Let's be honest... breastfeeding is hard. The problem is, is that no one talks about how hard it actually is, which leaves the mother trying to breastfeed without success feeling like she somehow failed her child when she decides to give up trying and moves to formula out of the necessity to feed her child. There is no right or wrong way to provide nourishment to a baby when choosing breastmilk or formula. The issues arise when the choice is taken away from the mom and she is left participating either breastfeeding when she wanted to use formula or vice versa.

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Celebrities are not immune to breastfeeding issues. Just ask Ashley Graham who spent the first few days of her time home with son, Isaac, sore and bloody from improper breastfeeding technique. For those who need some assistance when it comes to breastfeeding properly, lactation consultants are willing and able to provide help.

Lactation consultants are used by mothers who have problems with their baby latching correctly, have low milk supply, or just overall pain when it comes to breastfeeding. Some hospitals will provide a consultation with one before the mother leaving to help her start on the right foot at home. Many times, that is not enough though.

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Graham had to contact a consultant to put an end to the pain, discomfort, and blood that came from her nipples when Isaac nursed. She came to learn from the lactation consultant that she was breastfeeding all wrong.

The model explained that when she attempted to feed Isaac, she was "jamming" her boob into his mouth, which did not give him a chance to latch properly. Once she implemented a technique her lactation consultant taught her, over the following days, her pain started to subside, her breasts were starting to heal, and Isaac was eating better.

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Like all things having to do with pregnancy, there needs to be more open lines of communication as far as what to expect between a mother-to-be and her doctor as well as mother to mother, once the baby is born. The more information a mother can have, especially a first-time one, the less stress there is for all involved.

Source: Daily Mail

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