The bond between a mother and child often starts as soon as Mommy finds out she’s pregnant. It’s no secret she doesn’t have to wait until the baby is born to get close with her child. In fact, there are countless ways she and the unborn baby can develop a bond while he or she is still cooking, growing, developing, and all that jazz in the baby bump.

While some of the most obvious ways include talking and reading to the unborn child, there are some other pretty cool ways a mother can show her love and start to build that undeniable connection that will last for a lifetime.

Interestingly enough, some of these experiences and moments include just keeping a sonogram close and responding to the baby’s kicks in her own way. For those moms who like to do a couple or tackle the entire list in one day, it’s safe to say this will definitely help moms discover fun methods to bond with their child in ways that will only make their connection stronger after her beautiful baby arrives. Take a look at 20 ways moms can connect and bond with their child long before she goes into labor.

20 Talk To The Baby As Often As Possible

It’s no secret that babies can hear their mother’s voice when they are still in her belly. While they can hear other’s voices as well, the voice of Mom is the one that will be heard more than anyone else’s. So it only makes sense that talking with her baby is just one of the ways she can build their bond, according to Belly Belly. The baby won’t just get used to the voice, but he or she will respond in ways that include going toward the direction of the voice. The site encourages moms to speak to their soon-to-be newborn of adventures to come and of her love for them.

19 Keep A Journal To Track Interactions With The Baby

A journal is one of the best ways to document a pregnancy like none other. Even though it doesn’t necessarily involve direct interaction with the baby, it does encourage a bond. Think about how awesome it would be when the child is six months, a year, and so on, to look back at the journal entries during the pregnancy days and see everything come into fruition. It’s helpful to journal the desires a mom has for her child, and even the things she experiences while carrying, according to Parents. The journal could even double as written letters to the unborn child. A bonus would be to share the book with the child one day.

18 Go For A Swim


Swimming while pregnant has endless benefits, especially when it comes to a mother connecting with her unborn child. For starters, it’s pretty much the closest a woman can get to feeling what her baby feels while he or she is developing in the womb, according to Baby Centre. It’s a unique way for Mom to relate to her baby. This is also a great form of exercise while pregnant as it takes the pressure off a future mom’s knees and feet. Don’t be afraid to take it a step further and take a prenatal swimming class to get in a few moments of great exercise while making new friends.

17 Listen To Music



It’s no secret that classical music during pregnancy encourages a level of genius for an unborn child. Still, listening to any music can serve as a great way for a mom and said unborn child to build their connection and never-ending bond. Parent Lane pointed out that even though the sound of music might sound muffled to the baby, don’t be surprised if and when they respond to the vibrations. Ultimately, babies just can’t get enough of good music. So why not use it as a way to get the bond and connection started right away? There’s really never a bad time to get started.

16 Call Them By Name

We’re pretty sure any mom reading this already has a list of girl and boy names even before she knows what she’s having. So as soon as the doctor reveals the gender of the child, select a name and start calling the baby by it. Of course, for the moms that have opted for a unisex name, this can be done even before knowing the gender. Still, while some moms opt for waiting until the child is born to name their baby, if Mom as already decided on one, it’s never too early to start calling the baby’s name. Mom can put it in a song, and even do it during an ultrasound, according to American Pregnancy.

15 Rub The Belly


Considering the baby is growing inside a mother’s belly, it’s a no-brainer that rubbing it is the closest thing they can get to touching, and arguably one of the most intimate ways to bond. It lets the child know that their mom is still there, and that she hasn’t forgotten about them. It’s also a great way to respond to the child when they’re kicking, according to Belly Belly. It’s always fun to see what happens when the baby pokes, and mom responds. Don’t be surprised if the baby offers another nudge for what could constitute as some pretty cool playtime.

14 Have A Light Show/Play Peek-A-Boo

Yes, it’s possible! And it can actually be fun too. According to Healthy Mummy there’s absolutely a way for a mother and her unborn child to play games together, such as the iconic and traditional peek-a-boo. All you need is a flashlight in a dark room. Put the light on the stomach and be amazed as the one who has yet to enter the world responds. He or she might even push the light away. Once they catch on, which might not take as long as a mom thinks, move it around and watch the time pass on as Mom and Baby play peek-a-boo together!

13 Take A Bath

Like many other methods on this list, taking a bath doesn’t just make mom feel amazing before or after a long day of toting around a growing baby bump. It also helps her start the beginning phases of a lifelong connection with her child. It not only encourages much needed “me time” for Mom, but gives her a chance to be alone with her unborn baby and focus on him or her without any other distractions, according to Baby Centre. Plus, moms should take in moments like this as much as she can before the child arrives, because once they do, they’ll certainly be few and far between.

12 Establish Bonding Time

There is absolutely nothing wrong with setting aside time to bond with an unborn child. In fact, Parent Lane encourages it as a great way to get close with the baby before labor. The site encourages a mom to take time on a daily basis to interact with her child and develop the bond. It can even include other things on this list like talking to the child, taking a bath, and taking a walk together. While he or she might not even realize what’s going on, it will all come together when they are born, and the bond will be one that can’t be broken thanks to times like these.

11 Snap Your Fingers!

Yes, a baby can even respond to snaps while they are still their mom’s belly. Snapping is a surefire way to inspire an undeniable connection between Mom and Baby. It’s almost like music, so don’t be afraid to add a tune and dance to it for some great exercise time. Interestingly enough, all moms know that their unborn children love to perform even the most complex of acrobatics in the belly, so snapping can encourage them to do it at least while Mom is awake and not attempting to get much needed sleep. Who knew snapping could be so much fun?

10 Let The Family Meet The Baby

This especially goes for the unborn baby’s older brothers and sisters, according to Parent Lane. It’s such an amazing time to let the whole family get in on the bonding. Whether it’s the older siblings talking to the baby and playing with him or her or letting their big brother and sister feel the kicks and respond. Another great method is to let the siblings go to the doctor’s appointments and hear the heartbeats. Whether one chooses all or one or the other, it’s safe to say that helping the older siblings establish a bond is almost just as essential as Mom building a connection herself.

9 Keep A Sonogram Close

According to Baby Centre, another way to bond with an unborn child is to keep a sonogram close by. This can be on the dashboard of a car or even on a nightstand. For those who know their baby’s photo isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, it might be a good idea to frame it and place it in the bedroom or even the bathroom. This is beneficial even in the earlier days of pregnancy when Mom and Dad aren’t sure what the gender of the child is yet. Feel free to replace them as the pregnancy continues. Moms can even use the 3D scan to swoon over regularly later in the pregnancy.

8 Do Yoga


Yoga isn’t just a relaxing form of mechanism for a pregnant mom, it’s also a way that she can connect with her unborn baby. Ironically thanks to that relaxation. According to Belly Belly, prenatal yoga is actually pretty powerful. It helps Mom to focus on herself (which is definitely needed during this amazing time of pregnancy) as well as her baby. It’s a great way to just get some rest that she’s been missing out on and channel her inner peace. While baby might not respond, it’s still a great way to bond as the future mom focuses on all things within.

7 Dance And Get Your Mood Up

Dancing is a way to relieve stress, forget about any worries, and of course bond with an unborn child. Who knows, the baby might be the next Jennifer Lopez thanks to Mom’s amazing moves. In all seriousness, even the gentlest of movements can give off endorphins that serve as an amazing way for Mom and Baby to connect before the unborn child enters the world, according to American Pregnancy. Dancing is evidence that Mom is in a good mood, and when this happens, the unborn child is definitely going to feed off of her energy without question. So don’t just stand there, bust a move!

6 Wind Down Together At Night

It’s never too early to start establishing a bedtime for an unborn baby. Yes, they will clearly want to still play like none other, and don’t understand that Mom is trying to sleep. Still, it’s beneficial to start wrapping up the night together, and making it known to the baby that it’s time to unwind, according to Healthy Mummy. Whether it’s taking a bath, doing a yoga session in the bedroom, reading to the baby or even singing while getting ready for bed, having a schedule for the unborn child will prove to be advantageous in helping with the development and bond.

5 Go For A Walk

While walking might be dubbed as a traditional way to encourage the water to break and the baby to get ready to arrive in the last days of pregnancy, it can also serve as a great bonding mechanism in the earlier days of the growing baby bump, according to Baby Centre. It’s not just great exercise, but also soothing way for a mother and her unborn baby to have some alone time. It’s a perfect time to talk to the child about their surroundings and things they’ll experience once they’re officially born. Of course, moms can walk at any pace that works best for them.

4 Have Dad Get In On The Fun

Yes, as much as Mommy wants to keep the baby and all of the fun to herself as they develop their bond, it’s only fair to let Dad get in on the fun. Belly Belly pointed out that dads want to connect and bond with their unborn child just as much as mothers do. It’s just not as easy for them since they’re not around the child constantly like Mom is. Let Dad put his hands around the baby bump when the baby kicks, and even read the baby a book so he or she can used to their dad’s voice too. There are tons of ways for the dad to connect with their child.

3 Relax!

This is just as important for the unborn baby as it is for the mother. A baby can sense any emotion that their mother has, even while they’re still in the womb. So it’s imperative and essential that the mom takes time to just unwind and relax from any of the everyday stresses she faces at any given moment. It’s important to note that everything the mom experiences travels down to the baby; from everything to her mood to even her heart rate. So taking time to relax isn’t just healthy, it’s very needed for the unborn child to sense the calmness his or her mother aims to embrace.

2 Read Them Stories

For those moms who are a little nervous about being extra chatty with their unborn loved one, one alternative is to read to them, according to Healthy Mummy. It’s completely normal to not really understand the importance of or even feel uncomfortable with having full conversations with a baby while he or she is still in the belly. And fortunately for those moms, reading doesn’t even have to be exclusive to children’s books. It can be a book that’s just enjoyable for Mom. The important thing is for the baby to hear their mom’s voice. And that’s really all that matters.

1 Take Photos Of The Baby Bump

Even if the baby doesn’t know this is happening, this is just one of the ways for a mom to bond with her unborn child that will also continue after the baby is born, Belly Belly said. How cool would it be for any of us to see a snapshot of our moms rocking her baby bump with us inside? This will pretty much never get old, no matter how old we are. Mom can even go as far as taking a snapshot of her bump each week to show the baby how much (and how fast) they grew while inside of her belly. Talk about a tear-jerking bonding moment.

Resources: Belly Bely, Baby Centre, Parent Lane, Healthy Mummy, Parents, American Pregnancy