Acid reflux occurs when stomach acids or stomach contents move back the esophagus. Babies have acid reflux because their lower esophageal muscle (LES) is undeveloped. When this ring of muscle does not close completely, the digestive juices and food move up the gullet. What are the signs of acid reflux in babies? And are there tips and remedies to prevent acid reflux? Here is what parents should know.

Symptoms Of Acid Reflux

Projectile Vomiting

Projectile vomiting, or forceful spit up, is one sign of acid reflux in babies. They will fuss and cry after they spit up because it is painful. Some babies also spit up blood, coffee-like substances, or yellowish-green fluidMayo Clinic adds that acid reflux is associated with blood in babies’ stool.

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Baby Refuses To Eat

When food or acid travels back the esophagus, it may cause irritation and pain. If a baby experiences pain when eating and swallowing, they may refuse to feed. Healthline points out that some babies scream and cry during feeds due to esophageal irritation and discomfort in the abdomen.

Weight Loss

Acid reflux and GERD can affect the growth of a baby. Babies who vomit excessively are more likely to lose weight. Poor feeders, who associate feeding with pain, do not gain weight either.

Abnormal Arching

Healthline explains that a baby may abnormally arch his/her body during feeds. They develop the posture because of the painful and burning sensation from acid reflux.

Frequent Coughing And Respiratory Diseases

Babies with acid reflux and GERD cough frequently due to food and acid moving up their esophagus. At times, the baby may choke and gag from the vomit. The vomited food can also be inhaled in a baby’s windpipe and lungs. If this happens, the baby is at risk of developing bacterial pneumonia. GERD is also known to cause difficulty breathing and asthma in babies.

Disturbed Sleep

Disturbed sleep is another sign of acid reflux in babies. If a baby frequently suffers a painful, burning sensation, they will have difficulty falling and staying asleep.

Wet Hiccups And Burps

Acid reflux causes some babies to spit up liquid when hiccupping or burping.

Remedies For Acid Reflux In Babies

Change Baby Feedings

Healthline advises parents to give baby small but frequent meals. This prevents their stomach from being too full. Small feeds will put less pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter and prevent food from moving up the esophagus. What To Expect adds that parents can offer a pacifier after meals to reduce the likelihood of acid reflux.

Also, parents should feed their baby in an upright position. Not only will this prevent choking and gagging, but it also reduces spit-ups. The upright position uses gravity to keep the food contents in the stomach down. Do not bounce the baby at least 30 minutes after feeds. Instead, distract them with a book or toy to minimize their movement. Moreover, parents should feed their babies long before putting them to bed. This gives room for the food to settle.

Burp The Baby Often

Burping gets rid of the air a baby swallows during feeding. Babies spit up if they are not burped. Therefore, breastfeeding moms should burp their baby when they let go of the nipple. On the other hand, bottle-fed babies should be burped after they consume 1-2 ounces. Getting rid of the swallowed air decreases the likelihood of acid reflux.

Check Nipple Size

Babies are more likely to have acid reflux when they are fed from wrong-sized nipples. Therefore, parents should ensure that the nipple hole is not too large. If the nipple releases more milk than a baby can gulp down, they are likely to drink fast and swallow lots of air. Also, the nipple should be full of milk during feeds.

Thicken Baby Formula

Healthline proposes thickening baby formula with rice cereal. A baby is less likely to throw up when the stomach contents are thick, not liquid. However, parents should consult a pediatrician first before thickening the formula.

Change Diet

A mom’s diet can increase or decrease the likelihood of a baby developing acid reflux. Breastfeeding moms should, therefore, watch their diet to reduce acid reflux in their babies. Moms should limit their intake of eggs and milk as they are known to cause reflux.

Medication And Surgery

When none of the above methods work, parents need to consult a pediatrician. The doctor may prescribe medication that neutralizes stomach acids. Such drugs include omeprazole, Pepcid, and Prevacid. In other cases, surgery may be the best option if the baby is not gaining weight. The surgery involves tightening the LES. A tighter LES will stop food from flowing back into the esophagus.

NEXT: 15 Foods That Turn Into A Stomach Ache For The Baby

Sources: Healthline, Healthline, What To Expect, Mayo Clinic.