Chrissy Teigen continues to entertain her fans and followers with her witty parenting style and humor. Luckily for fans, Teigen isn't shy when it comes to sharing both stressful and light-hearted parenting moments. And thanks to her candid stories, Teigen has also shared several tips on how to be a more relaxed parent while raising youngsters.

From creating at-home menus for picky eaters to remembering you don't have to be a perfect mom every day, Teigen's parenting hacks can be serious lifesavers.

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10 10. Create A Kid-Friendly Menu For Picky Eaters

Okay, this one may be a bit more work than us regular people have the time or patience to do, but it's so clever. Teigen said she always had the mindset of "eat what is served, or go to bed hungry," but that is easier said than done when talking about your toddler. Especially when that toddler is a picky eater.

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As parents, almost nothing is more frustrating than your child not eating, and you find yourself willing to do just about anything to get them to eat something more than chicken nuggets. In Teigen's case, it was something other than fish sticks, and it seems she had a pretty good idea to encourage her daughter to eat. Plus, when your child is able to pick exactly what they want to eat, you save time, energy, and money by not wasting food. Sounds pretty perfect to us!

9 9. Use Tag-Team Parenting

Teigen and Legend went on record to share how they handle their new life with two little ones after Miles was born. The singer stated he will take Luna outdoors to play while mom Teigen was breastfeeding baby Miles. Legend added this was a new strategy the couple was trying to help split the parenting duties and it was working for them so far. This parenting strategy can help keep one parent from becoming too over worked with the responsibilities of multiple kids, plus helps both parents bond with their children in special ways.

8 8. Remember There's No Such Thing As "Perfect" Parenting

It may seem as if the mother of two has this parenting thing down, but Teigen admits she doesn't always do things by the book. In fact, the model encourages parents to stop "fretting" over doing things incorrectly.

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Teigen has spoken out saying parents shouldn't be too hard on themselves as things are constantly changing and what works one day may not work the next for their kids. The model has been "mommy shamed" for the way she was photographed holding baby Luna to going out to dinner "too" soon after giving birth, so she may know a thing or two about letting go of the idea of being a "perfect" parent.

7 7. Enjoy Your Adult Time

They may have a hectic schedule, but Teigen and Legend make sure to get their date nights in. This may be something as simple as watching TV together with a glass of wine, or something as major as getting dolled up and hitting the Los Angeles dinner scene. Either way, the busy mom has emphasized the need for adult time alone from the kids. All parents can take note as it's easy to forget to make time for yourself when running around chasing toddlers and making sure their needs are met. But don't forget your needs in the process.

6 6. Don't Talk To Your Kids Like They're Babies

Teigen said her mom was always honest and blunt when she was growing up, so she tries to have the same mentality with her kids. The mom of two said there wasn't a lot of "mystery around things," meaning her mom kept things real from a young age. Sure, there are a few things Teigen may not be so honest about, but for the most part she said she's conscious of the way she talks to Luna and Miles.

5 5. Sometimes Lies Are Okay

Teigen gave the example of lying about the ice cream truck by saying when he has his music playing, that means he's out of ice cream. She said these types of lies are "funny," and are not necessarily harmful to kids. Besides these little lies, Teigen has gone on to say she talks to her kids the same way she speaks to her husband- being upfront and honest.

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However, having your kid skip eating ice cream for breakfast because the ice cream man is "out" isn't the worst lie ever told.

4 4. Banishing Things Will Only Make Your Kids Want It More

Telling your kid they can't eat candy or McDonald's will probably just make them crave unhealthy snacks even more, and Teigen understands this. The mom of two said she doesn't plan on "banishing" anything from her kids as they get older, and this includes social media. She stated making things off-limits may make kids even more curious, which could lead to them hiding things from parents. So instead of making things a no-no, teach your tots moderation. This is a great habit to have as they get older and can translate it into more meaningful things.

3 3. Humor Can Help You Survive

Yes, parenting can be stressful. This is especially true when your mom to multiple kids. Teigen is well aware of how stressful it can be, as she welcomed son Miles when daughter Luna was 2 years old. Despite having a picky eater, her baby son needing a helmet for medical reasons, and balancing her work life, Teigen always seems so calm and collected.

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She embraced Miles' helmet wearing days with a smile on her face, laughed at her self for being "insane" for typing out a menu for her toddler, and shrugs off people for calling her out for taking time to herself. Teigen may not explicitly say humor helps make parenting a little easier, but her fans can definitely see how she turns potentially stressful situations into ones to be laughed about.

2 2. Pick Your Battles

Your kid wants to play dress up for the fifth day in a row? Let them. Your kid wants to sit on the counter and watch you cook dinner? Okay, cool. These are just a couple of examples that show Teigen's chill style of parenting. The busy momma definitely picks her battles as Luna can be seen in Legend's Pampers commercial wearing a princess gown. Sure, it may not be what the stylist picked for little Luna, but it's what the toddler wanted to wear and so they went with it. These are the type of moments you'll miss when as your kids get older (and too big to wear princess costumes).

1 1. Sometimes It's Okay To Spoil Them

Giving in to your child's every wish may be a little extreme, but sometimes it's okay to go a little overboard with spoiling them. They're only little once and that extra toy or watching Frozen one more time isn't going to hurt in the long run. If you want to buy the super cool playhouse for your kid- go for it. If you don't mind them painting your nails the same day you had them done- let them. These are the special moments that are fun for them and for you. So enjoy their childhood right along with them while you can.

NEXT: 10 Tweets That Prove Chrissy Teigen Is The Coolest Mom