This just goes to prove that you should never assume what a woman wants or doesn’t want or what the state of affairs might be in her mid-section. That, or asking a stranger if she’s expecting.

In fact, one server has recently been criticized for secretly serving non-alcoholic drinks to a customer that she believed was pregnant. It turns out that the young woman was not expecting at all but just wanted to have a good time during a night out with her friends.

According to The Sun, even though the customer ordered alcoholic drinks, the server thought she was doing the right thing by giving her a round of virgin drinks instead. She claims that she overheard the customer tell her friends that she was pregnant during their ladies’ night out. That’s when the server asked the bartender to mix non-alcoholic cocktails for the woman without telling her. This happened despite the fact that the customer never confirmed that she was pregnant to the server.

The server in question told her story on Reddit. She admitted that during her three years as a server, she’s never experienced or did anything like this before.

Using the username YouGottaStopThat, she wrote, “When I was on my way back to their booth with the drinks on a tray, I walked by the backside and overheard one of them talking about how she was 14 weeks along. When I rounded back, they were talking about the same topic and it was clear to me that she was pregnant. About five minutes later, they called me over again and asked for another round.”

At that point, the server admits that she started to get concerned but took the order anyhow and said that she would be right back. But instead of giving the correct order to the bartender, she asked him to make one of the drinks a virgin cocktail. At first, the bartender was a little confused over the request, but she told him to trust her.

She added, “The problem came when I took them their check, and they asked to split the bill at the register. "When Mrs. Pregnant Woman got to the counter, I saw her cocktails were marked with (virgin). My bartender had edited each in the system for inventory. It was too late for me to edit them back, so I just had her pay, hoping that she wouldn't look at the receipt.”

At first, the group of ladies didn’t read the bill correctly and actually ended up giving quite generous tips. But it wasn’t until the customer in question had asked why “virgin” appeared next to her drinks in the receipt. That’s when she demanded to get her part of the tip back and demanded to speak to the manager.

Later that night the server’s manager took her to her office, but the server stood her ground and said that she didn’t want to be responsible for fetal alcohol syndrome. The waitress now fears that she could face discrimination charges and is looking to even quit her job.