Colleen Ballinger tries to normalize breastfeeding by pumping while doing one of her Youtube videos.

Have you ever seen those Youtube videos were people are eating copious amounts of food while they interact with their audience? Just recently one popular Youtuber decided to eat the entire Olive Garden menu and give his opinions on all of the dishes that he ate. The term Mukbang is used to describe a person who eats tons of food while trying to entertain their followers on social media. Popular Youtuber Colleen Ballinger wants to help normalize breastfeeding by what she calls, "backward Mukbanging" where instead of eating a lot of food while interacting with her fans, she is taking food from her body while interacting with her followers.

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She starts out her 30 minute Youtube video by sharing that she is going to be pumping while she is talking to her followers. While she pulls down her shirt to place the pumps on her breasts a cow appears to cover her up. Ballinger shares that too many people sexualize breasts. Breasts were never created for men. They were never created to be sexy and for men's pleasure. Breasts were designed as a means to feed and nourish children. There is nothing sexy about them. Their sole purpose is to be able to feed her child.

Ballinger shares that the breast pump she is using is called the FreeMie. The pump is advertised so that "nobody will know you are pumping" but since her breasts grew about two sizes and she has tubes coming out of her shirt it is very obvious that she is pumping. She does like that the FreeMie pump attaches directing on her breasts and the milk is expressed directly in the cups that are attached to her.

She continues on with her Youtube video talking about a poll she had asked her followers. The entire time she is talking she is pumping and getting milk from her body. Towards the end of the video, she takes out a hand pump where she manually pumps the lever with her hand and the pump takes milk out of her breasts. You can hear the clicking while she uses her pump. During all of this, she is having normal conversations and talking to her audience like she always does. It is completely casual and she wants to show how normal and natural pumping and breastfeeding is and how people should stop being so weird about a breastfeeding mother.

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