A new study has found that artificial intelligence (AI) may play a part in monitoring women during labor, and this could change how childbirth is done for years to come. Childbirth has always been pretty standard, especially if mom gives birth in a hospital. She is monitored by the medical staff, her labor is watched, and she receives checks to look at her progression.

While this has been the way things have happened for decades, there is nothing wrong with advancements in technology. If it means a safer, and more positive experience for mom and baby, then it can be seen as a good thing with many benefits.

According to Medical Xpress, a study has shown that there have been successful labor outcomes in pregnant women using AI technology in the delivery room. This study was done by Mayo Clinic researchers, and it can be read in full here.

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They found that using AI algorithms to analyze women in labor and the pattern of changes they are going through can help medical experts determine if mom will have a safe vaginal delivery, or if interventions are likely to be needed.

Abimbola Famuyide, the senior author of the study, stated that this is just the first step to using algorithms to provide guidance to medical professionals and midwives during labor. It can help them make decisions for the benefit of mom and baby. The rest of the world seems to be advancing when it comes to technology, why would childbirth be any different?

The researchers believe that since this system works in real time, it can constantly provide up-to-date data and information. If the status of mom changes, it will provide an immediate update on how it believes the labor will end. This can help reduce the rate of c-sections, and neonatal complications that could lead to NICU stays.

Right now, women are assessed during childbirth by cervical checks, and while that works for a lot of women, there are drawbacks to it. The biggest drawback is that every woman and situation is different, and using one process for them all may not be the most ideal situation. An AI replacement would be able to treat every woman, and childbirth, as unique and adjust as such. It is too early to see if this will work in real-time, but it may mean a lot to the future of childbirth and medical care.

Sources: Medical Xpress, PLOS One