments also causes the feet to flatten out.

So apart from the clothes, another investment in shoes is on the cards for those who are pregnant. This change in feet is usually permanent, and has been confirmed by a study. Researchers found that 60 to 70 percent of women have a shorter arch and longer or wider feet after delivery.

5 Bigger Buns And Thighs

Jogging, brisk walking, bicycling or swimming for 20 to 30 minutes for 3 to 4 days in a week can help reduce that extra weight on the bums. Cardio exercises will strengthen the leg muscles, along with shaping the buttocks. Other fitness routines like squats and lunges can also be included in the daily exercises. Many gym instructors suggest including the baby in the exercising regimen, such as holding the baby instead of dumbbells while doing squats.

However, any exercise should be started only after waiting for 4 to 6 weeks after delivery. A body that goes through traumatic changes should be given ample rest before the exercising begins. Physical exercises work wonders only when done with complete focus and relaxed mind. Most commonly women gain weight on the buttocks and thighs, but there are a few women who lose weight too. So, those who are carrying need to wait and watch how their body responds after delivery. Be sure to get the okay from the doctor prior to starting an exercise regimen.

4 Weak Bones

The body that felt so young just nine months back suddenly seems to have aged dramatically after delivery. The post pregnancy body seems so heavy, which did not seem so even while carrying the baby weight. The extent of pain varies in all women. In some women it is just a little discomfort, but some may feel extreme pain in their joints. Knee, ankle and wrist joint aches are common in most women though.

When the center of gravity changes during the last trimester it puts a lot of pressure and strain on the knees and ankle joints. Usually after pregnancy the bone density in the body goes down, making the bones a bit fragile. This happens as the body provides calcium to the baby during breastfeeding. The good news is that bone problems are faced by very few pregnant women. Even if the bones become weak they can be strengthened with the help of proper diet. Those who maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine do not encounter permanent problems.

3 Back Pain

Almost 50 percent of women complain of back pain after they deliver. Most women overcome this pain in around 6 to 7 months, but in approximately 20 percent of women this pain continues to trouble them even years after delivery.

If a woman had a problem of back ache before pregnancy then it may worsen during after pregnancy. After pregnancy too, some women tend to ignore their posture, especially while breastfeeding. A few precautions may help get relief from the pain. Yoga and other back exercises provide some relief from mild back pain. But in severe cases, a doctor needs to be consulted.

Back pain, during and after pregnancy, happens due to many reasons. One of them is change in posture; secondly during vaginal birth there is a lot of strain on the pelvic region and the lower back near the tailbone may get affected, which continues to give troubles years after childbirth.

2 Dark Patches On The Skin 

Many skin problems disappear after delivery but a couple of them may stay forever such as discoloration of skin. Many factors like high hormones levels along with UV exposure can result in hyper-pigmentation mainly on the cheek bones, forehead and around the eyes. According to skin care specialists, the longer the dark patches remain on the skin the harder it becomes to get rid of them. With time, the patches appear to grow and become darker. Those who are carrying should never venture out without a sunscreen. In fact, after pregnancy the skin is prone to tan or burn easily.

Some women get acne during and after pregnancy, which may bother time and again. Once the baby is off breastfeeding, skin treatment can be sought if the problem is severe. Some women get facial spider veins that vanish in some women, but some women may continue to have them. Dryness of the skin is another common problem faced by most women, but can be easily solved by keeping the body hydrated and applying moisturizers.

1 Well Toned Arms

Mommies-to-be should not get disheartened by reading so many unwanted irreversible changes in the body. Here is a breather. On a brighter side, the muscles of the arms after pregnancy get toned and strengthened. Carrying a growing baby in the arms for a year or more will give its fruits in the form of toned biceps. The only exercise mommy needs to do is for abdomen and pelvic muscles. Phew!

If mommy feels that lifting the baby is not enough for getting toned biceps then they may include the baby in the process. But remember the baby should be old enough (4 to 5 months) to support his or her head properly. Exercises like ‘baby-overhead press’ and ‘baby bench press’ can help tone the muscles of the arms. There are a number of other exercises for lower body parts that can be done with the baby. The baby will have a good time with the mommy too. Now who needs a gym!

Overall Change in Shape

Post pregnancy weight gain in women may annoy a lot of women but there are a lot of women who are happy to have gained extra pounds. Those who hated their bodies before pregnancy with small breasts, hips and a boyish figure happily flaunt their new found curves. They are elated to gain weight just in the right spots and look more feminine.

Those women who are gain extra flab may tend to be unhappy when they look at themselves in the mirror. But no mother can deny the fact that after delivering a child, a woman’s confidence touches new heights. Motherhood is such an uplifting experience! The reason could be the joy and satisfaction that a baby provides, which no other thing or person in the world can offer. This is a different journey altogether that heightens self-awareness and defines the purpose in life. That said, it does not mean that a mother does not want to look good. Right amounts of effort towards fitness can bring any woman very close to her pre-pregnancy self.
