There are a lot of things that all moms will eventually have in common. They bond over dirty diapers and late night feedings. They understand what it is like to feel exhausted but also incredibly happy at the same time. And, every mom knows the pains of childbirth better than anyone else.

Some people compare the pain from giving birth to a baby to that of fracturing 20 bones at the same time. That is pretty intense and crazy, and yet no man will ever understand what we go through.

While some moms end up having a C-section, others choose to get all the meds possible, and some women even decide to do it all natural. This can create some differences in experiences, but usually, many pregnancy symptoms are the same. Often times, women have backaches and food cravings. This is common whether you are a millennial mom or not. However, millennial moms tend to have some preconceived ideas about pregnancy and childbirth that are simply not true. Maybe they have been watching too much television or believing everything they have read on the internet, but here are 15 things that are complete lies that millennial moms think are facts.

15 Lotions And Creams Will Prevent Stretch Marks

Many millennial women who become pregnant are under the impression that they can prevent stretch marks by using certain lotions and creams. As much as we all wish this was true, commonly used moisturizers like cocoa butter, and coconut oil really don’t do anything to prevent stretch marks. While keeping your body moisturized will always help against dry skin, stretch marks are actually more of a genetic thing.

If you mom got stretch marks when she was pregnant with you, then there is a likely chance that you might get them during your pregnancy as well. Stretch marks are tiny tears in the collagen, several layers beneath the top layer of skin, and since cream can’t reach these layers, it really won’t do anything to help. With 90% of women getting stretch marks during pregnancy, you really have nothing to worry about. However, if you are extremely concerned, you can focus on staying hydrated and not gaining more weight than necessary.

14 You Must Go To The Hospital As Soon As Your Water Breaks

Most women are under the impression that they need to be immediately rushed to the hospital the second their water breaks. They usually have their hospital bag packed and are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their new little baby. However, once a woman’s water breaks, she usually has around 12 to 24 hours before her contractions even start. This means that she has a lot of time to call friends and family, eat some food, and even shower and put on makeup.

Of course, every mom needs to feel out her own body and see what it is telling her. Some women are technically in labor for up to two days, while other women end up pushing their baby out almost immediately after her water breaks. However, it is important for most women to know that they have some time once their water breaks and they don’t usually need to freak out or rush.

13 Exercise Will Hurt The Baby

Somewhere along the lines, millennials got this weird idea that working out was going to harm their growing baby. For the women out there who think that you are supposed to go nine months without doing any sort of exercise or fitness, it is simply not the case. Unless the women have some sort of health condition that puts her little bun in the oven at risk, there is no reason to lay off the exercise or exertion that she would normally do.

A pregnant woman is still perfectly capable of climbing the stairs at work or even doing her normal yard work. Most pregnant women complain of backaches and tiredness, but fitness is known to decrease stress and give you more energy, so continuing your daily workout routines can actually be a very positive thing.

12 Soft Cheeses Must Be Avoided

Once you receive that positive pregnancy test, most women almost immediately start researching which foods she must stay away from for nine months. Usually, the no alcohol thing and no smoking is pretty obvious to everyone, but there are also foods like sushi that need to be avoided because the mercury in the raw fish could be harmful to an unborn baby. Another very common food item that doctors often recommend pregnant women avoid are soft cheeses.

Cheeses like brie, feta, and gorgonzola have often been avoided because there is a chance that they could contain listeria. Listeria could lead to a rare but fatal illness for an unborn baby, and historically, soft cheeses have been made with raw, unpasteurized milk products which have a high risk of bacteria. However, most cheeses in America are pasteurized, which reduces that risk, but if you are still worried, heating the cheese up will help fix the problem.

11 You Can Plan The Perfect Labor

A lot of millennials enjoy watching online videos of home births and labors that were absolutely perfect. Some women look like it hardly even hurt because everything went so smoothly. Water-births have become very popular these days and so has the idea of not using any drugs at all. While a natural birth is definitely a desire for some, a lot of women who are pregnant are planning for the maximum painkillers allowed for their labor and delivery.

Of course, all this planning and preparation is very necessary and helpful, but things can still go wrong. Just because you plan a lot, it doesn’t mean that everything will be perfect. There are many women who are planning on having a natural home-birth and end up in the hospital getting a c-section. Having a baby is a big endeavor and while breathing techniques and knowledge are useful things, it won’t guarantee anything.

10 Pregnancy Makes You Happy

Leave it to millennials to turn pregnancy and baby bumps into a new fashion trend. Any time you browse through Pinterest, it is almost impossible to avoid the insane amount of absolutely adorable women with their cute little outfits on and little baby bumps. Pregnancy appears to be so magical online and all the women are so happy holding their little belly. However, we all know that the internet can be deceiving and pictures can lie.

Being pregnant by no means will make someone happy if they aren’t happy already. Sure there are some women who have wanted a baby for years and are enjoying every moment of carrying one, but then there are the women who have had morning sickness non-stop, and can’t seem to get any work done.

9 No Eating During Labor

Oftentimes, doctors request that their patient doesn't eat anything if their water breaks and they're going into labor because a lot of the drugs and medicine that women get while they're giving birth can make them nauseous. Most would agree that there is nothing worse than throwing up the food you just ate while you're in the hospital 8 cm dilated. Ultimately, this idea of not eating during labor is for the woman's own good.

However, if the pregnant mom-to-be is planning on having a natural birth and doesn't want any medicine, there is nothing stopping her from having her normal meals throughout the day. Of course, no mom can predict if she is going to need a C-section or not. So, unless things are going extremely well, some might decide to err on the side of caution and not eat.

8 40 Weeks Means You’re Overdue

Once the doctor gives a woman her due date, that day is immediately ingrained into her brain. Her baby needs to arrive on time, otherwise, it will be overdue. There is nothing worse than your due date coming and going, and becoming anxious about delivering a baby that is too big. While most babies are born in that month-long window between 38 weeks and 42 weeks, there is always a chance that your doctor miscalculated what the middle of that, your 40-week due date, would be.

Full-term is now considered to be anywhere from 39 weeks, to 40 weeks and 6 days. That means a woman can just about reach her 41st week and still be considered full-term. Experts claim that babies born after 39 weeks are better off health-wise, so there is nothing to fear if your baby wants to stay in your stomach a little longer.

7 Food Cravings Will Determine The Baby’s Gender

Gender prediction games are always super fun, especially if all of the superstitions are aligning with the gender that you want. However, it's important to keep in mind that these are just games and there is very little support to show that what your craving will give any sort of inclination as to the gender of your baby. There's the Chinese gender chart which tracks which month your baby is due and when you got pregnant, and there are also things like the shape of your bump, the amount of morning sickness you have, and what foods you were craving.

For the most part, all of these techniques are just myths, but the most accurate way to determine what you are having before the ultrasound will tell you for sure is to simply trust your intuition. A lot of times pregnant women simply feel what gender the baby's going to be.

6 No Caffeine Is Allowed

It seems like this myth has been around forever, and many men and women still believe that it is true. Of course, massive amounts of caffeine are not good for anyone’s body, especially a pregnant woman, but experts have shown that a woman does not need to go for the decaf just because she is carrying a child.

While overdoing your caffeine intake could lead to a miscarriage, or an underweight baby, the experts in the U.S. claim that a modest 200mg of caffeine per day is okay. This would be about one cup of coffee or two cups of tea depending on how strong they were. Caffeine is a stimulant and while some pregnant women feel like they desperately need a pick-me-up, they are allowed one but still need to have it in moderation.

5 Pregnant Women Can Pig Out

Pregnant women are constantly going around saying that they are eating for two, and act like their diet went out the window simply because they have something the size of a poppy seed inside of them. While it seems okay to indulge in your pregnancy cravings once in a while, it is definitely not wise to pig out every day and gain a ton of extra un-needed weight.

Most experts would agree that eating more is not the answer, but simply eating smaller meals more frequently is the better way to go. Your body uses the food to fuel it, and even though you are feeding two, you don't technically need to eat for two. Your body only requires an extra 340 to 450 calories a day while you're pregnant. So before you grab that extra cookie, remember that the priority is keeping your baby fueled and healthy.

4 No More Root Touch Ups At The Hair Salon

Once you become pregnant, it seems like everybody starts trying to give you advice on what you should or shouldn’t do in order to keep your baby the healthiest. However, it is important that every mom-to-be does her own research and learns for herself. There has been this common misconception that pregnant women can no longer dye their hair because the chemicals would seep into their scalp and harm the baby.

However, there is no evidence to show that dyeing your hair during pregnancy will do anything to harm the baby. No one is suggesting that pregnant women should try dyeing her hair every few weeks, but keeping up with your roots should cause no problems. If the fumes start to bother you, you could always consider wearing a mask to your appointment.

3 No Traveling In The Third Trimester

Millennials have made the idea of going on a babymoon very popular. A babymoon is similar to a honeymoon. It is simply a relaxing vacation that you go on with your partner right before you have your baby. It is supposed to give you guys necessary bonding time but also celebrates the expansion of your family. With this idea that flying or traveling during a woman's third trimester is prohibited, it may have put a damper on your vacation plans.

Fortunately, for those thinking about planning a babymoon in the near future, flying or traveling during a woman’s third trimester causes no increase in harm to the unborn baby. Certain airlines may have stricter policies simply because they don’t want to deal with someone giving birth on their plane, but as long as you check ahead of time, there should be no issues.

2 Spicy Foods Will Induce Labor

Often times, girls freak out about eating overly spicy foods when they are pregnant because they are worried that it could cause their baby to squirm right out of them. This is definitely a misconception. There is not much you can do to jumpstart your labor, even if you are nearing 40 weeks and pretty ready to not be pregnant anymore.

However, there is a flip side to this one. While spicy foods won’t jump start your labor for you, it can actually help it along. If you are already dilated and your water already broke, eating some spicy food can cause things to move along quicker. It is similar to sex in the way that it stimulates your cervix and boosts contractions. Unfortunately, the only way to officially start your labor is to be induced.

1 Twins Require A C-Section

Of course, learning that you're having twins is a very scary and emotional thing to find out. Not only are you becoming a mother but you're being forced to double everything about the process. The idea of having two babies at once can be extremely overwhelming, but a lot of times the worst part about finding out that your having twins is the assumption that the mom will be forced to have a c-section. While many millennials are trying to do anything they can to avoid that c-section scar, it's actually not a for-sure thing.

While C-sections are more common for twins, it is actually not a requirement. If the first twin is not breached, there is a chance that the doctors will allow for a vaginal delivery. It is all based on how the twins are moving around inside the belly, and if a vaginal delivery would be safe for them and the mother.

Sources: BabyCenter, Public Health Agency, Journal of Experimental Physiology