Detox, also known as cleansing, is the removal of toxins from the body. When a mom detoxifies, she boosts the functions of her liver, kidneys, skin, and other detox organs. Cleansing can also help moms lose extra weight. Nevertheless, is it a safe option for breastfeeding moms? Here is what moms should know.

Unsafe Detox Methods When Breastfeeding

As much as moms want to release toxins from their bodies, they need to avoid detox programs that affect their intake of calories. When a cleansing program involves partial or complete fasting, it is considered unhealthy, particularly for nursing moms. The following are some of the unsafe detox methods they should avoid.

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The Use Of Herbs In A Major Detox

Herbs are great for flushing out toxins but not so safe for breastfeeding moms. Toxins released from the herbs can be dumped in the breastmilk and harm a baby.

Juice Cleanses

The Nourish RD notes that juice cleanses flush toxins. However, when a breastfeeding mom only consumes juice for five days, she reduces her breastmilk and jeopardizes her health and the baby’s.


Consuming one type of food as a detox method is unhealthy, too, for nursing moms. Following a mono-diet for several days affects the nutritional value they consume. Moms need to remember that their bodies detoxify naturally daily. Therefore, they need to practice efficient and effective cleanses and avoid aggressive measures.

Safe Detox Programs When Nursing

Consuming Fresh, Clean, Organic, & Whole Foods

Eating fresh, organic, and whole foods is a healthy way for breastfeeding moms to cleanse without compromising their health and babies. Organic foods are safe as they gradually flush out toxins without dumping them in breastmilk. Besides, they also increase energy levels in moms, improve their sleep, and heal damaged tissues.

When detoxifying, moms need to avoid caffeine, soy, sugar, substitutes, preservatives, dairy products, and alcohol. Coconut Mama explains that preservatives and pesticides used in processed foods prevent the body from losing weight. Moms should, therefore, follow clean, healthy nutrition. Healthy foods include meat and eggs from animals grown organically, organic cooking oil, organic vegetables, organic fruits, fresh juice, and filtered water. These healthy foods will help in weight loss, assist digestion, improve energy levels, and nourish the mom and her baby.

Sara Peternell recommends consuming fresh, clean, and organic foods for not less than seven days. This maintenance program has no restrictions on how long it should last since it is safe, healthy, and provides the required nutritional value for a mom and baby.

Oil Pulling

Did you know that oil attracts toxins and bacteria? Oil pulling is an Ayurveda technique that was practiced years ago and still proves effective today. Since the mouth harbors toxins and bacteria, oil pulling helps flush them out. The method works effectively when a mom takes a spoonful of oil when she wakes up. She needs to swish the oil for 20 minutes before spitting. This morning cleansing routine is healthy and safe for lactating moms.

Serve More Vegetables

How many vegetables should a mom eat per meal? Moms should eat 2-4 cups of fresh vegetables every meal. Vegetables are packed with antioxidants, micronutrients, flavonoids, and fibre, making them great in detoxifying. Not only will this displace less essential foods, but it will also flush out toxins safely.

Drink More Water

Staying hydrated is a safe detox program for breastfeeding moms. When moms drink water during the day, they help the kidneys flush out toxins through urine. Besides, staying hydrated ensures they maintain their levels of breastmilk and improve their energy levels.

Skin Detox

Most moms ignore their skin when cleansing. The skin plays a crucial part in cleansing the body through sweat. Daily exercises or Epsom salt baths can help cleanse the skin. Dry brushing, too, is a safe alternative. It involves using a natural, bristles skin brush on dry skin to remove toxins and open the pores. Eat Naked Now adds that dry brushing gives the skin a fantastic look and feel.

Practice Deep Breathing

The lungs flush out toxins when we exhale. Deep breathing is a safe detox method for breastfeeding moms. Doing exercises that focus on deep breaths can help cleanse the toxins. Restorative yoga can do the trick, too.

When Is It Safe To Practice Comprehensive Detox When Breastfeeding?

It is only until a child is ready for weaning that a breastfeeding mom can practice comprehensive detox. Even then, moms need to consult with a nutritionist about the best and safe methods of cleansing. Please speak to your healthcare provider before beginning a detox, both during and after pregnancy. It's always best to get a professional opinion before making severe changes to your diet.

NEXT: 10 Healthy Hacks To Lose Weight While Breastfeeding

Sources: Eat Naked Now, Coconut Mama, Sara Peternell, Nourish RD.