Forget problematic tiger parents who push their children to the core or helicopter parents who take over every aspect of their child’s life, because there’s a new category of parents that are causing problems: bulldozer parents. They are the ones who like to remove obstacles to make life a little easier for their kids, but according to a new study, they might be doing their kids more harm than good.

Bulldozer parents – who are also known as snow plough or lawnmower parents – are the ones who like to hold their children’s hands or do all of the hard work for them. Apparently, they also don’t like or allow their children to fail or feel disappointed. They also have their eye on their child’s future and want them to be successful in every way possible. In some cases, they feel the need to remove anyone or anything that stands in their way.

According to Dr. Judith Bryant, a psychology professor at the University of South Florida, it’s the new dark side of parenting. Many families of the rich, famous and powerful were recently accused of paying bribes to help their kids get into some of the top colleges across the nation. The admissions scandal, which made headlines because of Hollywood actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman’s involvement in the controversy, is just one example of bulldozing parenting.

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Bryant explained that while a lot of parents have good intentions when it comes to helping their kids, some go a little too far. She told Fox 13 News in an interview, “The bulldozer metaphor I think refers to pushing obstacles out of the way, minimizing those obstacles to clear a path for a child's success. Examples of bulldozing that I've seen at the university would be parents that are contacting faculty by email or in person to create opportunities for their children.”

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Dr. Bryant goes on to say that this kind of behaviour can reflect poorly for their child, especially when it comes to their teachers or even potential employers. The last thing anyone would want is for their parent to speak on their behalf, especially if they are already an adult.

Instead of being so involved in their child’s success, Dr. Bryant says that parents should take a step back and trust that their child will carve their own path to their future. If given the right tools and guidance, many young adults are capable of not only making their own decisions but will also be able to apply good advice on their own.