I am an astrologer, and I received my certification in 2006. I have been practicing on and off since then, and even earlier. I do want to stress that your entire horoscope does not only include your sun sign, even though it makes up a significant portion of the sun in your chart does indicate your prominent trait. Remember, you also have a Moon and rising sign that has an influence on your emotional response to things, and the kind of perspective you have.

However, if you don’t resonate to what your sun sign is all about- that means you have other major factors in your horoscope that are a huge influence on how you are as an individual, and how you respond to situations. But if you were to dig deep down, you will see that you indeed to possess traits of your sun sign.

As mothers, we have good qualities, and we also have to admit we have very bad qualities as well. None of us are perfect no matter how hard we try to be! It is not possible to achieve perfection in anything in life, let alone in being a mom! So we can aim to do as well as we can. Mothers have their strong points and their own unique style of mothering but they also have their weak points.

I will be focusing on the weak points that mothers have based on their zodiac sign. And please don’t take this as the gospel, however, if you do dig deep down you may find that a little may hit home- even if it is slightly. So are you ready to find out who makes the worst mom based on the sun sign? Let’s examine this, and these will be ranked in order of which sign makes the worst mom- 15 being mildly “bad” to 1 being the absolute worst!

12 Pisces - The Mom That Is In La-La Land

The common traits of the Pisces are sensitivity, compassion, creativity, intuition, however, there is also neuroses and not being in touch with reality. Pisces have an appreciation for the arts, and therefore, Pisces moms will certainly encourage their kids to go into the arts and to be creative. Pisces moms will most likely teach their kids to be kind and to be helpful to those in need. They will also encourage their kids to make their dreams a reality!

And these are some excellent traits that any mom can possess, Pisces or not! However, there is one major flaw that Pisces moms have. They are frequently out of touch with reality. They may tell their kids to follow their dreams, but they are missing the link on how to get there. Therefore, if these kids are frequently being encouraged to follow their dreams, but when they ask their moms how to do that- then mom has no idea what to say to that, and will even tell them to figure it out on their own.

So, therefore, if a child tells his or her Pisces mom that he or she wants to be a unicorn- the mom will say to the child you can be anything you choose to be. The child asks how and mom’s response is you will figure it out on your own. All that does is leave the child not only doubtful but confused.

11 Aries - The Blunt And Pushy Mom

The common Aries traits are being go-getters, being impulsive, passionate, energetic, and confrontational. Aries moms will always make sure that the kids’ needs are being met. They will always make sure their kids are in summer camps, have music lessons, sports, have social activities, hobbies and so on.

Even if her own schedule is filled up which it usually is, she can still handle her kids’ full schedules on top of her own. She wants her kids to be adventurous, encourages them to face challenges and to never shy away from confrontations. She will encourage her kids to be self-advocates as well.

However, Aries moms are known to be very blunt with their kids to the point that their feelings could be hurt. She will also be known to be too pushy to a fault. Kids do need to be pushed to get out of their comfort zones, but only at their pace and in their own way. Otherwise, kids will cling to their comfort zones for dear life. Aries moms are known to not take any of this into consideration and will push them anyway.

She will grow more frustrated with them the more they refuse to be pushed, and will fail to realize that the reason they are sticking to their comfort zones is that they cannot handle the pressure. Aries moms need to realize that her kids will not necessarily be naturally ready to take on the world, and will have to find other ways to encourage that for their kids.

10 Cancer - The Overly Emotional Mom

The fact of the matter is that a Cancer is a heavily emotional sign, as it can be compared with a tidal wave as it is a water sign. A Cancer mom will be very protective of her home and family, as well as nurturing, and can be great with managing finances. Kids will never doubt that they are loved by their Cancer moms based on these facts alone.

However, the major vice that Cancer moms have is that they can be emotional to a fault. If their kids do well in school, their moms will cry but out of happiness. If they do poorly in school, their moms will cry and even blame themselves for why their kids were struggling. Cancer moms are also known to overreact even if they don’t cry in situations that are not all that serious.

Because Cancer moms are highly emotional, that will overwhelm their kids and therefore, even though their kids never doubt how loved they are- they may fear to tell their moms' certain stuff that could potentially make them cry or overreact.

9 Gemini - The Great Talker But Poor Listener 

The traits of Gemini are communication, creativity, fun but are known to talk without necessarily listening, and can change from one mood to the other in a heartbeat. However, because Gemini moms feel they can talk about anything with their kids- they don’t hold any secrets and would even give their kids the “sex” talk at an early age. Gemini moms also love to give the best parties for their kids and enjoy making playdates for them.

Gemini moms can be incredibly moody, but that is not their most known vice.

That said, even though the Gemini mom has a way to understand her kids, she will often fail to listen to them properly and be the one to talk instead. Kids don’t only need their moms to hear what they are saying, they need their moms to really listen to them. Gemini moms are known to fall short when it comes to listening to their kids.

8 Capricorn - The Obsessive Mom

The common Capricorn traits are loyalty, budgeting money, discipline, seriousness, and having good to extreme work ethics. You can be sure that Capricorn moms will fight for their kids with every fiber of their being. They are incredibly loyal, and will always make sure they stand up for them. They take their parenting very seriously and will be sure to instill a good work ethic into their kids. Capricorn moms will be sure to discipline their kids effectively as well.

However, the Capricorn mom’s vice is that they can be incredibly obsessive because not only do they want their kids to have a good ethic and to be disciplined- but they have the same expectation for themselves. In fact, many can be workaholics and may even have the same expectation for their kids. Fun can be a foreign concept to them and Capricorn moms need to constantly be reminded that even though work and discipline are needed to deal with life- a bit of fun is needed to in order to create some balance as these kids are most likely to miss out on the fun that they need as well.

7 Taurus - The Overindulgent Mom

The common traits of Taurus are patience, love of nature and beauty, being stubborn as well as a love for food and spending. The fact of the matter is, that Taurus moms are truly down to earth- and the fact that Taurus is an earth sign confirms that. They are patient with their kids, can discipline them well, and will teach them the value of the dollar even though they love luxurious things.

Even though Taurus moms can be stubborn to a fault and can have a nasty confrontation with their kids if they fail to see eye to eye- that is not their worst trait.

Because of the fact that the Taurus mom can have an extreme love for decadent and high caloric food, she will be prone to overindulging her kids on junk food especially if used as rewards. If she has the time to cook, she may not necessarily think of their best interest in regards to health. If the recipe is easy and tasty, even if it is high in calories- you will bet that will be dinner. Or if she is lacking in regards to time, she will go and get the tastiest and likely fattening readymade dinner at the supermarket.

These kids will be at risk of being overweight and Taurus moms can keep giving their kids tasty meals, but find ways to reduce the caloric value- and find other ways to reward kids for the sake of their well-being.

6 Libra - The Mom Who Is A Friend

The traits of Libra are finding balance, peace, harmony, but indecisiveness, as well as failing to handle confrontation. The fact that Libras moms are balanced, peaceful, and like to encourage harmony in the home- especially when it comes to settling arguments between siblings is certainly a great thing for the kids to be around.

However the problem that Libra moms are known to have is that they fail to become the disciplinarian, and in fact, the idea of that terrifies them. Therefore, more often than not they become their kids’ friend!

Even though there is nothing wrong with a parent being a friend to the child on some levels, kids require discipline and the Libra mom will not provide enough of it mostly because they don’t like confrontation. They also may not find it fair to discipline their kids properly, but the fact of the matter is that kids require structure and discipline, in addition to enjoying eating out with their mom.

5 Sagittarius - The Impulsive Mom

The Sagittarian traits are being adventurous, having the love of learning, independence, having a sense of humor as well as being impulsive. Therefore, Sagittarius moms have a strong desire to want their kids to start becoming adventurous and independent at a young age, and they are likely going to start traveling with their kids once they are old enough to retain information and gain something from their travel experiences. They will teach their children a variety of fascinating facts, and encourage them to be independent as well. Sagittarian moms will constantly make their kids laugh as they are humorous by nature.

However, the most common negative trait that a Sagittarian mom will possess is the fact that they are incredibly impulsive, and fail to keep their kids on a routine which is something that they absolutely require during their younger years. Therefore, one day when the kids are expected to be going on an outing to the downtown mall- the Sagittarian mom will immediately decide at the last minute that it is a beach day instead, which can be upsetting to the kids.

The Sagittarian mom may believe that not keeping them on a routine can help them become adventurous and more independent- and that will defeat the purpose because a lack of routine will make kids more insecure. Being spontaneous at times is a good thing to encourage them to become more independent but it needs to be balanced out with a healthy routine that kids need for security.

4 Virgo - The Nit Picky Mom

Virgo traits are being of service to others, being health conscious, cleanliness, and discipline. That said, if a Virgo mom’s child had a broken today, she would do anything she could to make sure it is fixed. In fact, the Virgo mom is an excellent multitasker as she keeps her home clean, works, possibly even volunteers while raising her own kids.

Even though she loves her children without a doubt, her expectations of them can be unrealistically high. Therefore she can be incredibly critical and will not easily accept that her kids may not be able to reach a certain level. Therefore, her expectations can stress her kids out. It is one thing to want your kids to be self-disciplined, but it is another when kids need to give something up because they genuinely are unable to do something no matter how hard they try.

The perfectionist nature of a Virgo mom is what can easily drive them away once they grow up, and the mom needs to accept that everyone has limitations- her kids as well as herself!

3 Scorpio - The Mom Of Extremes

The Scorpionic traits are intuition, protection, loyalty, honesty, but can be a nightmare if crossed. In fact, Scorpio moms are incredibly intuitive to the point that they usually even know what is happening with their kids before their kids would be aware of that for themselves.

In fact, Scorpio moms will fight for her kids in any way and you will want to think twice about insulting them if you remember who their mom happens to be! She will also put her family’s needs above her own and will always defend them. Especially if she feels any kind of risk for any of them being threatened in any way.

However, the biggest downfall of the Scorpio mom is that she will react the same way to her own kids if they have been dishonest- or did something that they knew they shouldn’t have done. Scorpio moms can come up with the cruelest punishments over moms of any other sign that can distress the kids. For instance, if a child of a Scorpio mom is in trouble, she will come up with a cruel punishment along the lines of letting her child keep his or her iPhone but will take away the charger and laugh at her child becoming anxious about the draining battery.

Kids of Scorpio moms have the risk of being afraid to make any kind of move due to the possibility it may be the wrong mom. Scorpio moms do not want their kids to fear them, but due to their nature, the risk is there.

2 Aquarius - The Mom With No Patience

The Aquarian traits are uniqueness, not wanting to conform, innovation, and detachment. Aquarian moms will encourage their kids to be true to themselves, to be creative and that they will never conform. She may have a preference to homeschool her kids but may have a tendency to only teach them what she wants to teach them.

By law, she will reluctantly teach what is on the curriculum because she knows herself it is best for the kids. However, you can bet she will teach them what she feels is important such as issues about global warming. But that is not what the vice of an Aquarian mom happens to be.

You can bet that the Aquarian mom will have absolutely no patience for meltdowns, and any kind of emotional explosion. She will also quickly forget that her kids will not automatically assume that she loves them which she obviously does, but many times fails to reassure them of this fact- therefore, they will think that their mom doesn’t love them, and she will need to remember to reassure them even if she is not demonstrative by nature.

1 Leo - The Mom That Never Grew Up

The common traits of a Leo are creativity, being childlike, as well as being vain, self-absorbed and dramatic. That said, the Leo mom is very childlike. Even though she loves to play with her kids and give them generous gifts, she still has a tendency to put her needs before her kids since the common trait that Leos possess is being self-absorbed. For instance, she won’t ever forget her kids’ birthdays, but she will insist on having an expensive party only to impress other moms- and face it, she will want the attention focused on herself.

Leo moms do love their kids deeply, but the truth is that they have the belief that their kids her extension. If an opportunity would arise, she would have no issues with flirting with their teachers.

However, if you are a Leo mom like I am, you probably don’t match this kind of extreme given the fact that we thankfully have different components in our charts- and the same applies to all of the other signs. I will admit that some of this happen to hit home though.

Sources: YourTango.com, Babble.com, MarieClaire.com, HuffingtonPost.com