One of the biggest changes that expectant mothers face is the change in their own bodies. Weight gain is pretty much a given, as are swollen ankles and in some cases, acne. When it comes to growing a baby, our skin might alter in ways that we aren't expecting it to. Stretch marks are common, but so are changes in the skin's pigmentation. But what exactly causes these darkened patches of skin, and more importantly, will it go away? Pregnancy hormones have a lot to answer for, but genetic makeup does too.


According to Baby Centre, if someone's mother or sister had changes in skin pigmentation during their pregnancies, then that person will most likely follow suit. Many women notice that their skin appears darker during pregnancy, but it's far more common in females with darker skin. One of the most noticeable areas to visibly darken are the nipples and the skin around them, while other pigmented areas such as moles and freckles may darken too. Those with dark skin often notice their belly button darkening, as well as the armpits and inner thighs. All of these areas usually return to normal after the baby is delivered, although the nipples may remain the same.

Brown patches of pigmentation can often appear around the face and neck, called chloasma, melasma or "mask of pregnancy". This is the body making extra melanin, the tanning hormone, which helps to protect the skin against harmful UV rays. While you might be slightly alarmed to see it, there's no reason to be worried. Around two out of three expectant moms experience this during their pregnancy. If you're a little self-conscious about it, then putting on sunscreen will stop it from darkening in the sun.

Don't worry though, the skin should return to normal within three months of giving birth when the majority of the pregnancy hormones leave your system. With so many women suffering from drastic changes in their skin during pregnancy, it's important to remember that you're not alone.

Did you have any unexpected pigmentation changes when you were pregnant? How did you handle it? Let us know in the comments!