Anne Hathaway opens up about her struggles with infertility.

Recently Anne Hathaway shared that she and her husband are pregnant with their second child. Hathaway announced her pregnancy by sharing a black and white photo showing off her baby bump. While showing off her new baby bump she gave a shout-out to all of the people who are struggling with infertility. She referred to her birth as "conception hell" and she wanted to tell all of the women that it was not straight forward for either of her pregnancies.

RELATED: Anne Hathaway Opens Up About Her Fertility Struggles

With an exclusive interview with Associated Press she shared about her experience with infertility and having a difficult time conceiving her children. She admits that some people get pregnant naturally and quickly and they go on to have a great pregnancy. However, that isn't the story for a lot of people and that wasn't the story for her. She shared that she wanted to give a "shout-out" to the people who are struggling with infertility because she didn't want people to feel isolated if they are struggling to get pregnant.

Hathaway wanted to make sure that her fans didn't think she pulled out her magic wand and said "I want to get pregnant" and then poof she got pregnant. She said that it was a lot more complicated than that. The steps leading up to conception can be very painful and really isolating. It gets even more isolating when the people around you are getting pregnant and you are still trying to go through all of the proper steps and you are still not getting pregnant.

Hathaway and her husband, Adam Shulman, have a three-year-old son named Jonathan. She shares that for this pregnancy and her pregnancy with Jonathan it was very difficult. Yes, she got pregnant and went on to have a beautiful son, but that was only part of the story. When she posted this pregnancy she knew that many of the women might feel isolated because they would want to be pregnant too. She wanted to include that she also struggled with getting pregnant and that all of the people who struggled had somebody who understands. The actress shared, "you have a sister in me." This whole conceiving, pregnancy, and mothering journey should be one big sisterhood. Hathaway said “It’s all about us being there for each other. I just wanted people to know that I’m their sister and that I see them and I have them.”

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