There’s a new report that says parents all across Canada are still sharing a bed with their babies and toddlers, despite the dangers associated with co-sleeping. As a matter of fact, sharing a bed with a baby is relatively common among Canadian parents, even though they are well aware of all the risks, including accidental suffocation.

A new study says that a third of mothers in Canada say that they are their partners share their bed with their infant on a frequent basis. According to CTV News, researchers looked at data from over 5,000 women between the ages of 15 and 55 who had given birth in the last five years. They found that while about 40 percent of mothers say they have never slept in the same bed as their babies, about a third of the respondents – or 33 percent – say they or their partners share their bed with their baby.

The Public Health Agency of Canada warns against the practice out of concern for the baby’s safety. That’s because bed sharing can put your baby at risk for things like sudden infant death syndrome or even suffocation. Fatal sleeping accidents have occurred in some instances.

However, many parents still think there are plenty of benefits to sleeping with their baby, including a better night’s rest for both mom and child. Many moms who co-sleep can also breastfeed or soothe their child back to sleep before they fully wake up. Breastfeeding throughout the night is also easier when a mom sleeps right next to her baby.

With that said, there are also other risks associated with co-sleeping. In some cases, a parent can accidentally roll over their child. Many bedding materials such as pillows and comforters can trap a baby in the middle of the night. What’s more, soft bedding can cover a baby’s head and even lead to overheating.

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The Public Health Agency of Canada suggest that parents try “room sharing” instead. This way they can place the infant in a nearby crib in the same room while also keeping a close eye on their baby throughout the night.