When the movie Deadpool came out back in 2016, Marvel quickly realized that they had a critical and commercial success on their hands. The foulmouthed anti-hero proved to be even more popular when the sequel, Deadpool 2, was released in 2018. Between those films coming out and also since then, this character has managed to maintain a high level of popularity thanks to his crazy antics and wacky sense of humour.

With all things considered, it should come as no surprise that Deadpool merchandise is seemingly everywhere. But in the case of Build-A-Bear- a popular toy company known for creating unique toys for children- they decided to take on the idea of Deadpool. That idea eventually morphed into a brand new toy based on the Marvel anti-hero. While it looks super cool, many have taken issue with Build-A-Bear's newest offering.

On social media, many people criticized Build-A-Bear for their decision to create a Deadpool-inspired bear. The company is known for selling bears and other toys to children- a demographic that doesn't fit Deadpool's R-rated films. The idea of Build-A-Bear making and selling such a toy not aimed for children whatsoever. Many continue to voice their disapproval of the toy of various social media platforms.


But on the other hand, many more people disagree with such criticism. Others argue that the Deadpool bear will make for a great collector's item for those who really love the Deadpool franchise. People have also suggested that despite his anti-hero status, Marvel's outlandish character is even nicer than other characters who are also fairly mainstream. Like with those sharing their dissatisfaction with the toy, those in favour of it have taken to social media to show their support.

Whether you love this toy or hate it, Build-A-Bear has definitely got people talking about it. This immense amount of attention will clearly draw people into purchasing it or even just checking it out. Not only is Build-A-Bear getting all this attention, but so is Deadpool. Will all this attention lead to a lot of sales? Only time will tell.

If you really want a Deadpool bear of your own, you can buy exclusively on Build-A-Bear's website.