Nothing makes a woman think back to her childhood more than becoming a mom herself. She can remember those times were her mom was the ultimate #GirlBoss and then there were other times were she absolutely could not stand her. Whether she is a new mother herself or is even contemplating on becoming one, she has to wonder what type of mother she will make. After all, there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to parenting.

According to many astrologers, the type of mother that she will make will not be entirely within her control because it will be based on her sign. More specifically, she wants to check out what her Moon sign is because the Moon symbolizes the mother and all that is nurturing. Her Sun sign (which is the sign that people know as their astrology sign) will be the guiding light to her behavior, but her Moon sign will determine how she handles her emotions when it comes to her children.

There are strengths and weaknesses that she will have as a mother according to her zodiac sign. There will be days were she is a good mom and days when she is not quite so good of a mom. Keep on reading to find out what those are.

28 Aries As A Good Mom: The Fierce, Warrior Mom

An Aries mom will never lose her self-identity no matter how many children she has. They are the types of moms who have no problem pursuing advanced degrees, starting a business or taking kid-free vacations without any kind of guilt on their end.

Aries mothers tend to be feminists and self-reliant. They teach these values to their kids in order to foster their own self-confidence. No child of an Aries will ever feel like they are not good enough for the world. However, the kids will quickly get the message that adults have more privileges than kids because that is just the way it is whether they like it or not.

An Aries mom might not be the most sensitive, but they will fight for their kids if they feel like they aren't being treated right. They might not be able to feel their children's pain, but they can definitely bring the pain like the warriors that they are.

27 Aries As A Bad Mom: The Loud-Mouth Mama

For the Aries mom, no means "no" unless she is trying to get someone else to go back on that "no". There are no mincing words with an Aries mom and the children know that there are clear boundaries when it comes to the rules.

The fault in the Aries mom is that she is fiercely competitive because not only do they want to be the best at what they do, but they want their kids to be the best at what they do as well. You know that loud soccer mom who is always shouting at the top of her lungs every time her kid scores a goal? Yep, that was probably an Aries mom (or at least an Aries moon mom).

26 Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): Are Moms Who Instill Self-Confidence In Their Children

Fire sign moms are outspoken, independent and can take on the traits of what is deemed "masculine" by society. They have no problem asserting themselves onto others but they are eternally optimistic so they always see the glass half full. They are full of confidence and teach their children to believe in themselves above all else. However, fire sign moms are not afraid of a little confrontation and have no problem fighting for their children and speaking up when they need to.

25 Leo As A Good Mom: The Positive Reinforcement Mama

Leo moms are hands-down the liveliest, affectionate and showy moms out of the entire zodiac. These ladies are a fun time with their kids because they always have an inner child themselves. Not only are Leos moms, they are their children's playmates. Sometimes you wonder how Leo moms get any sleep since they are always setting their kids up with extracurricular activities.

Leo moms nurture their kid's creative side making them think outside the box. They are also always telling them how good they are at their talents making sure that they are looking at life in a positive manner. Though Leo moms can be confident and laid-back, they also know how to lay down the law.

24 Leo As A Bad Mom: The Spotlight-Seeking Stage Mom

Though Leo moms hold their kids up on pedestals, they also like to be the center of attention themselves. Since they are ruled by the Sun - a flaming, fiery orb that all the planets revolve around, they tend to believe that the world revolves around them.

Leos can be stage moms living vicariously through their kids and putting too much pressure on them that they are not ready for. Or worse, a Leo mom could possibly compete with her daughter in the same beauty pageant - and win.

Leo mamas are also known to be melodramatic and getting into their kid's business. Whenever there is a problem or crisis, they take it upon themselves to fix it even though their involvement is certainly not needed.

23 Sagittarius As A Good Mom: The Globe-Trotting Mama

Sagittarian moms live for adventure and excitement. There will be no housewife sitting at home eating bon-bons here in this category. No, sir. These types of mamas need to be out and about and running around. This is a great asset since little kids tend to be high-energy and playful themselves.

Sagittarian moms encourage their kids to expand their horizons and be open to different mindsets. They are able to spread wisdom and knowledge of philosophies and other cultures to their kids. There will be no uncultured children in the house of a Sagittarian mom as long as she is making them explore.

22 Sagittarius As a Bad Mom: The Party Girl Mom

Since Sagittarians have a hard time figuring out where to set boundaries, this can carry over into their parenting style. They might let their kids run wild or hold parties at the house on weeknights. They have a hard time censoring themselves and can have a potty mouth around their kids.

If there was ever an incident where a kid said the first swear word that anyone heard on the playground, then they probably came from a Sagittarian parent. Though Sagittarians aren't ones to shelter their kids from the truth, they still expose them to too much at times.

Learn how to control yourself around your kids and understand that you cannot get away with certain things that you did before you were a parent, and life will be gravy.

21 Earth Signs: Moms Who Have The Most Grounded Perspective

Earth sign women (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are known to be some of the most fertile women in the entire zodiac. These signs are some of the best moms because they provide their children with a good real-world perspective without being too emotional nor too non-emotional. These women have a grounded view on what is going on and are always trying to inform their kids whether it be through practical advise or just flat out dire warnings.

These types are not ones to get too much all up in their kid's business but they are also not ones to be absent. Earth sign mamas are present at all times, that is why they raise practical children.

20 Taurus: The Mom With The Best Cooking

Taurus women are masters of the domestic sphere and they give their children a strong sense of stability around them. They also have highly developed sensories so they know which tastes will appeal to their children more than the average Mama Bear in the woods.

Taurus women make for the best chefs and are the types that can whip out a gourmet recipe within minutes. Children of Taurus mothers often learn the best way to cook for themselves at an early age as well as develop a flair for interior design as well as arts and crafts.

Taurus mamas are barefoot contessas and encourage their children to explore nature and appreciate the outdoors.

19 Taurus: The Mom Who Plays Favorites

Tauruses can be suckers for pretty little things and are known to be a bit materialistic. Therefore, if they see that one of their kids has more in common with them compared to their other siblings, they might favor that child over the others. The mama bull is known for her rigid stubbornness and when she has to have it her way, there are no if's and's or but's.

The child that is most complacent with her lead will more likely than not be mommy's favorite of the entire family, and she will have no problem making it known.

18 Virgo As A Good Mom: The Tactful, Practical Mom

A Virgo mom is a walking database of parental information. Think of her as the Google of motherhood because she has so much practical information at her fingertips. She knows how to create structure in her children's life so that is where children tend to feel the safest.

She is ruled by the 6th house so which is the house of health and fitness so a Virgo mom knows what is healthy and unhealthy when it comes to her kids. Virgo moms know the best ways to ensure nutrition, healthy habits, pediatric care and immunizations. Other moms look to Virgo moms for some pointers, especially if they are new moms.

17 Virgo As A Bad Mom: The Nit-Picky Mom

Since Virgo moms can be perfectionists, many of their children feel like what they do can never be good enough. Since they are queens of organization, they can get hung up on schedules, agendas and plans to the point where it makes them neurotic.

Virgo moms have no problems pointing out their kid's flaws to the point where they mistake constructive criticism to just being downright mean in the child's eyes. If a Virgo mom takes it too far, she will find that her kids are tuning her out because they are getting annoyed with her incessant nagging.

16 Capricorn As A Good Mom: The Disciplinarian Dad-Mom

There is no doubt that Capricorn moms just have it together, even if they don't. There is an air of dignity that only Capricorn women possess and pass down to their daughters if they have any. In her house, she is the rock of stability that holds everything together. Normally, you would think of this as a father figure, but Capricorn moms tend to take on the "dad like" role in the family.

A Capricorn woman is a traditionalist with a strong sense of duty and authority. Above all else, she teaches her children respect not only for themselves but for others around them.

15 Capricorn: Mother Lady Stoneheart

A Capricorn mom can be too serious at times when it comes to her children. She doesn't really relish in the silliness of what it means to be a little kid because Capricorns tend to grow up too fast. If you are a Capricorn, you probably had to take on a lot of responsibility at a young age. Because of this, you sometimes expect more out of your kids than they are capable of giving.

Also, a Capricorn mom doesn't always have the most inviting, warm and approachable nature. In fact, she can come off as cold and standoffish if she wants to. These moms aren't the stereotypical "motherly" archetype if you will.

14 Air Signs: Moms Who Show Their Kids The World

Air signs have the ability to detach and blend into whatever environment that they find themselves in. They are the most adaptable to any type of personality trait because they know exactly what to say in order to get people to like them.

Air sign moms show their kids valuable social skills and manners that they will carry with them through the rest of their life. These types are "fun time" people who don't take life too seriously and just want to stop and smell the roses. With air sign moms, their kids are in for a light-hearted, fun childhood full of laughs and fond memories.

13 Gemini As A Good Mom: The Fun-But-Flighty Mom

The Gemini mom has an eternal youth about her that her kids will eat up like candy. Geminis are full of surprises and know how to keep their little ones on their toes giving them a million different hobbies and interests to get into.

Geminis are curious about the world and you can always find them doing their research on various subjects like celebrity gossip, cutting-edge research on organic farming or the latest iPhone. These moms are up to speed on pop culture so it's not uncommon to find them wearing matching shirts with their teenage daughters at the mall.

12 Gemini As A Bad Mom: The (Sometimes) Irresponsible Mom

The youthful nature of the Gemini mom comes at a price. Many times, Geminis are either teen or young moms who were not ready to handle the responsibility of parenting because they gave birth at such a young age.

Since many Geminis have such a short attention span, they have a hard time finishing what they start. Since they are the sign of the twins, they are looking for their "other half" or their kindred spirit in their children. That can also mean that they look at their kid as a friend rather than their child that they need to set rules and boundaries for.

11 Libra As A Good Mom: The Endlessly Patient Mom

The phrase "patience is a virtue" could not ring more true for Libra moms. These mamas know how to stop and smell the roses and teaches their kids to not sweat the small stuff. Libra moms tend to have that magical effect on their families with reassurance that everything will be okay.

Libra moms have good taste in art, music and fashion so they make for the perfect shopping companions. These moms have class and culture and will introduce their kids to the finer things in life and they will have better taste because of it.

10 Libra: The Snobby, High-Society Mother

The fault that Libras tend to have with their parenting is their indecisive nature and their need to enroll their kids into pretentious activities. One minute they will be tough and the next minute they will be soft and that will give their kids a mixed message on how to act and lessons to be learned.

Rather than enroll your kids to learn Spanish or Chinese which are the more widely spoken and practical languages, you will opt for French or Italian simply because it sounds pretty and it's more "chic". Since Libra moms hate conflict, they might opt out of disciplining their kids for fear that they will be mad at them.

9 Aquarius As A Good Mom: The Best-Friend Mama

Aquarians are the innovative moms who know about the latest books, movies and even slang that the kids are using. (YOLO!) An Aquarius mom is definitely the "cool mom" of their kid's friend group and she can can actually be approachable and have a conversation with them. You will sit around shooting the breeze for hours and then your daughter will want to raid your closet.

An Aquarius is an independent spirit who encourages their kids to be the same way. If they had their kid at a young age, their kid will grow up to be their best friend just like Rory and Lorelai in Gilmore Girls. This attitude is a great role model for their kids, especially at ages when bullying is more common.