These moms are handing out buttons that say “baby on board” to pregnant commuters to encourage other people to give up their seats for them. While they may not directly confront other passengers, the buttons will help alert other commuters to be more mindful of their fellow travellers. It’s a small step, but it can make a big difference.

Every single day, many working moms are enduring a long commute home. Especially for those who are not physically showing it yet, pregnant women are finding it hard to sit down during a commute. The long hours spent at work is twice as taxing on the body when it’s going through the many changes and strains of pregnancy. It’s understandable that everyone on board is probably also tired from their day at work, but some people need the seat more than others.

Volunteers at The Mom Project are handing out buttons that say “baby on board” to pregnant passengers in Chicago. The company knows how hard it is to commute while carrying a baby, so they want to do everything they can to help. They urge expecting moms to wear the buttons while travelling so that other passengers are aware that someone needs their seat more than they do. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of uncertainty; they’re not sure whether or not you’re pregnant and in need of a seat.

RELATED: Long Commutes Increase The Risk Of Multiple Pregnancy Complications

The Chicago initiative isn’t the first of its kind. Organizations in London have been handing out buttons to pregnant commuters for years, and the women have had better rides home. The idea was inspired by a mom who approached pro-mom organizations with the idea to hand out the badges. She recounted her experiences of a daily commute involving the subway and a couple of buses, and it was extra taxing while she was pregnant.

With the buttons, The Mom Projects hopes to further their goal of keeping and supporting moms in the workplace. The task of bringing new life into the world shouldn’t be harder than it is, and if a button can help expecting moms have a more comfortable commute, then every single one of them should have one.