Jenna Bush Hager admits that she felt guilty telling her co-host that she was pregnant because her pregnancy was unplanned.

Jenna Bush Hager announced a few weeks ago that she was pregnant with her third child and they figured out that they were going to be expecting a little baby boy! She was very excited and she was stoked to be able to welcome a little boy into their family. She shares two beautiful little girls with her husband. Their daughters are Poppy Louise and Margaret "Mila" Laura. Hager feels a little bit guilty that she got pregnant with her son when she wasn't even trying for having this baby. Her son is a surprise and he was unexpected. They were done after two.

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Hager really struggled to tell her co-host Hoda Kotb, because Kotb had been trying for many years to have another baby and she desperately wanted a sister for her daughter Hailey. Hager knew that Kotb really wanted another child, but was not being able to have a child. When Hager shared the news that she was expecting she said she felt guilty especially since the baby wasn't even planned.

When Hager told Kotb, Hager could tell that Kotb was genuinely excited for her. They both cried together and they were both very excited. Hager wanted Kotb to know that it would be her time soon. Kotb said that once she heard that Hager felt guilty for telling her that made Kotb love Hager even more than she already did.

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Kotb just shared some amazing news that made Hager jump for joy! Kotb was able to adopt another little baby girl! She is now a mother of two! Hager admits that sharing her pregnancy with people is very difficult because it wasn't even a planned pregnancy. It is so hard for moms to tell other moms that they are pregnant. Especially if those other moms are going through infertility struggles. It's hard when some mothers get pregnant so easily and then others never get the chance to be biological mothers.