Pregnancy and motherhood are one of the most cherished moments in a woman’s life. At the same time, both the mental health and physical health of the woman get affected during this period. There are many changes that happen to a woman during pregnancy. For the more figure-conscious women out there, pregnancy can be particularly challenging because physically, moms-to-be undergo tremendous changes throughout the pregnancy.

Some women tend to panic during this sudden transformation in their body; they get confused and worry that their body will never be the same as before. Experts say these changes are caused due to hormonal fluctuations and the preparation of the body to accommodate the developing fetus. Hence, the changes are an essential and inevitable part of pregnancy.

Certain changes are visible such as weight gain, enlarged belly, etc. Meanwhile, some changes can be unexpected and will astonish the expectant mothers. Are you feeling curious? Read on to find out how pregnancy changes the appearance of a woman.

20 Hair Growth Is Unstoppable

Every girl dreams of having lush, shining, thick hair. Well, your pregnancy may make that dream come true. Hair growth is unstoppable during the pregnancy period. Every pregnant lady notices the unusual hair growth and most are thrilled by it.

Usually, everybody loses about 100 hairs per day, but the extra estrogen produced during the pregnancy promotes hair growth while preventing the normal shedding of hair.

In the meantime, you will certainly discover hair growth in unwanted places including the face, belly or near the nipples. The hair on the forearms and upper lip may also appear darker and thicker. Don’t be distressed, as the hair changes are temporary and common for every mother. If you are bothered about it, you can either tweeze it (especially facial areas) or even shave it off.

19 The Button Will Pop Out

Pregnant ladies should expect to see some changes in their belly button. Some women experience a popping out of the navel during the pregnancy tenure. Rest assured that this is a short-term change. The truth is that you will be able to do nothing regarding the constant bulging out of the navel. Fortunately, it is harmless.

If you feel uncomfortable with the rubbing of your protruding navel against your clothes, you can use a belly button cover to safeguard it. Do not get depressed about this change in shape as the convex navel will return to its standard shape after the delivery. Even though the navel may have stretched a little compared to the pre-pregnancy state, the woman can take it as a token of pride for having become a mother.

18 The Girls Get Bigger And Bigger

Feeling the 'girls' become larger during pregnancy is yet another common occurrence and is something most women look forward to. The breast enlargement begins around six to eight weeks and you can see the breast keep growing bigger throughout the pregnancy and even more so during lactation. Just how big they grow differs from each individual.

Usually, the cup size grows one or two sizes up, especially when you are having the first baby. Additionally, you will experience an itching sensation around breasts as the skin stretches. You may even get stretch marks as a result, which will luckily lighten in color postpartum. The areolas, which is the dark skin surrounding the nipples get enlarged and becomes darker as well.

17 Smile, Cry, Laugh, Repeat

Womens' moods become quite unpredictable during pregnancy. Sometimes you may be in a giggling mood and the next moment, you may feel like crying without any specific reason for it. Perhaps, you feel irritated and no one can make you happy during those moments. The reason behind the switching moods is the hormonal changes that are taking place in your body.

The amount of estrogen and progesterone in the woman’s blood increases when they are about to have a baby. Morning sickness is a part of this hormonal changes and it can leave you feeling quite miserable. These mood swings become more dominant when you approach the delivery date.

16 An Enlarged Thyroid

Pregnancy has a tremendous impact on the thyroid gland and its function. Thyroid hormones play a vital role in the development of baby’s nervous system as well as the brain. In the first 3 months of pregnancy, your baby will depend completely on your supply of thyroid hormone, and it comes through the placenta.

After 12 weeks, the thyroid of your baby functions on its own. However, it might not be sufficient until 18 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. Untreated hypothyroidism in the mother can result in premature birth, miscarriage, low birth weight, and stillbirth. Consult the doctor to ensure your thyroid levels are fine. Timely treatment can safeguard your baby.

15 Say Hello To Oily Skin

Oily skin during pregnancy is an ordinary phenomenon. Even a woman with dry skin can end up with greasy skin during her pregnancy period. This skin transformation is chiefly due to the hormones changes in the body. There will be an increase in the production of progesterone hormone which in turn increases the sebum found in the hair as well as skin. The more the sebum is produced, the oilier the skin becomes.

Some tips to overcome the oily skin issue is staying hydrating, cleansing the skin, and only using skin and makeup products that can be easily washed off. Use makeup items that can be applied using hands rather than a sponge. Try using a blotting paper to remove excess oil. Mud masks are also helpful for improving oily skin.

14 And Teenage Acne

Acne during teenage was bad enough, but hearing you may have to go through it all over again during your pregnancy can be quite disheartening. Acne is not an uncommon occurrence during pregnancy. In fact, one out of two women may experience acne during pregnancy. But thankfully, most cases are just minor flare-ups.

Then again, the acne flare-up can become quite severe for some women. It happens normally in the first trimester due to the increased hormone production. Those who have a history of acne will face a greater risk of experiencing the same during their pregnancy.

Even if there is no acne during the first trimester, it can still occur in the second or third trimester. It is better to avoid taking medications for the acne as that can negatively impact your baby's growth. The acne gradually subsides once the hormone production returns to normal level after the delivery.

13 A Stuffed Nose

Allergic rhinitis is a nasal congestion that can affect one-third of women during their childbearing period. It may last for six weeks or so during the pregnancy, though some unlucky women suffer throughout the period. Some dominant symptoms of allergic rhinitis include itching, sneezing, and critical nasal obstruction, which might require the assistance of pharmacotherapy.

Experts say that the medication for this condition should be avoided during pregnancy with a consideration for the safety concerns of the fetus. Even though it usually occurs only in the first trimester and then subsides, there is a chance for its return in the late pregnancy. It should disappear after having the baby, within 2 weeks after delivery.

12 How Morning Sickness Looks Like

Morning sickness is a term for “nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.” It was found that most pregnant ladies have nausea and it is worst in the mornings. This condition slowly decreases during the later part of the day. The intensity of morning sickness also varies from woman to woman. About three-quarters of women will have the morning sickness condition during the first trimester of their pregnancy.

Of course, you can imagine the unpleasant feeling right after vomiting, you will feel tired and lousy. Then imagine how much exhausted a pregnant lady might feel right after the vomiting. Normally, the morning sickness begins around 6 weeks of pregnancy and the condition gets worse in the month following it.

11 The Baby Bump Will Be Visible

During pregnancy, the baby bump cannot be hidden; it will definitely show by the third trimester, if not the second. Pregnancy is a period when you receive attention, concern, and assistance from others. One of the most common signs of being pregnant is the enlargement of your baby bump and it will be visible to every onlooker out there.

The uterus starts to grow around the 12th week or 14th week of pregnancy. Although a mother feels the tightening of clothes during the initial weeks, the observers will discover it only after 15 weeks as it was the time when the uterus stretches and makes the bump round, making it more visible. Baby bumps come in all shapes and sizes and they keep growing bigger and bigger as the pregnancy progresses.

10 And So Will The Pregnancy Line

Wondering what is Linea Alba pigmentation? Linea Nigra is the Latin word that means “dark line”. Linea alba is the dark vertical line that some women get on their stomach during pregnancy. Most women get this dark line on their stomach which runs from the belly button down to the pubic bone. The line is always a vertical one.

According to experts, 90% of woman will have the pigmentation during their pregnancy. The amount of pigmentation varies from one woman to another. Those women who have darker complexion or hair will have more clear Linea Alba pigmentation. It gradually fades away after delivery.

9 Eyes Won't Be Able To Stay Open

Fatigue is indeed a common symptom for pregnant ladies. There are women who feel exhausted throughout their pregnancy while others never experience fatigue at all. Although the amount of fatigue varies from one woman to another, most feel more tired during pregnancy than they ever did. The fatigue becomes dominant during the first trimester and the condition returns during the third trimester.

Hormonal changes are the main reason for this fatigue. Backaches are common for pregnant ladies and as a result of this, you will find it hard to sleep, which results in more fatigue and feeling sick. Fatigue may also be a symptom of iron deficiency, which is quite common among pregnant women.

8 Swollen From Head To Toe

Swelling of tissues is common during pregnancy. It is because the woman’s body generates more blood and fluid to fulfill the needs of the developing baby. Generally, the swelling is found in the ankles, face, legs, hands, and feet. This additional fluid retention softens the mother’s body and enables it to expand as the baby grows.

Furthermore, the additional fluid enables the pelvic joints and tissues to open during the delivery. Twenty-five percent of the pregnant woman’s weight is due to the presence of this extra fluid. Nevertheless, the swelling becomes visible during the fifth month of pregnancy and constantly increases while in the third trimester.

7 Visible Veins

All of a sudden, your body will seem like a roadmap. By around the 10th week, you may discover that many veins have become visible through the skin throughout your body, especially in the breasts and abdominal areas. When you enter the third trimester of pregnancy, the veins may become visible in your feet as well as hands too.

If you are fair-skinned, then these veins will be spotted more easily all over your body. However, darker-skinned women can also notice a few veins if they observe the skin closely.

Wondering why so many veins? The veins become more prominent due to the increased blood flow during pregnancy. These veins are literally the life support system of your baby as it carries both blood and nutrients that are essential for the fetus.

6 Packing On The Pounds

Of course, eating healthy food items during pregnancy is necessary to ensure that the baby receives adequate nutrients for its proper growth.

Eating for two is also a false perception.

The average pregnant lady requires about 300 calories a day more than before her days of pregnancy. That's all. Too many people use pregnancy as an excuse to overeat. Or it may be well-meaning family members or friends who encourage them to eat more. whatever be the case, eating more than required is going to make you fat.

A weight gain of about 10-12kg (22lbs-26.5lbs) is ideal during the pregnancy period.

Never feel ashamed or depressed about this weight gain. Experts say that it’s normal to feel surprised by your weight gain. However, putting on weight should be taken as a positive experience because it's all about ensuring that the baby's nutritional needs are met.

5 Changing Posture

A pregnant lady will experience several changes throughout her body and one of the most dominant changes is her posture. When the fetus starts developing, the body tries to accommodate its weight and position. This will ultimately cause a major change in the posture. During the later period of pregnancy, the abdominal muscles of women will separate, thus leading to more changes in posture.

After the 40 weeks of pregnancy are over, you will be able to feel a dramatic change in your posture as your body adjusts to the change of having delivered the baby. But your posture during and after the pregnancy is usually not the same. You will probably feel that your lower back is more curved than before and shoulders starting to move back gradually to balance the change in your center of gravity and widening uterus.

4 How The 'Pressure To Go' Looks Like

Frequent urination is caused by pregnancy hormones as well as the pressure of the growing fetus pressing n the bladder. Urination becomes more frequent because of the increased amount and speed of the blood flow all over your body and the sudden uterus growth. As a result of hormonal changes, the blood flow to kidneys swiftly and this causes frequent urination during pregnancy.

In addition to that, there will be 50% more blood circulating throughout the body than before you got pregnant. That means there is more fluid content in your body, which ends up finally in the bladder. The frequent urination begins about six weeks of pregnancy and continues until your first trimester.

3 A Burning Sensation

Most pregnant women experience heartburn at some point or the other during their pregnancy. When you hear about “heartburn”, you will naturally relate it to the heart, but the truth is that it has nothing to do with the heart. Heartburn is a burning sensation in the center of your chest and it occurs when the valve between the stomach and esophagus fails to impede stomach acid from passing back into the esophagus.

During pregnancy, hormones relax the valve, thus increasing the incidence of heartburn. When the stomach acid enters the esophagus, it irritates the lining and that leads to heartburn. This occurs mainly during the third trimester of pregnancy.

2 Cramping Muscles

Cramping legs is a common problem faced by pregnant ladies. One of the reasons for these cramping muscles during pregnancy might be the additional weight of the body. Leg cramps may also be caused by the changes in your blood circulation. The growing baby may place more pressure on the nerves and blood vessels that go to the legs, which may cause leg cramps.

Deficiency of certain minerals like calcium can also bring on the cramps. The swelling from fluid in your legs, a condition known as edema can also worsen the situations. These painful muscle contractions usually occur in the calf. It has been observed that the first signs of leg cramps usually occur during the second trimester of pregnancy. These cramps can occur during the day, though most women complain it occurs more frequently at night time, which can seriously disrupt your sleep.

1 The Pregnancy Glow

Pregnancy glow is an exciting feature of pregnancy and one that is experienced by most pregnant ladies. This is at least something to eagerly look forward, especially when compared to other more miserable symptoms. Not everyone experiences it though.

For the lucky ones who do, this gorgeous glow of the skin results from the increased production of hormones as well as the increased blood circulation during the pregnancy. A pregnant lady's body produces about 50% more blood than before pregnancy. This circulation brightens your face and makes it look glowing, quite adorable and lovely. If you experience it, enjoy yourself and feel blessed.

The positive thing about the other changes that don't look so good is that they will all get better after you give birth to your bundle of joy. The sad news is that the gorgeous pregnancy glow will also fade after the delivery. However, nothing should spoil your pleasure of being a mother. Motherhood is indeed a gift from God that is to be cherished for the rest of your life while pregnancy changes are temporary. So stay positive and glowing.
