I am a stay-at-home mother. Before the pandemic, I got to leave the house multiple times a day. I would get up and drop my son off at preschool. I got to see friendly faces, talk briefly with the other mothers, and enjoy the beautiful morning air. I would then drive my kindergartener to drop him off at school. I would wave at the ladies who were helping him cross safely into the school. After a few hours I would pick up my son from preschool and we would come home and have play-date. I would socialize with my friends as our kids played together. Then I would pick up my son from school and we would play on the playground for over an hour as I talked with the other moms. Little did I know that would soon end.

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Now, I am struggling with my mental and physical health. I know that I am not alone in this. The other day I saw my neighbor outside and I was so excited to see a friendly face and I screamed from across the road and looked like a crazy person. I was just so excited to talk to them. I only get to talk to my friends over apps such as Marco Polo, social media is no longer a good way of communicating because people are just getting mean and crazy on Facebook. At first, I was using Tik Tok to pass the time but even that has gotten old. I am struggling. I am not urging parents out there to start right now and take care of their mental and physical health during this time.

As parents, we are often so concerned about our children that we forget to actually take care of ourselves. We are so worried that our children are struggling that we don't even think about what we need. However, if we don't take care of ourselves then we can't help others. I am reminded about the oxygen masks on the airplane. When I was younger and they said that all adults should put on their masks first I thought that was completely backward. I thought children always came first! Then my mom explained that if she lost oxygen while putting on my mask then we both would suffer. She said she needed to put on hers first so that she could help her three children with their masks. I have thought a lot about that as I have grown up and have become a mother myself.

If we are physically, emotionally and mentally broken then not only will we suffer but our children will suffer as well. It is so important for us to think about how we can care for ourselves. Start by talking to a therapist, or a life coach if you need help to get started. My husband works for a mental health facility and he said that their mental health department is busier than it has ever been before. People are suffering from increased depression, anxiety, and overall poor mental health, but they are doing the best thing for them which is asking for help.

Right now it is time to make a plan about how you are going to start taking care of yourself. It is time to allow yourself to take a break. Have your partner watch the kids so you can go on a walkout in the fresh air. Make sure you are working out, eating healthy and continuing to maintain relationships. Download apps to stay connected, join online support groups, and make sure you Facetime those who can support you. Most doctor's offices have virtual face-to-face therapy sessions so you don't have to leave your house but still get the help that you need and deserve.

There are so many ways that you can make sure that you are taking care of yourself. Don't feel like you are being selfish for putting yourself first every once in a while. All parents, especially during this trying self-isolation, need to do things for themselves to help with their mental and physical health.

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