Balance is an important part of development for toddlers. It is something that little ones work on from the time they are practicing tummy time as infants until they are walking and doing so with ease between 18 months and two years of age, according to Playworld. That is why the more activities that toddlers are involved in that work on balancing will help them in the long run. This is not only with balance alone, though. These activities work on motor skills and coordination as well. And that is why if parents can find awesome balance activities for toddlers to participate in, they are setting their little ones up for fewer trips, falls, and accidents as they navigate their bodies upright through the world.

When toddlers become confident in their balancing skills, they are more willing to try new physical activities overall. This can be anything from sports to just daily chores. Knowing that they will be able to climb the stairs, get on a step stool or even play at the playground allows toddlers to build a foundation of physical skills that could not be achieved without balance. This is why the sooner parents participate in activities with their little ones that promote balance, the more coordinated and confident toddlers will become overall.

RELATED: Self-Care Developmental Milestones For Toddlers

Here are some awesome balance activities for toddlers.

Become A Flamingo

via Pexels/Jonny Lew

Flamingos are able to stand on one leg with ease, showing just how much balance they have in their bodies. A move that can help toddlers to become better with their balance as well.

According to the BBC, when people stand on one leg, it allows them to build new connections in the brain. These connections fire messages to the sensors in the muscles and joints of the body that help them to tighten and flex to keep the body upright while only on one leg. And the more that this is practiced the easier it becomes.

Parents can play a game of becoming a flamingo with their toddlers by asking them to stand on one leg. The one who can hold their balance longest is the winner.

Freeze Dance

via Pexels/Babara Olsen

A fun game that all toddlers enjoy playing is Freeze Dance. This is because they get to move their bodies in any way they want to when dancing to the music. Little do they know, however, toddlers are working on their balance as well.

The goal of the game is to stop moving when the music stops. Whatever position toddlers are in, they need to freeze in. This freezing can be any number of movements, feet on the floor, or hands in the air. And the more that toddlers have to freeze in position, the better at balance they will become.

Practice Yoga

via Pexels/Valeria Ushakova

When toddlers see their parents practice yoga, they want to do the same. And by practicing the different positions, they are working on their balance.

According to Yoga Basics, some yoga moves that help with balance include:

  • Mountain pose
  • Balancing Table pose
  • Tree pose
  • Side Plank pose
  • Dance pose

By practicing these and other yoga poses with toddlers, their balance will improve exponentially. And while the poses may need to be modified, the strengthening of their mind and muscles to help with balance is being worked on to help be as coordinated as possible as they age.

Walk The Tightrope

via Pexels/Dom J

While toddlers are too young to have the coordination to jump rope, that does not mean that they cannot use a jump rope to walk a tightrope.

Circus performers who walk the tightrope have amazing balancing skills. So much so that some are confident enough to walk a small tension line with only a net below to catch them.

While toddlers will not be doing anything near as extreme when they walk the tightrope, by walking in a straight line on a jump rope, they are able to practice their balancing skills. Something that they will only continue to get more proficient in as they get older.


via Pexels/RODNAE Productions

Bowling at a bowling alley is out of the question for toddlers given the weight of the bowling balls. But, they can still practice their bowling and balancing skills by using lawn bowling equipment instead.

According to Rab's, when bowling, one leg goes behind the other. When this happens, the body has to balance itself to stay upright. And with the arm swinging to throw the ball, the entire body can be thrown off kilter if balance is not being used.

While toddlers may not be able to throw the bowling ball in the grass with one hand, even by rolling it between their legs they are still having to stabilize themselves. And this helps with their balance overall.

Animal Action

via Pexels/Josh Willink

A game that toddlers are sure to love is Animal Action. This is because they get to act out the actions of different animals to music. Something that works on the imagination as well as balance.

By twisting, turning, and contorting bodies to be different animals, toddlers work on their balance and coordination without even realizing it. And the more they pretend to be different animals, the more stable they will become on their feet as they age.

Source: Playworld, BBC, Yoga Basics, Rab's