A recent mom squad moment during an airport meltdown is truly inspirational and proves there are still good people left in the world.

Beth Bornstein Dunnington posted the story that took place at the Los Angeles airport on her Facebook page. It has now gone viral, and it is easy to see why people love this act of kindness by a group of moms. Grab some tissues, because this amazing story will bring tears to your eyes.

While Dunnington was waiting to board her flight to Portland, she became part of a unique and loving story. A young toddler was having a serious meltdown in the terminal. The mother, who was pregnant, was traveling alone with her son and he would not board the airplane. He was throwing a fit on the floor and running around, as his very worn out mother tried to grab him.

Since she was pregnant, it was difficult for the mother to pick up her son. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. The mom sat on the floor by her child and put her head in her hands and started to cry. Before she knew what was happening, Dunnington and about seven other women surrounded her on the floor.

One woman peeled an orange for the little boy, one sang a song to him, another helped the mom find the toddler’s sippy cup, and one had a toy she gave to the boy. While all of these women were there to help, none of them spoke to each other or the mother. They all did what they could to show support for the upset mom and calm down her little boy. Thanks to the women, the young mother and boy were able to board their flight.

"It was so gorgeous, there was no discussion and no one knew anyone else, but we were able to calm them both down, and she got her child on the plane. Only women approached. After they went through the door we all went back to our separate seats and didn't talk about it. We were strangers, gathering to solve something. It occurred to me that a circle of women, with a mission, can save the world. I will never forget that moment," shared Dunnington in her Facebook post.

The LA airport mom squad story is about people helping out as opposed to judging others. Instead of getting angry or making snarky remarks, these women stepped up and were able to change the situation. The world needs more people like these unnamed women. They are truly amazing and inspirational.