Most moms pay close attention to their nutrition, weight, and physical exercise when trying to conceive. However, some neglect their state of mind. Your feelings, thoughts, fears, and concerns can impact your fertility journey.

This article highlights 30 affirmations you can tell yourself when trying to get pregnant. But first, how do affirmations work when one is trying to conceive?

Benefits Of Using Affirmations

Stress and anxiety can affect how fast you get pregnant. On the other hand, affirmations free your mind with positive thoughts and emotions. VeryWell Family explains that these simple sentences also help you eat and sleep better. Positive affirmations will also eliminate the fear and worries of getting pregnant.

RMACT adds that affirmations are simple, free, and do not interfere with fertility medications. Besides, they will not give you with guilt or jitters.

For the mantra to work, ensure it is personal, has positive and empowering words, and is something you believe. To Make a Mommy points that you can display the affirmation on your dressing mirror to see it every day. Alternatively, you can repeat it 5-10 times or throughout the day.

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Choose a few phrases from this list that work best for you.

A List Of Personal Mantras For A Positive Mindset

  • I love, and I am loved.
  • I am letting go of frustrations and embracing new beginnings.
  • I will become a mom and hold my baby.
  • I love my body and what it can do.
  • I am grateful I am alive.
  • I am grateful for my daily gifts (Be specific. You can name your partner, Family, fertility doctor, or anyone helping you with your fertility struggles)
  • I am ready to have a baby.
  • I breathe in love and life.
  • I trust my body to create new life.
  • I am whole. I am complete. I am of immeasurable worth.
  • I am becoming healthier and more fertile each day.
  • I am content with the present. I am hopeful for a better tomorrow.
  • I release fear, disappointments, and resentments. I accept my body for what it can do.
  • I remain optimistic about what life has in store for me.
  • Today is a better day.
  • A new dawn is coming—a dawn when I become a mother.

A List Of Mantras About Your Body

  • My body is ready to nurture a baby.
  • My body is fertile to create a baby.
  • My body is working in harmony to bring forth life.
  • My periods are an assurance that my body is working effectively.
  • My hormones are in balance every day.
  • Every day my womb is open to holding a baby.
  • My body is enough to get pregnant.
  • My body has creative powers. My body knows how to create a baby.
  • My thoughts are hopeful, peaceful, and calm.
  • My womb is a safe and healthy place to grow a baby.
  • One day soon, I will hold my baby in my arms.
  • My baby will come at the right time.
  • My eggs will turn into a healthy baby.
  • My mind, heart, and womb are open to nurturing a baby.

Create Your Own Affirmation

For a mantra to calm your thoughts and emotions, it needs to face your fears and concerns. Remember to evaluate what holds you back anytime you think about your struggles to become pregnant. Then create a simple sentence that empowers your thoughts.

Fcionline recommends the use of an active statement when constructing a mantra. Here are a few examples. You can change the affirmation when the circumstances change.

  • I am (Include your great virtues here. You could mention you are strong-willed, strong, worthy, and grateful.)
  • I release and let go of (Mention the negative feelings and thoughts that sabotage your emotions. They could be fear, anger, resentment, self-doubt, worry, and anxiety.)
  • My body is (Embrace the good things your body is doing as you try to get pregnant. You could say that your body is ready, healing, fertile, or capable to have a healthy baby.)
  • My mind is (Be optimistic about your state of mind when creating a mantra. Have powerful statements like your mind is positive and healthy.)
  • I love (Here, take note of those things you deeply care for and love. You may include your body, partner, or life.)

You will be overwhelmed with anxiety, guilt, and fear when your body takes too long to conceive. However, take charge and implement a powerful affirmation during your day. Repeat the mantra often and believe in it. The affirmation will help reduce your stress and anxiety as you enjoy a peaceful, fertility journey. Maintaining a positive state of mind will improve your chances of getting pregnant.

NEXT: Interview With Author Tracy Donegan On The Benefits Of Mindfulness During Pregnancy & Postpartum

Sources: Fcionline, Very Well Family, To Make A Mommy, RMACT.