Baby will give mom some sure signs if he's happy with how mom parents or not. Baby will be happy and content most of the time if mom is doing a good job. If baby sees room for improvement, he'll give mom some immediate feedback. Keep reading to learn how to discover if mom is doing a stellar job or not - and how to fix it.

Sometimes mom will make simple mistakes or miss little cues from baby. A few tweaks in her approach will help to keep baby content. Most of the time, mom will have no idea that baby doesn't like her parenting. It's easy to blame the baby and say that he's just fussy. This doesn't help baby to feel happy and relaxed. Mom can make some simple changes that will make both her and baby's life much more comfortable. Don't let baby's cries get mom down. The crying is usually happening for a reason. Once mom digs a little deeper to learn the reason and fix it, she'll have a happy house again. Every mom goes through a learning curve with a newborn. Baby is the best teacher and gives excellent feedback about how mom is doing.

15 Too Much Gas Leads To Tummy Ache

A gassy tummy can make baby miserable. It will also make everyone on the block miserable too. It's incredible to find out that newborn babies can't even help themselves burp. Once they learn these skills, they're much happier campers. Until then, they need help from mom to get the gassies out. The most crucial way mom can help with a gas tummy ache is to thoroughly burp the baby.

If baby keeps getting gassy after meals, it's a sure sign that mom needs to try burping more frequently during meals. Another culprit could be the bottle. Some bottles allow more air to accumulate.

Changing the bottle, bottle position or nipple can help to reduce the amount of air baby gulps during feedings. Breastfed babies tend to have a lot fewer gas bubbles in their tummies. This is because the milk from the breast isn't surrounded by air. If a nursing baby is having a problem with gas, mom might want to look at her diet. Diets high in cruciferous veggies like Brussel sprouts and broccoli can cause baby to have more gas issues. If the gas isn't handled in the stomach, mom will need to push it out of the intestines and the baby passes gas. Mom can help baby by moving his legs around and gently pushing on the tummy.

14 A Million Reasons For Crying

Crying is baby's number one way to show displeasure with mom's parenting. It's baby's built-in feedback system that is activated at birth. Digging to the cause of crying can help mom to change the way she's doing things and alleviate stress for baby. Baby may cry for a variety of reasons.

Sometimes it's a simple stressor. Baby may be too hot or too cold. The light in the room could be too bright for baby's eyes. The baby's temperament will have a lot to do with how sensitive they are to their environment.

Some babies are much more sensitive to the world around them. This will be something mom will learn about the baby as they bond. Mom will have to take extra care of a sensitive baby. Even a sensitive baby, though, can be a happy and content baby. Other issues like fighting in the house or mom's unhappiness can cause unease and cry in a baby. Infants can easily sense trouble and the environment, and this can cause them to cry or become fearful. The other basics like being wet, soiled or hungry will cause the baby to cry too. If checking for these won't stop the crying, mom will have to search a little more to find out what is bothering the baby.

13 Low Growth

Babies are expected to reach certain growth milestones at different ages. A doctor may use a growth chart or percentile ranking to see how the baby is doing. Usually, if baby stays near the same percentile during the first year, a doctor will consider baby's growth to be consistent enough. If baby drops in percentile dramatically, an issue might be at hand. Also, if the baby is in a very low percentile, the doctor may be concerned that baby isn't thriving as he should be.

Low growth or failure to thrive in the baby could be one indicator that something isn't going well for baby.

The problem is that this is just an indicator and doesn't accurately point to the cause. Baby may have difficulty growing because of an intestinal or digestive issue. The baby could also have a particular sensitivity to something mom is eating or to a type of formula. Low growth could point to a more profound issue like the baby isn't getting enough interaction and cuddle time. The possibilities are nearly endless. Mom should work together with the doctor to brainstorm possible reasons. This could quickly turn into a more severe issue so mom won't want to ignore these signals from baby's body.

12 Unusual Diaper Messes

Baby's stool can tell a lot about what is happening with the baby. In the newborn stage, the baby doesn't have a lot of ways to communicate what is happening in her body. Mom will have to use as many clues as she can to make sure baby is doing well. Mom can count the number of wet or soiled diapers a nursing baby has to understand if the baby is getting enough milk.

A certain amount of soiled diapers lets mom know that enough nutrients are passing through the baby.

Moms using formula and bottles don't have to worry as much about how much baby is getting. This will be evident through the amount of formula missing from the bottle. The stool, though, can tell mom how baby's body is reacting to that specific type of formula. Sometimes, mom will have to try several different kinds of formula to find one that works for baby's body. Even into childhood, the stool can help to point out problems. Constipation can tell mom that the child isn't getting enough fiber from fresh fruits and veggies or that the child isn't drinking enough fluids. Loose stool can point to an infection or even food sensitivities or emotional issues.

11 Baby Is Timid And Fearful (And Maybe Mom Is Too)

Baby's emotions can let mom in on how baby is feeling. Most of the time, baby should be happy and content. All babies will cry some each day as they try to get their needs met. Feeding, napping or a new diaper should cover most of baby's needs and stop the crying. Baby should act confident and understand that his needs will quickly be met by mom or another caregiver. If baby acts timid or fearful, mom should investigate the issue further.

A baby may act timid or afraid if they see or sense mom acting the same way. Is the home situation safe? Is mom a naturally fearful person?

Baby is sure to pick up on these cues from mom. Part of baby's survival depends on his connection with mom. He will feel out a situation based on mom's reaction. If baby acts particularly fearful around a specific person, mom will want to pay close attention to the situation. Some people are less comfortable around babies. Babies will pick up on this. Sometimes it's something simple like the person doesn't have much experience dealing with babies. Mom can help to mediate the situation by teaching some basic baby care skills. Other times baby might be fearful or timid for more profound reasons. It's mom's job to keep baby safe so listening to her instincts as well as baby's reactions and acting when needed is very important.

10 Awake All Night

Babies will be awake at night for a specified period. It is normal for a baby to wake up because they need to be fed or a fresh diaper. Nursing babies will wake up more frequently. Although it is normal for a baby to wake in the night, they should be easily soothed and put back to sleep in a relatively short period.

If the baby is awake for long periods of time, the baby might be trying to tell mom that something needs to be fixed.

Newborn babies sleep the most throughout the day and night. They'll rest for about 2 to 3 hours at a time then wake for short periods to eat and get a fresh nappie. Slowly, the baby will have more extended periods when they are awake. Mom will want these wakeful periods to happen during the day and stretch the sleeping time at night. Sometimes, the baby will get days and nights confused. Mom will want to give the baby some time with sunlight or more lights on in the house to help differentiate the day from the night. Keeping lights low during night feedings and changings will help too. If nursing, mom will want to check how much caffeine she's consuming because this can keep baby awake at the wrong times also.

9 Upset When Left

Babies will begin to notice when mom or dad is gone between about 4 and seven months. At this time, they'll realize that mom was here, but now I don't see her. She could be at work or just in the other room. This is a typical part of baby's development. If baby gets upset when mom leaves for work, it shouldn't take long to calm the baby down again. If the baby is super upset or stressed when mom isn't near, this could be a sign that baby is having a deeper issue.

Babies like to know that whenever mom leaves, she's coming back - for sure. Any sort of question in this may point to an experience or an insecure attachment.

Babies quickly learn if their needs will be met reliably or not. If a baby learns that only sometimes will his needs be met, then he will become distrustful of those around him. From the very beginning, mom should make every effort to always come through for baby. If for some reason this didn't happen right away, mom can still work to change it. It might take more time and patience if this relationship wasn't established in the beginning.

8 Stress From Having To Cry Too Long

Babies easily sense stress in their environment. They too will experience anxiety and may show it in different ways. Crying is the most common way baby will show stress. A little crying to get a need met won't cause much stress for baby.

If baby's demand isn't quickly met and she has to cry and cry it will create more significant amounts of stress. If a baby learns that by crying the need isn't met, eventually she will have to stop crying and in a way stop responding to a cue from her body that lets her know she needs something.

This can be unhealthy for the baby. The baby will only be able to handle so much stress, her body is built for this, and that's why she's programmed to eventually ignore her own needs if they're not met. In extreme situations, this can cause lasting damage to the baby's sense of safety in the world. Baby can become stressed for more simple reasons too. Violence on TV can make baby uneasy. Baby can't tell the difference between TV violence and real-life violence. Real life violence around the baby can be very stressful. It effect's baby's sense of safety and wellbeing.

7 Not Reaching Milestones

Developmental milestones help parents and doctors to anticipate a typical developmental pattern for all children. While there is a range of time when a child might reach a developmental milestone, they all occur in basically the same order and at a given age range. If a baby isn't reaching certain developmental milestones, it could be a sign to mom that there is a more profound problem.

The problem could be a delay that can be fixed by early interventions. There could be other issues with nutrition, environment or bodily functions like hearing.

Physical delays or speech delays can be mediated and lessened through specific therapies. Many times, local or state governments will provide these services for families of a delayed child. Getting help as soon as possible can significantly diminish the severity of the delay. The baby's doctor should be able to help identify developmental delays, but mom and dad should watch out for signs themselves. The parents spend the most time with the baby and will have much more information and knowledge of what the baby can and cannot do. Doctors usually give parents a sheet of milestones to look for, but baby books and websites can be valuable resources too.

6 Too Clingy

It is normal for a baby to want to be hugged, cuddled and loved by mom and dad. Both parent and baby will enjoy these sweet moments together.

When baby feels satisfied that her cuddle needs have been met, she'll be okay with a little blanket time by herself. If the baby is always clingy and demanding mom's nonstop attention, this could be a clue that baby isn't happy about something.

Since each baby is different, their needs for holding and cuddling will be different too. Some babies want to be held a lot more than others. Each type of baby should be okay with spending a little time lying down on their own. If it seems like the baby never wants to do this, mom should reevaluate how much cuddle time baby is getting. It's easy to get caught up in daily life and put other responsibilities in front of sweet snuggles. Mom has a lot of demands on her time. If she finds that she's always rushing off from snuggle time to do this or that, she might benefit from carrying baby in a wrap or carrier. This will allow mom to move about the house while snuggling baby. Baby will love the closeness and extra time with mom.

5 Sunken Eyes

Paying close attention to baby's features can help mom to spot problems early on. Each day, the baby should be growing by little bits. This might not always be noticeable, but newborns will gain weight pretty quickly.

Mom should look for signs like waxy skin, thin cheeks or sunken eyes. This warning signs might mean that baby isn't getting enough to eat or that there is another problem.

Nursing moms don't know exactly how much baby is drinking. They can count the number of times they're nursing and count wet and soiled diapers. This will give them a good indication of how much milk is passing through the baby. Another way is to carefully monitor baby's appearance. On the Fed Is Best website, moms share their sometimes frightening experiences of struggling to nurse. A newborn baby can quickly become dehydrated without enough milk. Higher summer temperatures or infections can also add to this problem. Mom can speak with a lactation consultant from the hospital or local government office for more help. Sometimes, a lactation consultant will weigh the baby before and after a nursing session on a very sensitive scale. This can help mom to know how many ounces baby is getting from nursing.

4 Overwhelmed Looking Away

Mom can keep a close eye out for warning signals that baby has had enough. Often, the baby will begin to signal in different ways before crying.

If the baby is becoming overwhelmed by someone too close to his face or too much noise, he'll try to let others know by turning his head away.

Noticing this sign and acting on it can keep baby content without having to push him any further. Missing this sign can lead to an upset baby; with mom wondering what happened. When the baby looks away from something that's stimulating him, he's trying to reduce the amount of input reaching his brain. Babies can only handle so much stimulation at once. Newborns have a low threshold for this, and that is one reason why they sleep so much. Sleeping allows them to control the amount of input coming at them. They are experiencing so many new sights and sounds that they can quickly become overwhelmed. Sleeping gives a newborn a little brain break to process what they have learned and experienced. Mom can help baby around other people by keeping an eye out for when the baby looks away. This can be mom's cue to get great aunt Mildred to give the baby a break.

3 Doesn’t Want To Be Laid Down

Most babies love to be held...a lot. This is normal, but the baby should want to have some time to stretch out too. A little tummy time or time in the crib can give baby practice at using different muscles. Usually, baby enjoys at least a little bit of these times. At first, tummy time might not be a newborn's favorite time because their muscles are so weak that it can be uncomfortable. But before long, the baby will enjoy more playtime on a blanket on the floor. If baby doesn't ever enjoy being laid down, mom might start wondering why.

Sometimes mom might unknowingly be trying to lay baby down too much. Its easy for mom to get whisked off to do laundry or make dinner without realizing how much she's expecting baby to hang out on his own.

Reflecting on how much alone time baby has had can often shed light on the reason baby wants to be held more. Checking to make sure the place mom is trying to lay baby down can bring about more insights. Maybe it is too cold on the floor for baby. Perhaps the crib is too uncomfortable for one reason or another. Usually, there will be something baby is trying to communicate when he let's mom know he doesn't want to be laid down.

2 Overly Fussy

Sometimes parents or caregivers can fall into the habit of saying that baby is fussy instead of looking for the underlying reason. Acting as if it is just a fussy baby negates the fact that the baby is trying to communicate something and maybe it's the caregiver who needs to do something differently. For the most part, babies strive to be happy and content. Being fussy or upset is just a way that they can communicate with the adults around them to get their needs met.

Some babies are much more sensitive than others so they'll become upset by noise level, amount of light smells and temperature.

A sensitive baby can be more challenging to take care of, but by listening to baby's needs and attempts at communication, mom can make baby much more comfortable and less fussy. Baby might be trying to express a more profound issue like, "that brand of formula makes my tummy hurt." This might take mom longer to figure out, but it will be worth the time spent getting to the cause of the issue. Sometimes mom will benefit by asking others what they think might be going on with the baby. Another perspective could catch something that mom is overlooking.

1 Awake Yet Lays Still/Doesn’t Babble

Even from an early age, babies will show interest in their environment. They'll look around and respond to noises. As the baby grows and develops, she'll start making more sounds, smile and laugh and coo. These are all excellent signs that baby is alert and her mind is active.

If the baby is willing to lay on a blanket for long periods of time while awake but doesn't interact with the environment, there could a sign that something is not quite right. Unless the baby is sleeping, they should be interested in what is going on around them.

Mom can help this along from an early age by walking around with the baby, describing what they see and interacting with the baby. If the baby is used to being left alone and somewhat ignored, they may stop trying to interact with their environment. This can be a problem because baby learns and grows from interacting with her environment. This helps baby to learn about the world around her and create lasting connections in her brain. A baby that doesn't do this is missing incredible opportunities to learn. Mom and dad will be baby's first teachers, and nothing can replace the early learning that goes on in baby's first few years of life.

Source: CDC