Over the years, we've watched as Angelina Jolie's life has transformed from a wild card married to bad boy Billy Bob Thornton to being a humanitarian with a quiver full of kids married to dream hunk Brad Pitt. Of course, this last part has changed as they're now divorced. But, not before the two of them filled a house with six kids.

Although she is thought to be one of the most beautifully humble women in the world and she is a passionate humanitarian for those less fortunate, she still operates like many other celebrities. Meaning, her family gets treated like they're a cut above. Admittedly, for a parent to be biased is completely normal, so no judgement there. But, she does have an interesting approach to her parenting style and the rules she chooses to follow.

With six kids, her hands are full. Though, she seems to have it all under control. So, how does she do it and what really goes down in the Jolie-Pitt household? Here are a few things about this family that you'll probably want to know.

15 She Literally Has No Rules For Them

Angelina Jolie is known for being incredibly lenient with her children when it comes to discipline. In fact, she really doesn't have any rules for them at all. The kids do what they want, learn what they want, and wreak havoc on the house when they want.

Because she is so busy with her own career and her humanitarian efforts (and because she can afford it), she does depend on nannies to help her manage her brood of six kids. Unfortunately, these nannies don't last long because there are no set rules for the kids to follow, so there's not much for a nanny to do.

Apparently, her ex-husband Brad Pitt wasn't so much of a fan of the no rules things. He had rules of his own that he made the kids follow. So who knows if Jolie has always been so lenient or if she is attempting to be the "good parent" in this nasty divorce.

14 She Doesn’t Require Them To Listen To Their Nannies

We all love to hear the stories celebrity nannies tell after they've either quit or been fired from their nannying position. Mostly, we just want the nitty-gritty on what really goes on behind a celebrity's closed door.

Unsurprisingly, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's household was no different. Having six kids means there is a lot of work to be done and a lot of little people to wrangle. Former Jolie-Pitt nannies all tend to say the same thing: the kids rule the roost. What this means is that a Jolie-Pitt nanny basically has no authority whatsoever, because Jolie sides with her kids every time. So, this family has gone through a lot of nannies.

13 Their House Is Often Put On Lockdown

Although she has one of the most beautiful faces in the entire world, Angelina Jolie doesn't like to be in the spotlight for too awful long without some serious time for rejuvenation. She feels that she must provide a safe haven for the children to escape the world, as well. This idea of a safe haven is basically what she's provided for her kids at home.

Even though she's super serious about her times of lockdown, she's also super serious when she gets back into the public eye. Her divorce from Brad Pitt might have thrown her off a little, but she's doing her best to lighten up on the lockdown mode.

She says, “We’ve all been a bit in lockdown and going through some things. I think it would be good to get out there and play together.”

12 They Aren’t Required To Clean Up After Themselves

With Brad Pitt no longer living in the house, rumors fly that Angelina Jolie's house is a pig sty. We've already determined that Jolie doesn't really cut it when it comes to being an authority figure. Rather, she chooses to lead by example and offer her kids the choice to follow in her footsteps or not.

When Pitt and Jolie were still married, it has been reported that Pitt did make the kids pick up their rooms and the messes that they made. Perhaps this was a part of the parenting struggle that drove them apart. Only a fly on the wall could tell us. But, from the sound of things, they're are lots of flies on the wall due to the disastrous state the household is in.

11 She Doesn’t Let Them See Her Get Emotional

Sadness, anger, frustration - these are all no-nos to Angelina Jolie. Although she is known to be very emotionally expressive in her personal relationships (or so sources say), she doesn't want her kids to see her upset about certain situations or upset in general.

Her belief is that kids have enough to worry about and they shouldn't have to worry if their mother is okay. This likely stems from her own childhood and watching her mom get so upset at the infidelities of her father. She doesn't want her own kids to feel as insecure as she felt. Hiding everything inside isn't exactly a healthy approach to teach, but it's obvious to see what motivates it. She's very resilient and clearly recovering from her divorce, so she must have some sort of outlet.

10 They Want To Be Eccentric While She Pushes For A Normal Life

Jolie is an A-list celebrity. Her ex-husband is too. What this means is that not only have they been stars in dozens of movies, but that they're also incredibly loaded. The kids could have whatever they want. They wouldn't even have to feed, clothe, or bathe themselves, but they do anyway.

The thing is that Jolie wants her kids to have a normal life and to grow up like other children do. Of course, she says this but then treks around the world with them. So, you sort of have to put this in perspective of what she considers "normal." Her oldest son Maddox tried to set his mom straight and tell her they weren't normal by any means, but she still does her best to do "normal" things with them.

9 They’re Already Being Taught How To Manipulate Paparazzi

Here's the scoop on the Jolie-Pitt kids: they make millions through the paparazzi. Directly after each child was born or adopted, the couple would have pictures taken of their new babies. The two sold these pictures to the tabloids or online publications for big bucks. Only after the buyer had paid up would either parent take the new baby out in public. Typically, the money earned from these photos would be donated to one of Jolie's favorite charities.

It doesn't stop there, though. Like most celebrities, the Jolie-Pitt family has arranged paparazzi opportunities where only the parents are seen leading the brood down the street or through the airport. These kids know how to make a quick buck with something as simple as a picture of their mug.

8 She Dedicates “Mommy Time” With Each Child

It's not unusual to think of Angelina Jolie as having a very big heart. After all, she is involved in charity after charity and gallivants around the world for her humanitarian causes. Unsurprisingly, she tends to have a very big heart towards her children, as well. She dedicates what she calls "mommy time" with her kids.

"Mommy time" is simply one-on-one time spent with each child. It could be something as simple as going to get frozen yogurt or even being her plus-one at an awards show like she did with her son Pax this year for the Golden Globe Awards. The point is that she wants to foster a special and intimate bond with each child so that none feel left out.

7 They Trek Across The Globe For Her Humanitarian Efforts

Like mentioned before, Angelina Jolie is a big-hearted humanitarian. She travels the globe to meet the underprivileged and to volunteer in any way that she can. As you probably know, she donates a lot of her money to charities. In addition to this extreme generosity, she also hops from country to country. And, she brings her kids with her.

Some might say that she's forcing them to be a part of it all, but we'll let you decide on that. In 2001, Jolie became a part of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and now frequently travels for information on international trouble spots. Alongside their mother, the Jolie-Pitt kids have met refugee after refugee. Her hope is that this exposure will help to enlarge their own hearts, as well.

6 They’re Each Learning Different Languages

If you're like most people, you didn't really start thinking about another language until high school rolled around and you had to think about it. At least, that's the way most American schools operate.

Well, the Jolie-Pitt kids are taking this to a whole new level. Three of them are actually from another country, so you'd assume they'd learn their native language, but that's not the case.

“All the kids are learning different languages,” Jolie said. “I asked them what languages they wanted to learn and Shi is learning Khmai, which is a Cambodian language, Pax is focusing on Vietnamese, Mad has taken to German and Russian, Z is speaking French, Vivienne really wanted to learn Arabic, and Knox is learning sign language.”

5 They’ve Never Been To Regular School

Like many other celebrity offspring, the Jolie-Pitt brood don't stay in one place for too long. Owning property in Los Angeles, New Orleans, Correns (France), New York, Santa Barbara, and a 100-acre plot of land in Cambodia’s Battambang Province, the Jolie-Pitt family have many choices of where to call home.

Also like many other celebrity children, they have private tutors to fill the educational void in their lives. As it goes, not one of them has every been to regular school. And by regular school, I mean the public school system. Actually, they've never attended a private school either. Nope, Angelina likes to offer her children the best that money can afford and for her that means hiring a private tutor for each child.

4 She Offers Them A Diet Of Spiders And Bugs

As you know, Angelina Jolie is a humanitarian and travels the world visiting refugee camps and places unknown to most people. She tends to include her kids on all her journeys, too. Unsurprisingly, the diet of the many places she visits doesn't exactly include McDonalds or Texas Steak House.

I'm talking about communities that thrive off of the local bug population and any edible substance in its vernacular (Ex: fish, wildlife, native plants, etc.). And of course, Jolie is humble enough to partake in the local cuisine. Her kids are, too. And if they're not, Jolie encourages them to start with the smaller bugs and work their way up to the tarantulas. It's probably safe to say that the Jolie-Pitt kids aren't exactly picky eaters.

3 She Banned Alcohol And Tells Them It’s Poison

If you're like most parents, you probably worry that one day your own kids will want a taste of alcohol. When one parent struggles with an alcohol addiction, it becomes even more of a worry. After all, science points to the notion that alcoholism is hereditary. I'm guessing this is the thought process in Jolie's newest set boundary.

There used to be a wine cellar in her house (Los Angeles), but now it's been emptied. And not just by her alcohol-loving ex-husband. Jolie has banned alcohol from the house and only talks about it in terms of it being poison. She is doing all she can to prevent her kids from taking the same sloshed road as their father.

2 They All Answer Only To Nicknames

Most people have nicknames that they go by. The Jolie-Pitt crew is no different. The only thing different is that their nicknames are really ALL they answer to. Maddox is known as Mad, Zahara is known as Z, and Shiloh is known as Shi (or possibly John). We're not quite sure what the youngest children go by just yet, but time will tell.

While answering to a nickname is not unusual, ONLY answering to a nickname is slightly unusual. Perhaps their parents called them these nicknames from the very beginning so the kids are sort of conditioned to respond to them. Who knows? But, if you're a guest in the Jolie-Pitt house then you'd better learn their nicknames or you'll never get a response from the kids.

1 They’re Not Allowed To Play With Kids Their Own Age Much

Angelina Jolie talks about her children like they're all just a big circle of close friends. She also believes that family is the best kind of friends you can ever have. Claiming that her children are her best friends, she doesn't let them get out in the world much without her being there. Where most kids would be having sleep overs or going to birthday parties, her kids are gallivanting around the world with her or staying at home with the family.

The closeness she nurtures is definitely appreciated, but it doesn't leave a wide open door for her kids to develop friends their own age. In fact, not much socializing or fun-having has been going on since the divorce. Naturally, it was a very hard time for the entire family and she likely wanted to shield her kids from the negativity.

Sources: www.people.com, www.eonline.com, www.vogue.com