We all know pregnancy is not an easy nine months. And while there are wonderful sides of it, there are some pretty annoying side-effects, some that women aren't even aware of until they get pregnant. Today we decided to take a closer look at those, in the hopes of helping anyone out there prepare for what might come. From the more known things such as swollen feet and constant nausea, to the rather unknown things like bleeding gums, facial hair growth and a rather weird smell "down there."

And to lighten things up a bit we included a few rather funny side effects that we don't want to spoil yet. Either way, every pregnant lady out there needs to remember that her body is going through the most exciting, but also most exhausting experience it can go through - and all these changes that happen do so in order to prepare their body. Whenever one is seriously concerned with a change they are experiencing it's always good to ask their doctor about it, but knowing that some of these things are common and normal can help women calm down.

So here they are, 20 photos that show another side of pregnancy.

20 Everyone Is Touching The Bump

Let's start off the list with a very obvious pregnancy occurrence: everyone touching the bump. While this can be cute in the beginning, after a while it definitely gets old, and the mom is pretty sick of it. But it always seems unacceptable to deny a relative or a friend to touch it, which is why women often let it happen, even though they wish it just wouldn't. To anyone reading this: next time you see a pregnant friend or relative, try to not go for touching the baby bump unless they suggest it - chances are they are sick of that.

19 And There Are Plenty Of Unusual Cravings 

Pregnancies are known for some weird cravings. The change in hormones that occurs during pregnancy can result in women craving specific savory, sweet or salty foods, and some of the most common ones are pickles, lemonade, and honey. But it also hasn't been unheard of that some soon-to-be moms like mixing combos of food that nobody in the right mind would actually crave. But hey, no judging, pregnant ladies can pretty much get away with everything. As long as they get what they need, they will be happy, and at the end of the day, that's what all of us want!

18 Acid Reflux Is An Annoying Side Effect

A common side effect of pregnancy is acid reflux. It occurs because the hormone progesterone slows down the digestive system, which results in stomach acids creeping up and making women feel like they will throw up pretty much all the time. Above you can see singer Jessica Simpson who got very real about pregnancy on her social media. She even admitted acid reflux was so bad she had to get a reclining chair to sleep in. This side effect of pregnancy might be one of the most annoying ones, as there's not much that can really be done about it.

17 The Brain Seems To Be A Bit Confused

Yup, a common thing that happens during pregnancy is that the brain does some really weird things. And while things like this might be fun to everyone else, it's definitely not fun for the pregnant lady. We all know the feeling of looking for your phone and having no clue where it might be. Imagine finding it in the fridge eventually! While things like this can happen to anyone really regardless of whether they are pregnant or not, they definitely happen more to the pregnant ones out there. But hey, it's only for nine months, hopefully, the phones make it that long.

16 And There's Just Too Much Saliva

Nausea and vomiting are a well-known part of pregnancy, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. And one thing that comes with those is ptyalism or sialorrhea gravidarum - also known as excessive salivating. It's nothing that really affects the baby so no need to be worried, but it can be very annoying for the mom. This is why some of them even need to spit out the excessive saliva often, and that's not always an easy thing to do without others noticing. Drinking water often and eating smaller meals can help deal with this batter, but chances are there will still be some excess.

15 Dressing For Work Has Never Been More Difficult

Another thing that women might not realize the difficulty of is dressing professionally with a huge baby bump. Sure there is maternity clothing that can be bought, but it seems as if there are not too many options, which is why a lot of women like to stick to their regular clothing, at least when it comes to wider tops. And while this sometimes works, dressing for work everyday, and making sure one is not wearing the same look over and over again can be a huge cause of stress. Seems silly, doesn't it? But it is a very real thing pregnant and working women in our society deal with.

14 And Coffee Is Usually Limited To One Cup A Day

Any coffee addicts out there must dread having to go nine months with just one cup of coffee per day while they're pregnant. The daily intake of caffeine must be less than 200 milligrams per day, so those of you who drink their coffee with loads of milk might be able to get away with two cups. But if it's just pure black coffee, the soon-to-be-mom will have to do some sacrificing. While research on caffeine and pregnancy is inconclusive, most commonly it is claimed that too much coffee can increase the risk of a loss or having a baby with low birth weight.

13 Gums Tend To Bleed

Bleeding and swollen or sensitive gums are another common side effect of pregnancy. About half of pregnant women experience this, and it becomes especially noticeable when brushing teeth. The inflammation is called pregnancy gingivitis, and is caused by hormonal changes in the body. The best way to deal with this is brushing thoroughly and often and using an anti-plaque toothpaste. Usually the problems with bleeding gums go away after the pregnancy, but if they are very noticeable and painful, it's definitely advised to go see a dentist. Making sure the teeth are being healthy and clean is important for everyone, regardless if pregnant or not.

12 And There's So Much Gas Buildup

This is one of the more embarrassing parts of pregnancy - the constant gas buildup. It occurs - as almost every other side effect too - because of the change in hormones, in particular the increase of progesterone which relaxes all muscles in the body. And that means the intestine muscles are relaxed as well resulting in slower digestion, as we already mentioned. Slower digestion means more time for gas development, and well... means pregnant women are bloated, burp and fart more than others. And as these things can happen even uncontrollably - they surely result in plenty of embarrassing moments. But hey, if anyone can get away it, it's pregnant women.

11 Nausea And Vomiting Are Also Quite Common

As previously mentioned, nausea and vomiting are probably the most famous side effect of pregnancy, it's even the one thing that lets women know they might be pregnant. And sometimes the vomiting can go as far as women being unable to keep anything down, in which case this results in a condition called Hyperemesis Gravidarum. It's mainly characterized by severe nausea, vomiting, and dehydration. One celebrity that was very open about going through this is actress Amy Schumer, who shared pics of her getting an IV because of this on social media. While it doesn't necessarily mean every pregnant woman experiences the symptoms this badly, usually everyone does experience at least nausea at some point.

10 Struggling With Grooming "Downstairs" Is A Whole Other Story

Yup, forget shaving for a while, as it might be too difficult to reach the area and potentially dangerous because you could accidentally end up, well, not with the intended result. In fact, even shaving your legs is a problem, but you know what, women really shouldn't have to feel like they need to groom anywhere if they don't want to, and if there's one time they really don't want to it is when they are pregnant. But if the mom still wants to get rid of the hair, asking for help is okay, and one should not be ashamed to do that. A close friend, or even your significant other might be totally up for giving you a helping hand with this.

9 And The Whole Area Can Have An Ammonia-Like Smell

Yes, it is normal for the downstairs area to smell slightly different, and lots of women have reported a slight ammonia-like smell. Of course, if the smell becomes very prominent, definitely tell your doctor, but other than this just cleaning regularly with water or mild, area appropriate products should be fine. Remember, the body is currently going through so many changes, and it is only normals that you also notice that things look or smell differently. However, being aware of all these things is important, and if you're at any time concerned with any side-effect do not hesitate to ask a professional for help and their opinion. It's what they're there for after all.

8 There's A Constant Need To Pee

It has been scientifically proven that pregnant women produce up to 25% more urine, and it's no wonder they constantly run to the bathroom. This happens because of the extra blow flow in the body, which makes the kidneys work more. Besides this, the fact that the growing uterus is putting a lot of pressure on the woman's bladder is also not helping. So yeah, peeing all the time is normal and nobody should judge you because of that - it just means your body is healthy and is adapting to the situation it's in. Now go ahead and pee without feeling bad about it!

7 But No Leaning Back On Toilets When Preggo Please

Okay, let's break the serious talk up with a lightly funny side-effect. But hey before you laugh too much, remember it's still a very real problem that happens to plenty of pregnant women. I think we should start a petition and ask for toilet seat producers to rethink their product's design as it clearly doesn't work flawlessly for everyone. But jokes aside, be aware of this and try not to lean back too much, however if you do and the toilet seat cover breaks, it's fine. Remember you're pregnant and nobody will be pissed. The perk of pregnancy aka being able to get away with anything strikes again!

6 Facial Hair Is Also A Thing

Another thing that also isn't too uncommon is that women notice that they become a bit more hairy, and often also on their face. While pregnancy can give women wonderfully healthy and thick hair, it also can give them hair where they really haven't asked for any. But usually the hair isn't too noticeable, and it's recommended not to touch it unless really necessary, as plucking the hair can cause it to grow again in the same place for the rest of your life. Most likely hair growth will go back to normal after the pregnancy, and while this means no more facial hair, it also unfortunately means the hair on your head will go back to normal as well.

5 Tying Shoes Is A Struggle

The bigger the bump gets the less the mom is able to tie her shoes - even put them on. And this is such a common problem that there's even videos on social media that attempt to teach women what the easiest way is to go about this problem. As you can tell, the picture above is one example, but sometimes not everyone is flexible enough to do it like that. As with anything else, at this point of pregnancy the mom really shouldn't be ashamed to ask for help, even if that means someone else needs to tie her shoes.

4 Feet Are Swollen Almost All The Time

This is another common and well-known side-effect of pregnancy - swollen feet. Our favorite pregnant lady Jessica Simpson decided to get real about this as well, and posted the pic of her swollen and painful feet you can see above. The condition occurs due to the extra fluid in the body and the pressure of the uterus. This is something that won't go away until the end, but there are things one can do to get some relief such as propping the feet up, avoiding crossing legs and stretching often. Sitting for too long isn't good either, and sleeping on the side is best.

3 And Hemorrhoids Are A Pain In The... Well, You Know, Quite Literally

Anyone who ever experienced hemorrhoids knows exactly how bad and painful they can get. Pregnancy hemorrhoids are a very common thing amongst soon-to-be-moms. Most commonly hemorrhoids occur in the third trimester when the enlarged uterus is putting a lot of pressure on the veins. And these kinds of hemorrhoids can be very painful. There are home remedy recipes - most including herbs and leas like in the pic above - but there are also creams that can be bought at a pharmacy. If painful, it's always best to consult with a doctor about what the best option to deal with them is.

2 Pregnancy Breakouts Are A Thing

Yup, you guessed it, this one is also caused by the change in hormones. Breakouts are very common while pregnant and they happen because of the increase of a hormone called androgen, which causes the skin to produce more sebum and that is known to clog up pores and lead to inflammation and breakouts. Yup, pregnancy might make you feel like a teenager all over again, and while there are things one can do to minimize them with the right skin care, a zit here and there will definitely still pop up. And you know what? That is totally fine, regardless if pregnant or not!

1 And Forget Squeezing Through Tight Places

Lastly, we wanted to end the list on a more funny note. While some side effects of pregnancy can be serious and quite difficult to deal with, one is pretty funny: not being able to squeeze through tiny spaces. Yup, it's not easy at all walking around with a huge bump. Pregnancy queen Jessica Simpson, of course, had to touch upon this topic, and show everyone the real struggles of becoming a mother. There you have it, while pregnancy sure does have some annoying sides, it's also an incredibly exciting experience that every mom should try to enjoy as much as possible!

Sources: babycenter.combuzzfeed.combuzzfeed.comhealthline.compulptastic.com,
