A baby was abandoned in Orlando, Flordia. The mother left behind a chilling note.

The police are completely confused. Two years ago a baby was abandoned at an apartment complex and here it two years later and another baby was abandoned at the same apartment complex. On July 19, a healthy baby boy was deserted on the exact same apartment complex doorstep. The little boy was wrapped in only a T-shirt and appeared to be in good health. The baby looked to be only about one day old. Althea Brown, the occupant of the apartment, got a phone call from a neighbor telling her that there was a baby crying. She said that it was "incomprehensible." She has no idea if the baby belongs to one of her neighbors.

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Clive Petgrave is also an occupant at the apartment and he was sleeping when the police came knocking on his door to investigate what he knew about the newborn that was left behind. He had no information and said that he hadn't even noticed any of the neighbors who had recently been pregnant. Nobody knows if the child who was abandoned two years has any relation to this baby, but they are looking for answers.


The most chilling part about this whole situation is that the baby was left with a note. The note read, "born [at] 5:45 p.m. yesterday, July 19, 2019," part of it reads. "I had him in the bathroom alone. His dad tried to kill us. Please keep him secret and take him to hospital. Dad a very dangerous man. I'm so sorry. I tried to clean him and feed him as much I [could]." Now, the police are not only trying to find the mother because they want to know who abandoned him, but they also want to make sure that the mother is safe.

It is important for all mothers to know that they have the ability to drop their child off at any fire station due to the safe haven law. She could have just walked into a fire station and handed a firefighter the baby without any questions being asked. This is a much better way of "abandoning" the baby because the baby would then be taken care of and given to the proper authorities. Now, the mother has the possibility of being charged for leaving her child on the doorstep of a "stranger" even though she is potentially in a dangerous situation.

At this point, the Orlando police do not have any information about the baby and they are hoping somebody will come forward and give them more details so they can find the mother and investigate the possible domestic violence situation.

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