Shaken baby syndrome is something that every Mom-to-be should be aware of. It's really important not to shake your beautiful baby boy or girl, no matter how frustrated you get or how exhausted you are.

Just a few seconds of shaking can do terrible damage!

Shaking the baby is really the only cause of shaken baby syndrome. However, there are a lot of risk factors for shaken baby syndrome and I'm going to talk about those risk factors today.

Once you know the risk factors, and whether or not you're at high risk for shaking the baby (or your partner is), you'll be able to check yourself and make sure that you don't do anything that puts your baby's health at risk!

Shaken baby syndrome is also called abusive head trauma. Other names for this syndrome are whiplash shake syndrome and inflicted head injury.

Shaking the baby may cause a serious injury to the infant's brain. It happens when a baby is forcefully shaken and (make no mistake) it's child abuse. Babies who are shaken forcefully may suffer brain damage that is permanent. They may even die.

So, let's talk about some important facts about this syndrome, such as which babies are most likely to be shaken and which types of parents are most likely to shake their babies.

Knowledge is power. The more you know about shaken baby syndrome, the better. You need to guard against shaking your baby at all times! If you're feeling really overwhelmed, hand the baby over to someone else.

It's so important to protect your infant by never shaking him or her!

15 Five Seconds Of Shaking May Cause It

Only five seconds of shaking may be enough to do damage! This is why Shaken Baby Syndrome is so dangerous! A parent may lose it for around five seconds and never be able to make up for it.

Losing patience and shaking the baby may lead to tragedy!

Shaking the baby for even a few seconds will cause its brain to hit the front of its skull and then hit the back of its skull. This may trigger some serious brain damage...or kill the baby.

It's a sure thing that some parents have shaken their babies and lived to regret it. They didn't mean to hurt their babies, but just couldn't control themselves for some reason, whether they were so tired that they couldn't think straight or had bad tempers which made them lash out at their innocent and helpless babies.

However, they should have known better.

Shaking is NEVER ok. That's all that you need to know. It's abusive behavior that there is no excuse for.

14 Your Baby's Neck Is Extremely Fragile

Babies have delicate necks which get damaged easily through shaking. All that you need to do is glance at the neck of a newborn to see just how fragile it really is. The fragility of baby necks (and baby heads, too) are the reason why people are so careful about how they hold babies. Babies need support, not shaking!

Shaking the baby will wreak havoc by putting its tiny neck under more strain that it can handle. Just don't shake the baby ever! It has to be a cardinal rule because the risk of severe damage or death is always there and hurting or killing the baby can happen in seconds.

As well as never shaking the baby, learn how to hold your infant correctly. This means mastering the "cradle hold". Do it by resting your infant's head upon your chest and sliding your hand up from your baby's butt to support its neck. Next, move the baby's head to your arm's "crook" while still supporting its neck. If you have questions, talk to your doctor.

13 Toddlers Can Be Hurt, Too

Toddlers are also at risk, so don't assume that shaking a toddler is safer than shaking a baby. It isn't. The truth is that toddlers aged two to five years of age also suffer from shaken baby syndrome.

Now, we all know that toddlers can be bad, especially during the Terrible Twos, when they tend to throw tantrums which often have almost-inexplicable causes. It's your job as a Mom to find endless amounts of patience, love and compassion. Discipline shouldn't be physical. Ever.

Instead of freaking out and hurting or killing your toddler, you need to find the right methods of discipline. Time-outs are good, as long as they don't last too long. Small children are sensitive and time-outs should be done the right way.

Pediatricians recommend one minute of time-out per year of age. So, a Terrible Two should get a two-minute "time-out" and so on. Use this rule to dole out discipline in a kind, firm, smart and safe way.

12 Babies Aged 6 To 8 Weeks Are At High Risk

There is a certain age range where young babies are at highest risk of being shaken by their parents or caregivers. This is the six to eight week age range. During this important phase of your new baby's life, be aware that you're going to be under some strain.

Caring for a young baby is often really hard. It's going to deplete your energy and it may make it hard to do everything right. Forgive yourself for slip-ups if they happen, but never even think about shaking the baby.

If you find that you're at the end of your rope during weeks six to eight, you've got to reach out for support. If you can't find it at home or from friends, look for community resources. It's vital to ask for help.

Also, try to sleep when your baby does. The more rest you get, the less likely you'll be to hurt your baby by shaking him or her. You need to take a mature approach, which means taking good care of yourself, as well as your new son or daughter.

11 Your Exhaustion Is A Risk Factor

Chances are good that you'll never be so tired as you are when you're caring for your new baby. Even celeb Moms, such as Bijou Phillips, clearly get hammered by sleepless nights and general stress when they become mothers.

It's true that rich celeb Moms are able to get help (they can afford to pay for it), but it's a universal truth that being a new Mom is going to leave you feeling extremely exhausted sometimes, no matter who you are! Be aware of this beforehand.

Getting enough sleep may not really be possible for awhile, but it's always something to shoot for. Nap with your little one when you can. Reach out for assistance. If someone offers to take the baby off of your hands for awhile, such as until the next feeding, say yes. Do it for yourself, so you won't be so tired and out of sorts that you make this tragic mistake.

10 High-Risk Babies Are Shaken More Often

Preemies and other "high-risk" infants tend to get shaken the most, because they are tough to look after. They have special needs, and this means that they need extra-gentle handling. They are especially fragile. When you combine a baby who is harder to care for with a baby that's more fragile, you can see that shaking a "high-risk" baby could lead to total disaster.

If you have a high-risk baby, such as a preemie, you need help. You need the right baby care advice from a medical professional. With any luck, you'll also have a network of people who will help you to handle the challenges of taking care of your high-risk infant.

Things will get easier. If you feel so stressed that you don't know what to do, place the baby gently in its crib. Call someone and ask them to help you. Do anything but shake the baby. There is no going back from shaking a baby.

9 Poverty Is A Risk Factor

Octomom has had some financial challenges, after an initial financial bonanza. Imagine raising all of the those babies and worrying about the bills, too! That's going to set the stage for a crazy amount of stress.

Poverty is one of the biggest challenges that a person can face and new Moms (and Dads, too) who are dealing with poverty, on top of caring for new babies, deserve a lot of compassion.

The sad reality is that, if you’re poor, you are more likely to shake the baby. If you're expecting and you know that you're going to be in the low income bracket, you have to prepare yourself. Try to get organized ahead of time by finding help, so the pressure won't get too insane. If the pressure does get out of hand, you may be at risk of shaking your precious baby.

There are food banks in your community that will give you diapers, formula and food for yourself. There are government services for healthcare and other important benefits. Use them all to help lower the risk of shaken baby syndrome.

8 Your Lack Of Education Puts You At Risk

If you're not educated, you're at higher risk for shaking your baby. Sometimes, we don't get the education that we need to understand the risk. For example, someone without a lot of education may not realize that brain damage or death of an infant can be triggered by just a few seconds of forceful shaking.

Some people just don't know any better, although common sense usually points us in the direction of not shaking our infants.

This list is designed to educate everyone, regardless of their education level. Shaking a baby forcefully will damage its brain and may end its life. It's really that simple. If you didn't know this before, you do now. It causes massive damage in no time flat.

As long as you have a hard and fast rule to never shake the baby, your level of education won't matter. Every parent should have this rule. Babies cannot handle forceful shaking.

7 Lack Of Support From A Partner Will Put You At Risk

It really sucks that so many new Moms don't have partners to help them care for their new babies. Of course, some new Moms want to be single and may have a lot of resources in place to make sure that their new babies get the best care all of the time.

That being said, it's safe to say that there are some new Moms who wish that they had the fathers of their babies there to help them, especially on tough days and nights when their babies cry and scream. Life is tough and it can be especially brutal for single parents (male or female) of newborns or older babies.

If you don’t have a partner or support from others, you may be at risk to shake the baby. Be aware of this and act accordingly. You CAN do this all by yourself. If you don't have anyone to turn to, turn to community services.

When you retain your patience, raise your baby right and do it all alone, you will be so strong and you will build an exceptional bond with your child. Also, you'll have good reason to be so proud of yourself.

6 If You Have Postpartum Depression, Be Very Careful

Postpartum depression can be devastating and it's more common than some people realize. Brooke Shields had it. Her money, fame and beauty didn't stop it from happening. It can happen to any woman.

If you suspect that you have the symptoms of postpartum depression (PPD), including depressed mood, major mood swings, a lot of crying episodes, trouble bonding with your infant and changes to sleeping and eating patterns, please talk to your doctor. Help is out there and getting help will reduce the risk of shaking your baby.

Other symptoms of PPD include withdrawing from friends and loved ones. If you feel this happening, try to stop pulling away. You need someone to talk to, for your own sake and your baby's. You may also be experiencing terrible fatigue which seems to sap your life force completely.

A doctor will be able to recommend the right treatment for you. This isn't your fault. Get help and be sure to never shake your baby.

5 If You're An Addict, You're At Higher Risk

Some celeb Moms, such as Nicole Ritchie, have turned their lives around by becoming Moms. They've battled their addictions via hard work, proper treatment and a commitment to being the best mothers that they can be. This is admirable.

However, addiction is a beast in terms of getting its claws into some women. That's why there are new Moms who are addicted to alcohol or drugs. These Moms may love their babies very much. They just don't have control over their lives and they need help.

If you're an addict, understand that your addiction is going to impact many aspects of your parenting and it will also raise the risk of you shaking the baby. Addicts are more likely to hurt their infants. It's statistically proven.

If you get treatment for your addiction, you'll lower the risk and you'll also make it easier to bond with your baby. You won't be focusing on the substance that you are addicted to. Instead, you'll be fully present for your child.

4 Baby Boys Are Shaken More Than Baby Girls

Boys are notoriously rambunctious, even in their tiniest forms. This is probably why boys are more likely to get shaken than girls. Another problem is that some parents may mistakenly believe that baby boys are tougher than they are. The truth is that baby boys and male toddlers are just as prone to shaken baby syndrome as girls. This means that they can't handle rough treatment any better than female infants and toddlers.

Shaking a baby is child abuse, whether a baby is male or female. A baby boy or male toddler needs love and patience, rather than abuse. As long as you understand that boys and girls react the same way to being shaken, and make a pact with yourself to never shake your baby boy, you'll be ok.

Don't assume that your little guy can handle it. He definitely can't and irreversible damage can happen in as little as five seconds. Even one second of shaking a baby boy is too much. It's not something that should ever happen. It's one of the most serious mistakes that a new parent can make.

3 If It's An Unwanted Pregnancy, You're At Higher Risk

Women who didn't want to be pregnant, but are pregnant, are at higher risk for shaking their babies once they are born. It's perhaps a symptom of frustration at being forced into the role of motherhood. It's about failing to experience the joy of being a new Mom.

Some moms-to-be may be very young, such as teenagers, and have to give up high school and a social life to care for their babies. They may not be mentally prepared for the changes in their lives.

Other moms-to-be may be older, but equally ill-equipped to deal with their new realities. There are so many reasons why a pregnancy may be unwanted. What's important is that caring and competent baby care take priority over dashed hopes, immaturity and other issues which make moms-to-be who didn't want to be pregnant more likely to lash out by shaking their babies.

If you have a new baby and you didn't really want to be pregnant, always remember that it's not about you anymore. It's about the baby. If you feel like you're going to blow your stack, pass the baby off. Talk to someone in the community about how you feel. There is always another way to vent. Shaking the baby will be the worst mistake that you ever make.

2 Dads Shake Babies More Than Moms Do

Guys have hormones which make them (as a general rule) more aggressive than women. These hormones are the reason why "Men are from Mars and women are from Venus". Men are different than women and they need to understand that shaking babies is deadly. Even if it's not deadly, it can cause brain damage which will never go away or get better.

So, be sure to talk to your partner about shaken baby syndrome. Take on the role of educator. Let him know how serious it is, that it happens more than it should and what the risk factors are. Tell him outright than men are more likely to shake their babies than women. Tell him to never shake the baby.

You two need to have each other's backs as you take care of an infant or toddler. This means sharing important information. When you do talk about shaken baby syndrome, you may avert a disaster. You'll be co-parenting in a mature and awesome way.

1 If Your Baby Has Colic, Your Baby Is At Risk

Colicky babies make new parents feel bad about themselves. Colic makes babies so miserable that their parents rarely succeed at soothing their infants, no matter what they do. This makes them feel like losers. Plus, the parents become physical wrecks, because no one in the house is sleeping. It's a rough situation but it will pass in time. You've gotta be tough and stick it out.

Having a colicky baby can be a total nightmare. What will make the nightmare into a wide-awake horror story is losing control and shaking your baby. So, don't! Never resort to shaking your baby. It's not going to help at all and it may hurt or kill the baby that you love.

Experts recommend offering your baby a pacifier, encouraging your infant to suck on his or her fingers and burping the baby a lot after feeding him or her in an upright position. While gas isn't the reason for colic, some babies who suffer from colic do get gassy because they gulp in a lot of air while they are wailing!

Sources: WebMd, Mayo Clinic, Baby Center