Family members of a toddler who nearly drowned recently were able to celebrate the first responders who saved the little boy’s life. A terrifying moment has been turned into a celebration for the first responders who rushed to the scene to save the toddler who almost drowned. The family was able to reunite with the paramedics who are being hailed as heroes for their brave actions.

Drowning can happen in the blink of an eye, and in the smallest amount of water. For the Vega family, bath time should have been a fun end to the day, but it quickly turned into panic as one of their children almost drowned. One night, in Juana Vega’s household in Greece, New York, it was bath time for their children, according to WHEC, but at one point, 13-month-old Juan completely went under the water, almost drowning. Juan then went into cardiac arrest.

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Jorge, Juan’s father, started CPR while they waited for paramedics to arrive at the scene. Thankfully, first responders were able to help Juan by stabilizing him when they arrived at the Vega home. Juan was taken to the hospital to be checked out. On Wednesday, the Vega family got to see the first responders again, but this time, it was for a good reason. The family was able to thank the paramedics for their heroic actions, which saved their son’s life. Juana and Jorge say Juan is doing well despite the terrifying incident.

Drowning can happen when you least expect it, so it's important to always be watching children if they are near or in water. If you are unsure of what to do if you find yourself in this situation, brush up on your CPR skills by taking a class.

NEXT: 15 Child Drownings That All Parents Need To Read As Cautionary

Source: WHEC