Everyone knows the tell-tale sign that a baby is coming, right? It's the sudden release of water and liquid. In addition to this, a woman is usually having some pretty noticeable contractions. But these are just two of the ways a woman knows that she's about to go into labor and her baby is well on the way.

In fact, there are a number of pretty subtle signs of a baby's impending arrival that most women actually have no clue about. This should be expected since a woman's body is one of the most complex things on the planet. It's evolved in a way that sends signals to the brain that the birthing process is about to begin. But just because a woman's body has evolved further than most other organisms, moms-to-be can easily miss some of these signs.

This article will delve into a number of the ways that women can tell that they're about to give birth. Like always, all of the entries are sourced from reputable websites listed below. This article is just a start for moms-to-be. When it comes to something as important as pregnancy and birth, a mother should always consult a medical professional. But, without further ado, here are 20 easy-to-miss signs that the baby will be here soon.

20 Those Joints Are Extra Loose

During the course of pregnancy, hormone relaxin works its way through a woman's system. This makes a pregnant mom-to-be feel like her ligaments are quite loose. It's one of the reasons why pregnant women can feel kind of clumsy during their time with child. But this hormone increases before a woman is about to go into pregnancy, making it one of the more unknown ways a woman can find out that her newborn is well on the way. Right before a woman goes into labor, she will notice that the joints all over her body are far less tight and even more relaxed than normal. This is nature's way of opening up a woman's pelvis and making the journey easier on the baby.

19 Breathing Is Easier Than It Has Been For Months

A baby descends lower into their mother's pelvis during the weeks, days, and especially hours before labor. Many experts refer to this moment as "lightening." Usually, first-time moms will notice this more, and second- and third-time moms really only experience lightening during labor itself. But new moms will love the feeling because it also them to breathe more clearly. Everything feels a little less heavy and, most importantly, the baby is moving further away from the lungs, therefore making it easier for air to travel through it. The downside is, a mom may feel like she is waddling a bit more than usual. These are all signs that the baby is on its way.

18 Energy Takes A Sudden Vacation

There are times during a woman's pregnancy that she feels like she has all the energy of The Flash. But right before the baby comes, energy takes a sudden vacation. Feeling extra tired is a pretty common feeling for women at this stage. However, there have been mothers who feel the opposite; they suddenly have more energy than they've had throughout the entire time they've been pregnant. Regardless, this is a sign that a woman needs to take it slow and relax. This is because these are signs that the baby is on its way, meaning that their mom needs to have all the stored up power necessary to deliver.

17 Bathroom Trips Are A Tad Different

Let's face it, bathroom trips throughout the entire course of pregnancy feel different than any other time. A woman is carrying an awkward stomach that can make it quite hard to sit and especially get up off the porcelain throne. But right before a woman is about to give birth, bathroom trips change even more notably. Just as the muscles in a woman's uterus are relaxing in preparation for birth, so too are the rest of the muscles in the body, including the ones in the rectum. This means that diarrhea is far more likely during the hours leading up to delivery. This is perfectly normal; it's just important for a woman to stay hydrated.

16 Nausea From Nowhere

As mentioned earlier, it's common that women have diarrhea at the beginning of their labor. But they may also feel nausea or even need to upchuck before they give birth. The reasons for this aren't entirely clear. However, experts believe it has to do with the loosening of muscles. But, of course, nausea and dizziness are quite common throughout the entirety of pregnancy, so it can be challenging to notice a difference. However, women should pay extra attention to how they feel during those final couple weeks, as if they are a bit dizzier than they normally have been, it could be a sign that the baby is on its way.

15 A Sudden Charge Of Energy

Most of the time, a mom-to-be feels as if the energy was taken out of them in the hours leading up to the delivery of their child. But the opposite has been found as well. Some moms-to-be describe a random and sudden charge of energy that makes them want to go out and do things, even exercise. Experts claim that some of this is psychosomatic, meaning that a mom is just really excited about the arrival of the baby (as well as being done with pregnancy) that they get themselves going. This sudden charge of energy is often referred to as "nesting." It's an impulse that is often accompanied by a real feeling of urgency to get things done or even make plans for the baby. The best to do when feeling like you're "nesting" is to take it easy.

14 There's A Show... And Not A Pretty One

Moms-to-be who have read their pregnancy books thoroughly may be up to speed on the "show" during the end of pregnancy. But, understandably, "show" isn't as well known or popular of a sign that a baby is coming as things like contractions are. Essentially, during this stage, a small plug of jelly blocks at the entrance of the cervix (which is the neck of the womb), releases. This is because the cervix is stretching due to the body telling it to get ready for delivery. Once this jelly releases, some fluids may start to show. It can start off as quite minimal, but it eventually leads to "water" releasing fully.

13 There's Rhythm In The Back

Contractions are the most common sign that a woman is needing to head to the hospital or wherever she will be delivering her baby. But not all contractions mean that a woman is ready for pregnancy. Sometimes they just feel a bit of movement within them. However, if they are feeling rhythmic back pain, it's definitely a sign that the baby is on its way. This odd sensation up the back is caused by the baby lying in an unusual position. Their location in the uterus may push it up against their mother's spine, meaning that it will feel every bit of the baby's movements. But this is all part of the process. It doesn't happen to every woman, but ones who feel this sensation should definitely prepare themselves.

12 Welcome Back To Teen Acne

Acne and other skin issues are really common occurrences during pregnancy. This return to the teen years is due to all the pregnancy hormones rushing through a woman's body. During each stage of pregnancy, a woman's body produces different hormones, as well as different levels of hormones, to accommodate the body and the baby. During the last stretch, many women say that they get far more pimples than they did at any other time during their pregnancy. This is because hormone levels are increased when labor is on the way. Essentially, it's the body’s way of preparing. Women may want to take a break from oily foods if they are concerned about their appearance.

11 The Bathroom Is #1

We've already spoken about how the pregnant body causes a woman's muscles to relax, leading to the likelihood that they will have diarrhea during the last stretch of their pregnancy. But number one is equally as relevant. Women tend to have an increased urge to urinate during the days leading up to delivery because the baby's head is dropping into the pelvis. This low position of the head puts even more pressure on the urinary bladder, making women feel like they constantly need to urinate. Luckily, this feeling will go away not long after, since the baby is well on its way into the world.

10 Cramps And Back Pain Increase

Partners should make sure that pregnant women are well off their feet during the last stretch of pregnancy. This is because they will likely be experiencing a ton of aches and pains throughout their entire body, especially their back and hips. This pain can feel like pinching and cramping and is generally just no fun at all. This tends to leave moms-to-be aggravated and tired, which is precisely why their partners should help them out as much as they can. Additionally, a woman is likely to experience even more of these unfortunate feelings during the days leading up to her baby coming into the world. This is because her muscles and joints are stretching and shifting to accommodate the beautiful, albeit extremely challenging, process to come.

9 A Dilating Cervix

Whether you are a pregnant doctor, a salesperson, a lawyer, or talented actor and Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot, you are going to feel your cervix dilating before delivery. Everything in a woman's body prepares for the birthing process in the days, or even weeks, before delivery. This includes a woman's cervix. During their weekly check-ups with their physician, a health care provider usually measures and tracks dilation and effacement via an internal examination. They usually see that the cervix is opening wider and wider as the delivery date nears. But everybody is different, so if your cervix isn't dilating at the speed of, say Gal Gadot, don't worry, it will.

8 Contractions Not Named "Braxton Hicks"

Not all contractions are a sign of an upcoming delivery. After all, women are likely to experience their tummy tightening for a few seconds and releasing throughout much of their pregnancy. These are usually referred to as "practice contractions." They don't mean anything urgent is happening and therefore moms don't need to be worried about them usually. However, true contractions are a sign that a woman is about to give birth. These contractions are far more powerful than anything a woman has experienced prior. They don't last very long at first, but they do feel strong and sometimes even uncomfortable. If a woman is feeling these contractions progressing, they should head to the hospital or contact their midwife.

7 The Baby Finally Settles Down

Babies tend to move around a lot in the womb during pregnancy. But this changes at some point late in pregnancy. This is because the baby will get into its position for birth. First-time moms may find that their baby has already found its position by 35 weeks. The most common position for birth is head down with a baby's back facing outwards. But this isn't always the case. Women who have already had babies will find that their baby makes tons of movements up until the final few days. When the kid settles down, it means that he or she is more than ready to come out. So, if a mom notices a sudden sense of peace within her, it is a surefire sign that something significant is about to happen.

6 Hello, Mrs. Grumpykins

Okay, so we've already spoken about how a pregnant woman's muscles relax before they give birth, this causes them to have more diarrhea as well as feel like they constantly need to pee. We've also spoken about how the aches and pains just get so ridiculous during the final few days. So, it should be totally understandable that a woman is feeling extra grumpy during that time period. Even if she can't pinpoint why she's feeling so annoyed, her body is doing all of these things. Therefore, they, as well as their partners, should be prepared for the birth of their child in the coming weeks, days, and even hours.

5 The Doctor Points Out The Obvious

Listen to your doctor... Seriously, this should be one of the most obvious rules in the metaphorical pregnancy handbook. A doctor isn't in your body, so they can't know exactly how you are feeling, but they have had experience with very similar cases. And, sure, even the most learned doctor can't know everything and even can forget, but they are the expert. They are the one who was actually trained to do what they do. The same goes for a midwife, if that is the type of professional caring for you. Therefore, if a medical professional says that the baby is on its way, the chances are very high that's the truth. So, if a doctor points out the obvious, don't brush it off. Instead, prepare for it.

4 Irregular Contractions

Just before a woman goes into labor, their cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus, will soften, thin out, and even shorten. This may cause a woman to feel a bit of discomfort and may even trigger her to feel a few extra contractions. It should be noted that these contractions are not the regular contractions that signal that delivery is well on the way. However, these very irregular contractions are also a definite sign that the baby is coming. During these irregular contractions, the cervix will dilate and eventually cause a woman to feel more general and regular contractions every 5 to 15 minutes. Moms-to-be need to keep calm during this time and make sure they are ready for the big moment.

3 A Poorly-Timed Cold

It seems like a mean trick that nature plays on moms when they get a cold during their most pregnant state. Their bodies are already going through so much. They have to contend with irregular bowel movements, aches, pains, and sometimes even rhythmic spine irritations. Adding coughing, sneezing, congestion, malaise, and sore throat to it is just mean. But this is quite common during the very last leg of pregnancy. This is common because there's an increase in hormone release. Although not every cold symptom tends to be felt, congestion is certainly the most common. So, if a mom-to-be is feeling extra congested, she should know that this may mean her baby is coming.

2 The Baby Pulls A Justin Timberlake

When a baby starts to move within their mom, she will likely become pretty in-tune with it. She will know when the baby will be most active based on repetition. Moms-to-be may even be able to tell why a baby is kicking. Although the sensation is odd, it's a great way to understand a baby's needs, personality, and when they are ready to be delivered. This is because a baby can very well become Justin Timberlake and decide to move a lot during the last leg of pregnancy. This is their way of saying that they are more than ready to come out and will cause some commotion until they do. However, the opposite is true as well, as some babies settle into their position and wait patiently for the rest of the body to be ready.

1 That Obvious Tidal Wave

We have to end with the most common sign that a baby is on its way. Throughout pregnancy, the fetus has been growing in a woman's uterus surrounded by amniotic fluid. This fluid serves to protect the baby from physical motions from the mother and the outside world. It's insulation. When the fluid is released, it means that the body has prepared the necessary parts for delivery. Because things have opened and loosened, the fluid can no longer be held within. When the "water" releases, the body and the baby are ready and doctors are eager to put the mother in the delivery room. This is because the baby is no longer protected by the fluid. He or she needs to come into this world. This is why it's the number one way of telling that it's time to give birth.

Sources: PampersTommysLive Science, Today's ParentBaby CenterParentsMedicine Net, What To Expect